Thursday, June 3, 2010



The Way The Peace! XXXXXXXI

"We" Must Remain a Great Non-Violent Soul Force of Change! Irregardless of what may occur in The Middle East, North and South Korea, or Afghanistan/Pakistan! "We" Can Not Bestow upon Our Children and Their Children's Children The Conditioned Reality that Surrounds Each and Everyone of Us like a Spider Web, with No Other Recourse other than to Follow Step after Step down a Stagnant Path without any Outlet with the Exception of The Games that "They've (the Infamous They) have Programmed for Us to Play!

This is Not Real! This is The World of The UNReal! A Real Life Horror Sci-Fi Film Production without any Principle or Integrity to it! And, its Time that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Put an End to this Pretense!
"The Times They are A -Changin" as Bob Dylan wrote, and its Time for An Age of Human Evolution to Begin!

And, "We" Can Not Rely upon Our Present Cadre of World Leaders to Make the Changes that "We" Need to Sustain and Nourish Our Earthrise Evolution, because, "They" are Not Walking in Our Shoes (as the saying goes)! "They've" got Their Own World Agenda with Brand New Golden Sneakers, and Platinum Business Shoes and Priorities, that "They" are Not about to Change for Our Vision Path of Truth, Peace, and Cultural Evolution that Can Be of Benefit to "We The People!"

And for A Real Change to Come, which as Sam Cooke sang, "Its been a long, long time comin', "We" have to Change The World that "We" Live in from "UNReal to Real" as Mahatma Gandhi Shared with Us!

And, "We"Must Resolutely Stand Fast in Our Beliefs, and Put Forth Our Own Emancipation Declaration! One that that Free's Us from The Conditioned Prisons of The Mind, Intellect, Spirit, Soul, Physical, and Emotional States of Beings!
For if "We" Do Not Sow The Seed's of Change, and "Come Together" as John Lennon sang, "We" Will Continue to be Led along One Neverending Spiral to Another, of Lost Souls!

"We" Need to Build A New World of Change that Brings Hope, Learning, Sincerity, Passion, Commitment and A True Love of Life that Transcends The Illusions and Delusions that have Left Us in A Feverish Delirium of Controlled Manipulation, Degradation, and, at Times, Left Us Oblivious of what is Most Important to Us!

And, "We" Need A New Generation of Women and Men to Be The Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and Pioneers of A New Age of Evolved Idea's and Practicalities of Life, that both, Embraces and Cares for "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Our Families and Our Aspirations!

And, "We" also Need A New Spirit of Engagement that is both, Uplifting and Enlightening! Purposeful and Revealing, Encouraging and Empowering!

A New Spirit "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!" Carried and Spread by The Winds of Change althrough-out this Rich and Resourceful Earth of Ours! And, via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, Leaving No Heart, Mind, and Soul UN-Touched by Its Breadth, Scope and Universality!

A New Spirit that is Enriched by The Voices of A New Choir of Women and Men whose Voices are In Tune with A Solar Axiom of Notes, Melodies, Harmonies, and Rhythms "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Song of Peace! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Our Voices be Heard amongst This Choir of The Earths Populace who have Remained Silent For Much Too Long!

And, To Those of You who have Struggled and Fought the Good Fight, against The Restraints of Injustice that have Impeded and Prevented Us from Living Full and Plentiful Lives, Let Us, One and All, Join Hands and Sing Out in One Magnificent, United, Interdependent, and Harmonic Chorus that "We" are The True Believers in A World of Peace and Shared Prosperity For One and All, and that Our Time has Come. And, once again, as The Song goes "its been a long, long time comin', But I Know A Change's Gon' Come! Oh, Yes it Will!"

And, Let Us Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that Includes All of The Dissident Voices of This Earth and For Once and All End The Separation between Nations that has Plagued Humankind for Too Many Millenniums!
This is The Way To Peace that Our Ancestors and Future Generations Can be Proud of! And, I Can only Believe that Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Lao-Tse, Melchizedek Machiventa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Confucius, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Mother Teresa, St.Francis Of Assisi, and Socrates would be Proud of Us, as Well!

This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Vision that One and All Can Share in This Millennium! And, Remember that "We are The World," so, Lets "Give Peace a Chance!" And, Lets All Get On "The Peace Train," as Yusef The Artist, wrote and sang for Us! "We Shall Overcome!"