Wednesday, June 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXVII

Who Really is "Team America?" General McChrystal & His Aids? President Obama, His Administration & National Security Team, General Petraeus, Vice President Biden, Sec. Of State Clinton, Sec. Of Defense Gates, The Supreme Court, The Ex-Presidents & Vice Presidents Of The U.S., The Political Parties, The Cable & Network News Reporters & News Commentators? Or, is it "We The People?"
As Dysfunctional, at times as "We" May be, I Sincerely Believe that The Answer is "We The People!"
Why? Because, The Political/Media Circus of The Ridiculous is Just Too Much to Trust!
But, In Actuality "We are All Team America" and The Sooner that "We" Learn, and Accept this, The Better it Will be For All of Us!

But, to Expand upon this Point who is Team Earth? The Leaders of The EU, President Medvedev of Russia, President Hu Jintao of China, Chancellor Merkel of Germany, President Sarkozy of France, The Prime Minister Cameron of England, The Global Members Of The United Nations, or, "We" who are The Citizens Of the Earth?
Once again, I Sincerely Believe that The Answer is "We," who are The Citizens Of The Earth!
And, Once again, it is For The Same Reason!

And, Once again, It is More than Obvious that The Global Social Model/System Does Not Work! That Includes The Political and Financial Systems as well!

And, The Immoral Behavior of Some Members Of The Worlds Religions have Caused Such A Loss of Faith, in Their Guidance, by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, that Their Word is Less and Less Being Looked upon, by Us, as Being "The Word Of God!" And, Once again, it is More than Obvious that A Change Must Come!

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that A New Global Multi-Faceted Financial System be Put in Place of The Failed One that has Caused The Global UN-Employment that has Devastated The States, Cities, Towns, and Villages Of The Earths Nations!

And, it is of The Utmost Importance that A New Global Multi-Faceted Political System be Put in Place of The Compromised and Corrupt One of The Past, that has Over Taxed, Underpaid, and Lied to Us, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth For Far Too Long!
A Change Must Come!

And, it is Obvious that "We" are in Need of A New Generation Of Women and Men in Whom The Principles and Ideals "Of The People," are Treasured Above and Beyond The Call to Duty by Civilian and Military Leaders who No Longer Respect, Honor, or Consider The Concerns "Of The People," as Being Their Primary Concern!

And, The Ambitions of Those in The Theatre of War & Terrorism Lack in Integrity, and Too Many of Our Women and Men are Dying In UN-Declared Wars, and Global Attacks by Terrorists!

There is Nothing Wrong in Death, as Long as it has A Natural or Noble Purpose, and, or Reason for Being in The First Place!

And Secondly that, The Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Nieces and Nephews, GrandMothers and GrandFathers Deserve Nothing Less than A Noble Reason or Purpose for Losing A Member of Their Family, if in Deed Such A Crushing Moment Should Occur!

Each and Every Life Should Not Be Taken for Granted by The Leaders Of The Worlds Nations, Civilian or Military! Or, The Global Clergy! Once again, Its More than Obvious that The Time For Change has Come!

This is The Time for Reconstruction and Restoration of The Earths Communities!This is The Time for Global Investment in Green Technologies, and Peace Time Industries!

This is The Time to Find Solutions to The Myriad Differences that have Caused Distrust and A Lack Of Respect For Another!
Why? Because, Once again there are Terrorist Attacks in Turkey, and Iraq!

And, Once again, there are Epithets and New Threats of Violence being Made by Al Qaeda and The Taliban against The U.S. and its Coalition Allies!
A Change Must Come!

A New Season Of Peace and Prosperity Must Come to Be!

A New Millennium of Cultural, and Spiritual Awareness Must Come to Be!

A New Global Social Model of Peace and Equanimity Must Come to Be!

A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All Warring Factions of This Planet Earth Must Come to Be!

And, A New Emancipation of "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, that Calls For An End of Poverty, and The Promise of, and Absolute Commitment to, A New Age of Social Welfare "For The People" Must Become A Reality!

And, A Universal System Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Indivisible and Interdependent, that Shows Honor and Respect For One and All Must Come to Be A Reality!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, its Definitely Time For A Climate Change All along The Earths Horizon!

And, Its Time For A New Season Of Hope, Enlightenment and A True Measure of Women and Men, Must Replace the Sophists that have Mislead Us, and Guided Us into One War after Another without Thought of what Damage it Would Cause to The Psyche of Our Children, and Our Children's Children, for Generations to Come!
A Change Must Come!

So, Let Us Reach Out To Kindred Spirits, Soulmates, Friends, Neighbors, and to Each Other, and, Let Us Resolutely and Steadfastly Spread The Word that Our Time has Come!

And, Let Us via The Internet, Non-Violent Demonstrations, and The Global Cross-Media Universe, Make Our Positions Known, that A Change Must Come! A Peace Change!

And, Let Us, as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Truth, Sow the Seeds of A Peace that is Everlasting! And, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! "We Shall Overcome!"