Sunday, June 27, 2010




Does anyone Seriously Believe that The United States is Going to Start Withdrawing All of its Troops in July of 2011, from Afghanistan/Pakistan!
That's like Believing that there are No U.S. Troops Remaining in Germany, South Korea, Iraq, or Japan!

That's Why, i Do Not Understand why President Obama and His Administration are Trying to Convince Us, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, that He is Being Sincere when He Tell's Us that, This is What His Intention is!
He is An Intelligent Man, However, Even More so than this, is His Importance and Position as Being A Man of Integrity and Honesty and, The Leader of The Free Worlds Most Powerful Democracy, that is Tragically Being Diminished!
And with it, The Hope of The Future that He Will Be A Leader who Transcends The World of Politics as Usual Behavior!

So, It is of The Utmost Importance that He, Not Attempt to Mislead Us! Especially after, So Many Years of Being Mislead and Lied to by The Previous U.S. Administration, and Members of The U.S. Coalition Leaders who Partook in the Rhetoric and False Documentation that Led Us, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth into Yet Another UN-Declared War in Iraq!

And, Believe me, when i say that, i Do Not know of Anyone, Knowledgeable in World Affairs or Humanitarianism, who Did Not Believe that Saddam Hussein was An Evil Dictator, who Caused The Deaths of Millions of His Own People, as well as Hundreds of Thousands of His Neighbors and Their Families, if Not More!

But, having said that, it Does Not Excuse The Outright Lies about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction, that Lead Us into Another UN-Declared War! Remember,"We" Live in A Democracy!

And, The Vietnam War was Enough of An Effrontery and Misuse of Power that Caused the Deaths of more than 58,000 U.S. Women and Men of The Armed Forces! And, The Wounding of 100,000's More! And, that Does Not Include The More than 1. 1 million Deaths and Wounded of The North Vietnamese, and Their Guerrilla Allies!

This UN-Declared War also, Divided The U.S. in Half, and Caused Unlimited Distrust About The Imperialist Intentions Of The United States, Worldwide!
So, "We" Do Not have to Walk Down that Path of Destruction again!

Even though, The Actions of Our Previous Political Leadership and Administrations of The 21st Century, "We've" Become Involved in The Longest War/UN-Declared War in U.S. History, in The Afghanistan/Pakistan Conflict!
(Although, i Know in All Honesty that, The Genocide and Illegal Policy of Removal of Native Americans from Their Lands, Lasted Much More than Any Armed Conflict that The U.S. has been Involved in).

But, Why is it so Hard for The Present Administration to Understand that A Change Must Come?
And, Why aren't They Cognizant of The Fact that A New Multi-Faceted Global Politico/Financial System Must Be Initiated Worldwide with The Full Support of The World Leaders of The Earths Nations?
A Multi-Faceted Peace Time Global System, that Reflects The Rights and Freedoms "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Of This Planet Earth!

And that, This New Multi-Faceted System Must Transcend Capitalism, Socialism, Communism/Marxism, or Ism and Ocracy of whatever Political, Economical, or Religious Nature at All!

And that, It is of The Greatest Importance that Women and Men "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Come Forth to Both, Legally and Morally Represent The Citizens Of The Earth!

Why? Because A Change Must Come, and, Yes, " Its been a long, a long time coming, But I Know A Change is gonna come, oh yes it will," as Sam Cooke sang, and, "We"Must Prevail, For That Time is Here and Now!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 21st Centuries, Its Time that "We" Took Out All of The Old Peace Anthems, Dusted Them Off, and Non-Violently Demonstrate against The Capitalistic Oligarchs and Imperialists who have Maliciously Attempted to Control and Dictate what Should be the Main Criteria of Our Lives!

Let Us Non-Violently Demonstrate against these Imperialists as Did Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, in Their Own Great Civil Rights, Anti-War, and Rights Of Sovereignty Struggles, "For The People," Crusades, and Campaigns!
And, Once again, Its Time that "We" All sang A Song of Freedom, "Free At Last," Its Time that "We" were "Free At Last!"

And, May Our Earthrise Movement Extend Beyond The Boundaries of The Conditioned/Physical State of Being that has Impeded Us for so Long, and Let Us Be A Great Soul Force "Of The People, By The People, and For the People!" And, Without A Doubt, This Should be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!

And, Let Us Call For A Global Truce by All of The Earths Warring Factions, and Enter into A Peace Dialogue that Establishes The Rights Of Justice, Equality, and Equanimity For All Sentient Beings!

As Woody Guthrie sang, "This land is our land," and This Earth is Our Home, and "We" are The Heart, Mind and Soul of This Great Body Of Earth, Sea, Sky and Universe!

And, it is Our Responsibility to Re-Invest and Re-Enter into A Universal State of The Dignity and Respect For All Humankind!

And, Let Us, "One and All" Follow A New Vision Path that Leads Us, and Guides Us To Living in A World Of Peace that is Everlasting!

And, Let Us Share this Vision of Peace via All of The Global Outlets of The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, and Spread The Word that Our Time has Come!

And, Let this be Our Mantra, and Our Anthem Of Peace on Earth that Future Generations Can Rejoice in, and Give Thanks for!
Too Many Tears have been Shed in The Name of Peace!
And, Too Many of Us, Women and Men have Given Their Lives, so that Future Generations Can Live Free from Fear, and Oppression!

"We Can Work it Out," as The Beatles sang, However, It is Essential that "We" Learn to Live in Peace with One Another! Now!
Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!