Sunday, May 30, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXX

Every First Term President of The United States Must Look Forward to The Day when "They" Can say "The Buck Stops with me!" The Original saying was made by Former President Harry S. Truman when He said "The Buck Stops Here!
And, True to Form whatever The Disaster May be, whether Man-made, such as with The British Petroleum Fiasco, or A Natural Disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, in Actuality it Usually Ends Up Taking Years before The Conditions Caused by The Disaster are in Some Way, Favorably Resolved and Beneficial For One and All Involved !

And, Very Tragically, This is Continuing Pattern has Re-Occurred Over and Over again, For at Least A Millennium or More! Even before this Phrase was Coined, as the Saying goes!
My Point is that "The Buck Never Stops" by Simply Saying it, You have to Do Something! One thing is Not to Rely upon The Corporation who Caused The Problem in The First Place! This is Old School Teaching, First Grade!

And then, although I May be Jumping Back a bit, Make sure that You are Prepared to Become President of whatever Country in The World that You are Considering to Run for Office in, before You Enter into The Race to Become One! After all its a Job Unlike Any Other, but, if it was like Any Other You would have to Know how to Do it! Wouldn't You! Or, Can You Wing it, and Simply Learn on The Job with A Little Help from Your Friends!
Why? Simply, because there are Too many People, Citizens Of The Earth, who are Depending on Intelligent, Yes, but also, Experienced Leadership to Guide Them Through Troubled Times as Their Nations Leader!
And, This Job is Not just A Photo Op, or Global Popularity Contest amongst who has the Best Smile, or who Looks More Compassionate while Holding or Kissing some one's Infant during an Election Campaign for what May be The Most Powerful Position in The World! Is it!

Or, Simply Believing that The Time is Right to Run for Your Nations Top Office, for whatever Reason!
Nor, should it be because You are a Millionaire and have The Financial Connections to Buy Enough Votes, if that's at all possible? Or, Able to Sway Enough Votes, or have Enough Important Benefactors to Help You Become President, or Prime Minister, or Governor, or Mayor, or whatever Position it is that is being Sought after!

I would think, To Be The Leader of A Nation, wherever it May be, First of All,You have to Make An Unbreakable Commitment With The People!
And Secondly, You have to Make an Undying Commitment to Protect, Preserve and Serve The Earth, and All of its Sentient Life Forms!
And Thirdly, You have to Agree to Uphold The Laws and Principles Of The Earth, This The third Planet From The Sun!
And Stand Steadfast, when being Confronted by The Global Corporations of Big Business, or as "They" are Now being Referred to as "The Too Big To Fail" Corporations!
And, Stand Steadfast, when You are being Confronted by The Capitalistic Oligarchs (The Invisibles) when Their Plan's to Ravage The Earth "For Profit," are Not in The Best Interests of "We The People," or This Sacred Earth of Ours!
Such as, in The Offshore Drilling Oil Proposals!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have to Be Protected from The False Assurance's and False Promises Made by These Capitalistic Oligarchs, and Their Corporations Guarantee's that Nothing Will go Wrong, or, that "They" have Taken All the Necessary Actions to Make Absolutely Sure that "They" Can Handle any Problems that May Occur, is True!
Or else, as it is with British Petroleum (who has been seriously negligent before), "We" Will be Forced to Pay an Enormous Price for Their Indiscretions and Actions!
And, it Will be Too Late For Our Sea's, Skies, Lands, Sentient Life Forms and "We The People!"

And, it Will be Too Late for President Obama and His Administration, who Acted Too Late to Begin with, and Trusted Too Much in, yet, Another "Too Big To Fail" Corporation, who were Not Prepared to Provide The Proper Safety Measures as "They" Claimed to Have in Place!
BP's Actions and Negligence has Cost The Loss of Human Life, and who Knows what the Actual Cost will be of Sentient Life Forms, in General!
And then, there's The Loss of Employment, Earnings, and Quality of Life of Everyone Living in The Gulf who will be Severely Devastated by The BP Oil Spill!!

You would Think that after Centuries of Abuse, Misuse, and Manipulation by "The Powers that be," and The World of Big Business, that Our Nations Leaders would have Learned Not to Trust them Implicitly!
And, Make sure that Their Words are In Line with Their Actions!
Because, One thing that British Petroleum has Proven is that The World of Big Business Can Not be Trusted!
And to Continue with this Train of Thought for A Moment Longer, hasn't The Recent Debacle of Big Business, that has Caused Catastrophic Global UN-Employment, The Loss of Homes, and The Loss of Trust in Our Elective Officials, (who are Supposed to Oversee The Activities of Big Business), Shown Us UN-Equivocally that "They Can Not be Trusted, and Enough is Enough!
What More Proof Do "We" Need to Know that it's Definitely Time For a Change in The Way that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth do Business!
And, If there ever was a Time in Modern Civilization for "We The People," to Pause and Reflect upon The Ill Begotten Decisions "Made to Increase The The Almighty Bottom Line, which is, Profit for The Few, The Elite, The Power Brokers, The Too Big To Fail Corporations, and the, (Too Many) Bought and Sold Elective Officials, at The Expense of Our Quality Of Life, that Time is Now!
And, Just as Importantly, A Time for Change, A Peace Change is Now!
And, This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Time Economy "Of The People, For The People, and By The People,"and A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Need A Change from The Economic Failed System that has`Existed for Far Too Long, to A Peace Time Economy of Reconstruction that Includes Global Business Practices and Business Models that are Built on Ethical Codes of Behaviour that are Consistent with The Financial Laws and Regulations of A Higher Principled and Just Earth Society of "We The People!"!

And, Let Us Change from A World Beset upon by The Abuses of Our Children by Member's of The Worlds Religions, to A Highly Spiritual and Humanistic Era of Women and Men who have Learned to Place The Best Interests "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Above and Beyond The Evil, Sinful and Lustful Behaviour of Mankind!

And, Let Us Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue of All The Leaders of the Worlds Nations to Bring An End to The Senseless Waste, Destruction and Loss of Human Life due to The Fighting in One War after Another!

And, Let Us Bring to An Absolute Reality Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, and Call for An End to Poverty, Racism, Social Insecurity and Unrest amongst The Earths Populace!

And Let Our Non-Violent Earthrise Evolution Of Peace Sow The Seeds Of One Earth, Truth and Justice, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All!

And, Let's Make Sure that Our Age Evolves into A Cultural, Educational, Scientific, Technological and Spiritual Millennium of Peace!
And, Let's Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that Our Time has Come! Lets' Shake up The World! And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

And May Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls be as One, and In Memoriam with The Countless Number of Families who have Lost A Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, Cousin, Friend, or Neighbor!
This is The Way To Peace, An Age Of Consummate Conscious Awareness, and A Peace Millennium!