Sunday, June 20, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXVI

The Trail Of Tears has Extended Beyond the Parameters of American History to Encompass All Of Our Lives. It has gone Beyond the The Illegal Removal and Deaths Of The Cherokee Indian Nation to Reach Out to, and have an Effect on Each and Everyone of Us in One Way or Another!
And, has Continued from War to War, and Holocaust to Holocaust! And, its Time that A Change Must Come!
And, Its Time that "We the People," were Given An Opportunity to Live in Peace!
And, Its Important to Establish that there is No Place for Dictators, Terrorists, White Collar Crime, Pedophiles, False Prophets, or Corrupt Politicians! Need I Continue to Go On! A Change Must Come!
And, "We" Should All Show Our Indignity and Disgust after The Deaths of So Many of Our Family Members and Friends that has Transpired for Millenia after Millenia, Seemingly Without End!
And, Its Time for A Millenia of Peace to Become A Reality! Let it Be Now, For All Of Our Sakes!

And, May Our Armed Forces be Omnipotent in Their Defense Of The Peace, for in doing so, They are Protecting Our Lives, and The Lives of Our Families and Friends! So that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth May Live in Peace, and Share in The Limitless Resources of Our Planet!
These Women and Men have Paid The Ultimate Price for Peace! They've Given Their Lives, These Heroes, Wounded, and The Brave, in Order to Protect, Serve and Preserve Our Freedom, Dignity, and The Earth, to Evolve in Parallel with The Unlimited Expansion and Evolution of The Universe, of which "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are, but, A Small, although, Meaningful Part of!

And, its Time that "We" One and All, Honor Their Sacrifice by Sharing The Peace and Respecting The Way's Of Life of One Another, so that, "We" May, One and All, Embrace The Universal Principles and Ideal's Of A Myriad Diverse Nationalities, Races and Creeds of The Earth! Our Home!
And, The Exit Plans of These Conflicts Must be Consistent with Our Principles and Ideals!
The 94,000 U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Fighting in An UN-Declared War Deserve this, and Must be Made to Know, as Should Our Coalition Allies, that Their Sacrifice and Great Effort has Not been Made in Vain, and is in The Name of Peace!
And, The Earths Population Must Know that Peace on Earth is Our Ultimate Goal as well!
And, The Enemies of Peace Must be Made to Understand that "We" Will Never Retreat from Our Beliefs in The Goal of Peace on Earth!
And that, "We" Will Never Back Down when Threatened by Fear, or Attacks Upon Our Way Of Life, and Of Peace, and Freedom!

And, its Time for "A Long Term Restoration Plan" as Suggested by President Obama in regards to The Gulf Disaster, to be Used as An Example for The Elimination and Resolution of The Economical Downturn that has Plagued The Earths Societies, Countries, States, Cities, Villages, and Towns!

And, The Time has Come for The Global Economists, and Political Leaders to Speak Up, and Speak Out in The Name of This Global Restoration and Reconstruction Plan!
Everyone Knows that The Present Global System is Broken, and A Change Must Come!

Everyone is Aware that Global UN-Employment is A Result of this Broken and Failed System, and A Change Must Come!

The BP Disaster and Tragedy in The Gulf is A Microcosm of This Failed System, Because, it is an Extension of The "Free Pass to Go," Modus Operandi that has been Continuously Provided by The Regulators and The Federal Government! And This Can Not Continue to Go On UN-Regulated! A Change Must Come!

These "Too Big to Fail" Corporations and Businesses Must be Made to Change Their Business Models from The Philosophy of "Profit and Productivity without Baring Responsibility of The Results and Consequences of Their Actions," Must End!
A Change Must Come!

And, The Citizens Of The Earth Must Know, "Without a Doubt," that The Fed, The IMF, The ECB, and All of The Global Banks, Financial Institutions, and World Nations have Built a New Escrow Account and Financial System "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to be Used in Support "Of The People," and Their Way Of Life!
A New Multi-Faceted Financial System "For The People," that Will Make Absolutely Certain that there is Enough Liquidity in The System to Support and Pay for The Global and Personal Concerns "Of The People," in The Future!

A Multi-Faceted Global Financial System that Will Guarantee that The Families "Of The People," Will be Provided for, and Cared for when Faced with Man Made or Natural Disasters! Because, A Change Must Come!

And lastly, "We The People," Must Be Protected from The Greedy "Profit for Our Investors Mentality at any Cost," of Big Business, Because Our Welfare and The Welfare of The Earth, Our Home, is At Stake!
And, It is Of The Greatest Importance that "We" Change The World! And, Non-Violently Shake Up The World!

And, It is of The Greatest Importance that Our Way of Life Should Not be Controlled by The Dictates of The Capitalistic Oligarchs! Because, A Change Must Come!

And, it is of The Greatest Importance that "We" Learn to Trust and have Faith in One Another, Because, "We are The World," and The Backbone of The Global Economy! And, A Change Must Come!

And, Because "We" Need Each Other, just as "We" are in Need Of The Earth, to Be and Remain A Sanctuary of Natural Evolution and Growth!
And, This Growth Should Be in Equanimity and Harmony with Our Lives and The Lives Of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings!
And, This is The way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Let This be The Season Of Change that Gives Birth To An Age Of Cultural Evolvement and Conscious Awareness!

And, Let This be The Season of Change that Gives Birth to An Age of Educational Evolvement, and Spiritual Transcendency!

And, Let This be The Season of Change that Brings An End of Poverty and Elitism!

And, May Our United Voices Sing Out as One, that The Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue has Come!

And, May Our Voices Sing Out as One For A New Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, For All Sentient beings!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement Give Birth to An Age of Accountability, Enlightenment, Truth, Equality, and Justice For One and All!

And, It is of The Greatest Importance that, This Age of Global Communication Spread The Word that Our Time has Come, and that A Season of Peace is Upon Us!
And, as A Great Soul Force and Empowerment "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Let Us Sing Out, "Give Peace a Chance!" And, "We Shall Over Come!"
This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Great Potential!
And, A Magnificent New Season of Peace, A Peace Millennium!