Friday, July 2, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXIX

This is Without a Doubt an Important Time Period for Reflection and Action in regards to, What are "We" Doing to Encourage and Inspire Our Children to Explore Their Individual Potentialities!

Are "We" Motivating them to Evolve in Accordance to Their Own True Nature, or Through The Conditioned Reality of Controlled and Manipulated System that has Proven to Be Inept and Failed, Economically, Politically, and Lacking in The Ways of what A 21st Century Model of What Human Nature Should be?

There are Many Questions that Need to be Addressed by Each and Everyone of Us, such as; Are "We" Providing Our Children with The Proper Educational, Intellectual, Universal, Personal, and Spiritual Nourishment and Sustenance that They Will be in Need of if They are to Flourish as Healthy and Enthusiastic Individuals of The Earths Societies!
And, Are "We" Showing Them The Needed Patience that They will Need to Exist and Evolve in Equanimity?

And, What Kind of Socio-Political Life Structure are "We" Setting up to Support Their Evolvement into An Age of What "We" Hope Will be A Healthy, Productive, Enlightened and Spirited Evolution of Their Lives?

And, What Kind of Global, National, Regional, and Local Leadership are "We" Electing to Represent Their Interests and The Concerns Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, What Kind of Psychological Influences are Being, or, Have been Put in Place to Have A Positive, or Controlling Effect on Our Lies?

And, Are The Socio-Political and Spiritual Mores of Our Global Leaders Providing The UN-Impeded and UN-Deterred Space for The Minds, Bodies and Souls of Our Earths Communities and Families to Evolve in Freedom?

And, How is Our Earth, Skies, Sea's and Universe Fairing in The Midst of The Constant Abuse of The Industrial Evolution and Global Marketing of Our Earths Resources?

And, Are The Visions, Idea's, Thoughts, and How "We" Express Ourselves, Reflective of An Earths Society of Limitless Potential?

When i ask myself these Questions, it Gives me A Clearer Perspective of What Our Leaders are in Effect Doing on Our Behalf!
And, Further Insights into What Needs to Be Done!

And, it Helps me to Understand What Motivates those Who've "We've" Chosen to Represent and Advise Us!

And, Whether or Not Their Actions, Idea's, Thoughts and Words are For Our Benefit, or Solely For Their Own Benefit!
One Thing for sure is that, There is No Doubt in my Mind that This is A Time Period when Change is Necessary!

And, It is to The Credit of Our Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual and Universal Fortitude that "We've" Continued to Challenge Ourselves to Go Beyond The Conditioned Realities that that Have Impeded Us and Caused Us to Search for New Alternatives that Can Provide Us with Honest, Fair Minded, and Just Solutions to Further Our Human Evolution towards A Higher Calling! Or, to "A Higher Ground," as Stevie Wonder sang!

A Higher Calling that is In Equanimity with The Universes UN-Limited Boundaries of UN-Limited Growth!

A Higher Calling that Embraces The Natural Evolution, and Peace filled Millennium of A Universal Expansion of UN-Limited Macro Cosmic Potentialities!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" Can No Longer Stay Silent, while Non-Productive and Draining Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions Continue to Deplete, Yet Another Generation of Young Woman and Men, Because of The Limited Visions of The Leaders of The Worlds Nations, who Continue to Lead Us Down Paths of War, and Continued Violence and Aggressive Behavior!

"We" Can Not Afford Another Day of Our Children, Friends, and Neighbors, to Fight in Another War, UN-Declared War, or Global War against Terrorism, Without Our Consent, or Vote!

And, "We" Can Not Continue to Be Lead into these Ongoing Conflicts, Without Our Agreement!

Our Civilian and Military Leaders have Led Us into One UN-Declared War after Another on False Pretenses, and Its Definitely Time for A Change!

Its Definitely Time to Call For A Global Truce amongst All Warring Factions, and One by One, Find a Solution to Each Conflict and Through Peace Dialogues, Supported by A Global United Force of Peace, Influence and Convince "One and All" that A New Age of Peace and Prosperity For One and All, Must Come!

And, Let Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, and Earthrise Movement of Peace, Embrace The Welfare and Principles "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
The Earth has been Ravaged and Raped by War and Violence For Too Many Millenia!
And, The Earths Children have been Afflicted by Genocide and The Misuse of Their Lives For Too Many Millenia!
A Change Must Come! A New Season of Peace Must Become A Permanent Reality in Our Lives!
And, to Use A Michael Jackson Title, "This is It!" Our Time has Come!
This is Our Land! This is Our Earth! And, "We are The World!"
And Together, Let Us Sow The Seeds of A Peaceful Existence on Earth that "One and All" Can Share! In Equanimity! And, In Equality! Sharing in The Resources and Prosperity Of The Earths Riches!

Its Time that "We" Gave Peace A Chance! Our Fallen Heroes and Heroines Deserve Nothing less, and Our Future Generations Deserve a Chance to Live Their Lives in Peace! Too Many Tears have Fallen in Vain!
So, Let Us "One and All" Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that A Time and Season Of Peace Must Become A Reality!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!