Monday, July 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXVI

And, The UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and Iraq Go On! Another 16 Soldiers & Marines were Killed last week in The Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan Conflicts, and then, Add to that The Growing Loss of Life by Members of The Coalition Forces! Too Many of Our Young Women and Men have been Lost in these UN-Declared Wars! And, to what Value Can you Place upon These Loss of Lives! The Figure is IN-Calculable to A Mother and Father, Sister and Brother, Grandmother and Grandfather, or Any Family Member! And, The Tears of Love that have Fallen are Too Many to Count!
And then, Add to that The Recent Release of The 90,000 Classified Field Documents by Wikileaks Reveals The Complexities and Intricacies of These UN-Declared Wars!
And then, Add to that the Comments Made by Michael Steele Chairman of The RNC, that The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan was "Not Something the United States had Actively Prosecuted or Wanted to Engage in!" To The Comments Made by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Former National Security Advisor to Former President Jimmy Carter, that he "Doesn't know if The War in Afghanistan is winnable, " on The Morning Joe TV Program show, then Add to that The War Crimes, All of which Demonstrates, just some of, The Vulnerabilities that Continue to Threaten President Obama's Commitment, and Choice to Follow along His Path of War and Peace! And, Understand that its No Longer Former President Bush's War, it's Now President Obama's! And, A Change Must Come in This Path of Policy Making, and Destruction!
And lastly, Imagine, just How Much The Hundred's of Billions, if Not Trillions of Dollars Spent on These UN-Declared Wars Could be Used to Help Rebuild The Sagging, or The Painfully Slow Growth of The U.S./World Economy!

And, Speaking of Which, This, so called, "Steady Moderate Recovery," Imagined by The Obama Administration Still has Not Provided Enough Jobs to Change The 9.5% UN-Employment Figures in The U.S.
And The Global Economy is Being Faced with The Same Lack of Growth in The Job Market as well! And, once again, Its obvious, That A Change Must Come!

Why, Because The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Must Come to The Full Realization that A War Time Economy Does Not Work For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, The Current, Failed, Financial, and Political Systems Do Not Work For "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth as well!
And, once again, A Change Must Come! Its Definitely Time For A Peace Time Economy!

All of which, Supports The Need for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst The Leaders of The Free Nations of The Earth, and The Warring Factions who have Been Bent upon The Continuing Path of Creating Chaos and Conflict for Their Own Benefit!
It Should Be obvious, by Now, to "One and All," that A World that is Constantly at War with Itself, Simply Does Not Work!
Why? Again, Quite Simply, Because, There is No Sustained Growth or Stimulus From this Destructive State of Amorphous that is Strong Enough to Reduce The Global Deficits, and Restore Confidence in "We The People!" A Change Must Come!

And, It seems to me, that Much Too Often, The Worlds of Business, Finance and Politics, are Being Conducted as if "They" were Playing a Global Game of Monopoly! But, The Truth is, that there are Millions of Families who have Lost Their Homes, and Millions of Children who are Living in Poverty, Because of The Immoral Tactics, and Practices of The Global Banks, Financial Institutions, and Governments who have All Gone along with "A Profit at Any Cost," Mentality, or Philosophy of Doing Business!
And, in The End, its "We The People," Citizens of The Earth who End up Paying a Dear Price for The Risk Taking and Failures of All of The Corporations, Banks Institutions and Governments who are Involved!
And then, to Compound the Offense, "We" are Taxed to Compensate for Their Losses! And, This to, is Why A Change Must Come!

And, This is also Why A New Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Must Be Created to Provide Protection "Of, By and For The People," from The Abuses of Power by The Capitalistic Oligarchs, and Their Lobbyists that have Permeated Every Way of Life Imaginable!
They have Corrupted Our Youth with Their Philosophies of Profit at Any Cost, and Compromised The Fabric of Our Earths Societies, Leading Us Down A Path of Conditioned Reality! "They" have No Heart, Nor, Do "They" Have A Soul!
"They" only have a Passion For Profit at Any Cost!

Just Look at The Damage and Destruction They have Caused to Our Earths Skies, Sea's, and Lands, and Next Will Be The Universe if They have Their Way!
And, This is Why, A Change Must Come!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" No Longer have The Luxury of Time is On Our Side!

And, "We" Can No Longer Afford to Wait for The Next Marketing Period, or, For Summer to Come to An End!
"We" Must Act Now Because, "We" are at A New Crossroads and Our of Fate and Destiny Depends on Us Acting in Concert with One Another! As A Nexus of The Truth! And "We" Must Make Positive Use of This Time Period, For A New Season Of Change has Come!
And, "We" have to Continue to Sow The Seeds of This New Season of Peace Now, and Change, Not only For The Sake of Our Children, But also, For The Sake of Our Children's Children!

And, Do Not Be Fooled By The Illusions of Change, For They are Many!" And,
Let Us Remember that, The Face of Change is Not often what "We" have Imagined it Would Be, or have Hoped for, But, in Fact, Just Another Front Created by Those amongst Us, who Would have Us Believe that Change has Come!

Let Us, instead, Rely upon Our Own Common Sense, and, that Actions Speak Louder than Words! So that, as The Who sang, "We Won't be Fooled Again!"

And, Let Us Surmount and Transcend The Generation Gap, or Race, Nationality and Creed that "We" May have Grown up as, to Become and Realize Our Destiny, that "We" are All Citizens of The Earth, and that, No One is An Immigrant!

And, Let Us Spread and Sow The Seed's of Our Earthrise Movement of "Peace Now," via The Internet and The Cross Media Universe! And, Resolve Within Ourselves to "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace, and A Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Economical, Philosophical Evolution, and A Peace Millennium!
Think of it, Imagine it, and, Let Us Demonstrate, Non-Violently Together as A Great Soul Force of The Light, A Vision of A Far Reaching and Everlasting Vision Path of Peace On Earth!" Let it Be!