Thursday, June 17, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXV

The Way To Peace Leads Us, "One and All," to An Exciting, New, and Wonderful Opportunity to "Come Together" as John Lennon sang with The Beatles!
Its An Opportunity for Us "One and All," to Transcend The Myriad Illusions, Discrepancies, and Diversities that have Saturated This Conditioned Reality that has Led Us Astray, Misguided and Kept Us Separate from Believing in One Another, for Most of All Humanity!

This is An Opportunity for Us to Sow, and Care for The Seeds of A New Age of Alternative Energy Sources such as; Wind, Solar and Hydro Power, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Tidal Power, Fossil Fuel, Methanol and Ethanol!

This is An Opportunity for Us to Develop and Encourage The Growth of A New Peace Time Economy, even as "We" are still Embroiled in 2 UN-Declared Wars, and A Global War on Terrorism!

Its An Opportunity for Us to Make Changes in The Global Political Systems that have Continuously Failed Us, and "We" Can, through Non-Violent Demonstrations, and in The Next Elections, Continue to Sow The Seeds of Our Grassroots Movement of Peace "All along The Earthrise Horizon!"

And, This is A Perfects Time Period to Encourage A New Generation of Women and Men of Enlightenment and Wisdom, who are Genuinely Concerned about The Welfare of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Come Forth as Truthful, Honest, and Accountable Representatives "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and for The Sake of This Planet Earth!
And, it Does Not Matter Whether They be Members of The Socialist, Capitalist, Communist, Conservative, Labour, Democrats, Republican or Libertarian Parties!
Nor, Does it Matter what Race, Nationality or Creed They May be, as long as These Women and Men are in Full Agreement and in Total Realization that "We" are "All" One People Born, (First and Foremost), as Citizens Of The Earth!

And, its Important that These Women and Men be Transparent, Knowledgeable and Experienced in The Fields of; Global Industry, The Ecology, The Universal Environment, The Global Economy, Politics, Spirituality, Education, Arts & Culture, and The Everyday Life and Welfare of "We The People!" Because The Time for Change, has Truly Come!
In "Turn, Turn, Turn," a song sung by The Byrds, there is a Line that is very meaningful, "There is a Season (Turn, Turn, Turn,) and A time for every purpose under heaven." And, This is The Time and Season for Us to Unite in A Common Cause that is Beneficial and Meaningful to The Overall Evolution of "We The People!"

And, May "We" be Purposefully, Resolutely, and Steadfastly United Firmly Together as A Great Soul Force of One World, Determined to Exist in Peace and Equanimity, and "Free At last" from The Transgressions of The Past! And, Unburdened from The Horrors that have Plagued, and Drained Us as A People!
This Should be a Main Fixture of Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!
And that, "We" as A People, are "Free At last" to Pursue Our Goals in Life!
"Free At last" to Live as One Family of Humankind!
And, once again, as Sly and The Family Stone sang "We are Family!" And, "We," Every Single One of Us, Should be Experiencing Being Here and Now as "A Family Affair!"
After all, "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And This Earth's Security, is Our Security!
This Earths Well being, is Our Well Being!
And, This is Why "We" Need to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, so that Our Leaders Can Pause to Address The Thoughts, Idea's, and Evolution of Our Personal and Universal Perspectives, and The Issues that "We," as A People, are Most Concerned about!
This is The Way To Peace and An End of War!
And, a Way that Leads to A Time Period of Peace of on Earth! A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Apply The Lessons Learned from Previous Times when The Fabric of Our Earths Societies were Threatened by War and Economic Instability!

Let Us Apply The Lessons Learned when "We" were Faced with Violence and Aggression!

And, Let Us Apply the Lessons Learned in The Past, when "We" were Faced with Injustice, Crime, The Human Slave Trade, Religious Hypocrisy, and Political Selfishness, Ineptitude, Corruption and Greed!

And, Let Us Spread The Word that Our Time has Come to Complete The Work that was Previously Begun by Our Foremothers and Forefathers!
The Work that Heralded A New Beginning, A New Age, and A Rebirth of The Ideals and Principles of Life that Foretold of A Season of A Great Peace Millennium, and A Shared Prosperity for "One and All!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word via all The The Global Outlets of This New Age of Advanced Technology, Science, and Communication, that its Time for A Change! A People Change!
And,A Change that All Sentient Beings Can Embrace as Their Own!
And, its Time that "We"Gave Peace a Chance, for The Sake Of The World and This Earth that is Our Home!
For "We are The World!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!