Thursday, June 10, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXIII

I grew up in An Age where you would Never Hear The President Of The United States Publicly refer to apart of the Human Anatomy in a Derogatory Way!
And, if I ever used such Language in the Form of An Expletive my Mother would have Threatened to Wash Out my Mouth with Soap and Water, if I ever said it again!

And, while I have been writing about The Need for A Change, I'm Positive that President Obama's Choice of Words during a Recent Interview was Not The Change that I was Referring to! Yes, The Times They Are A-Changin', as Bob Dylan sang, but...?

You would think that this was the Most Important Statement that The President has Ever Made, just look at The News Coverage that it has Received All through-out The News Media, and, Next, I Expect to See it on Bumper Stickers, Tee Shirts, and Hats, so, He Must have Known what He was Saying? Right?

In Fact, I Expect to Hear This Phrase Used in The Up and Coming Election Campaign for The Presidency, and in Regional, and Local Campaigns from All over The United States!

But, Seriously, I Can Understand The Presidents Frustration over The Lack of Progress being Made by British Petroleum! Plus, The Fact that "They" weren't Properly Prepared, and Did Not have The Proper Safeguards in Place, to Deal with The Ecological Tragedy that is Presently Taking Place in The Gulf!
Then, add to that, The fact that British Petroleum was Given The Green Light to Drill Offshore by The Federal Regulators who Inspected Their Rigs!

But, How does a Parent explain The Presidents Use of Improper Language to Their Children, who they are Trying to Do Their Very Best to Teach them Right from Wrong?

And, How does a Teacher explain The Use of Language Used by The President to Their Students?

And, What does The Policeman or Policewoman on The Beat, say when a Street Punk tells them to Kiss my etc. when The President has Used a Variation of this Phrase!

And, if I were An Independent Swing Voter, I would begin to Wonder if The President was The Agent of Change that I was Hoping for, when I Voted for Him!

These Questions have been Circulating in my mind, Why? Because The President is An Intelligent Man, so, What was He Thinking? And, as Marvin Gaye sang, "What's Goin" On?

In the Meantime, while The Warring Factions of The Earth Continue to Kill and Be Killed by One Another, Our Earth Continues to Change without Pause! And, The Natural Disasters are Having a Devastating Effect on "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and The Earths Ecological System!
And then, Add to that The Man Made Disasters that have had Enormous Negative Effect on Our Global Economy, (as In The BP Situation) and Caused UN-Imaginative Effects on The Environment!
Our Sea's are Being Polluted! Our Skies are Being Polluted! Our Lands are Being Polluted! Our Universe is Being Polluted! This Can Not Continue to Go On, and if Our Leaders do Not Heed "The Sign of The Times," to use The Title of a Prince Song, "We" are Going to Pay a Severe Price For it!

And, once again, British Petroleum is a Case in Proof of How Much is Being Taken For Granted by Our Leaders, or, is it Simply that The Regulators, and The Politicians have Been Influenced to Look The Other Way when Potential Infractions are Casually Overlooked, and Not Repaired by The Powerful Oil Barons who Rule The Oil Industry! And, who Want to Rule The World, although I'm quite sure that Tears for Fears were Not referring to them when they sang "Everybody Wants to Rule the World," and Rightfully so!

However, these Oil Barons act as if They" are The Privileged Class! The Elite, "The Too Big To Fail," or, is it "The Too Big to Touch" Industry!
Well,"They're Not! And, if "They" Break The Law, and Cause The Loss of Life then "They Must Lose Their Rights to Drill, and Should be Held to The Same Standards and Laws that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are Subject to!

But, Even More than that, This Earth of Ours Can No Longer Afford to Be Raped, Ravaged, and Depleted of its Natural Resources! And This is For Our Sake as well!

And, since Our Political Leaders Continue to Authorize The Spending of Trillions of Dollars to Win Wars and Capture Our Enemies and in Defense of Our Freedoms, "They" should, also, Prioritize An Equal Amount of Funds to Protect Our Skies, Sea's, and Lands from any Further Damage or "We" Will End Up Losing The Natural Resources, Parks, Forests, Jungles, Rivers, Oceans, Sentient Life Forms, and, in Fact,Cause The Earths Destruction! And, this is Not A Dooms Day Prediction, this is Just a Practical Use of Logic!
And, The Future Destiny of "We The People," Will End Up Resembling A Synthetic World with No Soul!

And, if President Obama and His Administration Lose in The Next Election it Will Be Their Own Fault!

Its been "A Long, Long Time Comin," as Sam Cooke sang, but, "We" All Know That A Change Must Come! And, This Change is The Way To Peace! And, A Peace Time Ecology! And, A Peace Time Economy! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Economists Claim that The U.S. Economy is Gradually Growing, but, as "We" are All Aware of, since The National UN-Employment Figures are still 9.7, that is Not Enough Growth to Care for Our Families! A Change Must Come!

And,The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces are still in Iraq in Harms Way, in the Tens of Thousands, when are They Coming Home? A Change Must Come!

And,"We" are still Bogged Down in An UN-Declared War in Afghanistan/Pakistan with No End in Sight! What Exactly is The Exit Plan! A Change Must Come!

And, If Al Qaeda and The Taliban are Planning to Attack Us, within The Borders of The U.S., then Shouldn't Our National Guard Be Here, Instead of Fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan! A Change Must Come!

And, its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Established A New Set of Priorities to Address the Sociological, Ecological, Financial, and Political Concerns of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
"They" Need to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Work Out The Differences amongst The Warring Factions of The Earth!

And,"They" Need to Focus on Ending Poverty! And, Ending The Abuse and Forced Enslavement of Our Children as Sex Objects!

The Time of Change is Upon Us, so, Let's Spread The Word that Our Time has Come!
And, Let's Use Our Words Carefully to Spread The Word that Our Earthrise Movement of Peace is Here to Stay!
Let's "Take it To The Streets" as The Doobie Brothers sang, and, as A Great Soul Force of The Truth, Let's Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, Can No Longer Wait for Something to Happen, "We" Have to Be "The Happening!"
Let's Vote for A New Generation of Women and Men who are Willing to Accept The Responsibility of Peace Millennium People Agenda!
And, Non-Violently Campaign, Demonstrate, and Sow The Seeds "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
And, Let's Call For The Establishment of A New Emancipation Declaration of the 21st Century and An Age of Peace on Earth For One and All to Share!
And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance," For "We are The World" and A Change Must Come!
"We" have been "Under Pressure" before (as the Song Goes), but "We Can Work it Out," and "We Shall Over Come!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!