Sunday, June 13, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXIV

How is it Possible that The Fallen Heroes of Our Armed Forces have been Misplaced or, Placed in Mislabeled Graves in Arlington Cemetery, The Premier American Military Cemetery?

How is it Possible that Their Lives Could Be So Taken For Granted?

What Did They do to Deserve such Disgraceful Treatment?

Isn't is Enough that They have Died For Their Country, and that Their Families and Friends Will Not have Their Joy and Laughter to Share at Family Gatherings for The Rest of Their Lives?

Isn't it Enough that Their Life Lines have been Cut Short before They've had An Opportunity to Enjoy a Full Life?

Do These Heroes, also, have To Bear The Insult of Being Lost in Their Own Country!

What Inept, Insensitive, Incomprehensible System Could be Responsible for Such a Travesty!

And, what Grotesque Act of Ignorance Could Make such a Terrible Act of Inexcusable Thoughtlessness!

Isn't it Enough, that Our Daughters and Sons, Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Nieces and Nephews, Friends and Neighbors have been Sent to Fight in UN-Declared Wars on Foreign Shores!

Isn't it Enough, that The Reasons for The UN-Declared War in Iraq was Totally Pre-Fabricated and Based on False Pretenses, and Outright Lies!

Isn't is Enough, that Our Brave Women and Men have Selflessly Chosen to Give Their Lives to Protect Our Way of Life, Our Freedoms, and Our Principles!

Isn't it Enough, that They have Heroically Fought in Harms Way to Protect The Liberties and The Rights "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," from Dictators and Warmongers!

And, What is Their Reward? To Be Buried in Mislabeled or Misplaced Graves!

What Kind of Sacrilegious, Irreverent Behavior, is this! And, The Shame of it, The Horrible Shame of it! A Change Must Come!

But, Fear Not, Because "We Shall Overcome," However, to Use a Light Repartee to Deal with this Tragic Situation, and Very Serious Time Period in Our Lives in General, allow me to Use a Variation of a Title of One of Ringo Starr's songs to say "It Won't Come Easy! Nothing Does!

But, its All The More Reason for The Need to Change Our Lives from The Insensitive Conditioned Way of Life that has Manipulated Us for Millennium after Millennium, to A New Age of Conscious Awareness, Enlightenment, Knowledge, and Respect For The Lives Of One Another!

I Can Hear The Byrds singing these words, adapted from The Book of Ecclesiastes " There is a Time to be Born and A Time to Die," but, to Die Under these Circumstances is Not what "We The People" Can Afford to Endure For One More Day! A Change Must Come!

This Year, there has been Another 35 U.S. Deaths in The UN-Declared War in Iraq, and Another 167 U.S. Deaths in The UN-Declared War Afghanistan/Pakistan!

And then, Add to that Another 5o Deaths from The UK, and 40 More Deaths from Our Coalition Allies! Can this Continue to Go On Unconditionally! Can it?
A Change Must Come!

A Lyric from Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind comes to mind, "How Many Deaths will it take Til he knows That too many People have Died? And, I sincerely Believe that "We" are All Aware, in Our Heart of Hearts, that Too Many People Have Died, and Enough is Enough!
And, its Time that "We" Turned Our Anger and Frustration Resulting from The Failure of The Global Financial System, The British Petroleum Disaster, White Collar Crime, Corruption, Fraud, Global UN-Employment, Poverty, Pedophiles in The Church, UN-Declared Wars, The Lack of Proper Funds to Finance Our Children's Education, The Lack of Health Care Affordability, and Political Ineptitude, into A Great Earthrise Movement of Change and Peace!

And, once again, as The Cycle of Life goes Round 'n Round, "We" have A New Opportunity to Change The World For The Better!

And, once again, as The Cycle of Life goes Round 'n Round "We" have a New Chance to Make a Difference!

And, One Person Can make a Difference, as Mahatma Gandhi has Proven! A Jesus Of Nazareth has Proven! One Person Can Make a Difference as Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Confucius, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, St Francis of Assisi, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, and Siddhartha Gautama have Proven!
And, All Together "We" Can Make A Difference and Non-Violently, Shake Up The World! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, as Woody Guthrie sang "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land," and This Earth is Our Home, and "We" are All The Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, Indivisible, Interdependent, and Free To Choose to Live in A Universal System that Embraces "One and All!"
A Universal System "Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, Let Our Emancipation of The 21st Century Be An Example of Our Earthrise Movement of The Empowerment Of "We The People!" And,to Use a Phrase from Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" its Time to "Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds," and Our Time has Come!

And, May Our Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue Be "For The People!"

And, May "We" Continue to Be A Great Soul Force of Change, that is Endorsed By All The People!

And, as Peter, Paul & Mary sang, "If I had a hammer, I'd sing it in the morning, I'd sing it in the evening all over this Land!"
And by this Example, Let Us Spread The Word that Our Time has Come, All over this Land, via The Internet, and The Global Cross-Media Universe, All Day and All Night Long!

Edwin Starr sang "War, huh, good God what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!" And, He was Absolutely Right! Let's "Give Peace Chance," as John & Yoko sang, With The Help of a Few Good Friends!
This is The Way To Peace, and A New Age of Hope! And, A Peace Millennium!