Thursday, July 8, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXI

The Question is what Do You Believe? Do you Believe that Anyone Should Live in Poverty? Just Imagine the Fact that there are Tens of Millions of Children Living in Poverty!

Do you Believe that Anyone, Should Be Homeless?

Do you Believe that Complete Families, Our Fellow Human Beings, Should Live in Homeless Shelters? Or, in Tents? Exposed to Unsanitary Conditions that are Too Depressing and Inhumane to Imagine!

Do you Believe that Your Children Should be Sent to Fight in UN-Declared Wars, Without A Pre-Planned Exit Strategies?

Do you Believe that Being UN-Employed Should Cause The Loss of Your Home, or Family, or Being Unable to Provide for them?

Do you Believe that Your Child's Education Should Place You, or Your Children in Debt by The Time They Graduate from College?

Do you Believe that Your Health Care Should Be Profited on by The World of Big Business, to The Degree that You Can Not Afford it?

Do you Believe that Any Group of People Should Receive Inordinate Amounts of Money at The Expense of Another? Such as The CEO's of Big Business & The Global Markets!

And, Why Should Anyone Born on This Planet Earth Be Referred to as Being An Immigrant?

Why Should Anyone Look upon Another in A Derogatory Manner?

And, who has Given Our Governments The Right to Declare Hostilities Towards Another Without The Approval and Agreement "Of The People, By The People and For The People?"

And, who has Given Our Governments the Right to Tax Us Over and Over, and, In as Many Way's as "They" Want to?

And, who has Given The World of Capitalism, or Big Business the Right to Ravage and Rape Our Planets Natural Resources Without Pause?

And, who Gave The Banks the Right to Use Our Funds/Savings Accounts as Collateral to Invest in Global Activities that "We" have No Say in, Nor Do "We" Receive Any of The Profits? But, "We" Do Receive The Bill, to Pay, when Their Risky Business Investments Fail, as in the Subprime Disaster?

And, why are Schools Being Closed? Why are Hospitals Being Closed? Why isn't there More Funding Available for After School Programs?

And, why isn't there More Funding Available for Our Fire Departments, and Police Departments, and for The Education and Universal, Earthwise, and Spiritual Growth of Our Children? There is Always Financing Available to Build Another Prison, or, Another UN-Declared War!

And, why isn't there More Funding for The Arts? Shouldn't The 21st Century be A Millennium of Cultural Awareness?

And, who Determines The Value or Worth of Another Human Being, or Sentient Being? Does it Depend on What College or University You Graduate from?

Or, What Family, Religion, Race, or Nationality that You are? Aren't "We" All Citizens Of The Planet Earth? Isn't it A Fact that "We" have All been Born on This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, in Our Solar System?

Or, is there Some Other Agenda that i Am Not Privy to, that has Instituted its Own Way of Life and Agenda that, For The Most Part, it is The Beneficiary of? But Not "We The People!"

And, Are The Free Societies of This Planet Earth Really Free? Or, Do They Exist Under The Yoke and Dictates of An Oligarchy of The Elite and Special Interest Groups?

i Must ask myself, as Do You, Is this The Realty that i, "We" Believe in? Is this The World that i, "We" Were Brought up to Believe in? Is This The Way To Peace?

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Address these Questions Together, As A Nexus Of The Truth! And, as A Great Soul Force of Humanity! And as A Earthrise Movement of Peace that Represents The Earth and All of its Sentient Beings!

And, Let Us Encourage The Leaders of The Earths Nations to Address The Issues that are of Great Concern to The Evolution of "We The People," Citizens of Earth in A Series of Peace Dialogues! Because, A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Call for These Same Leaders, Civilian and Military, to Enter into A Global Truce with All of The Warring Factions of The Earth, and Find Real Solutions to The Myriad Differences that have Caused Chaos and Death for Millennia after Millennia in One Form of Duress or Another for what Seems to Be An Eternity of Pain, and Tears of Overwhelming Sadness!

And, Let Us Call for A New Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that Calls for An End of War, and A Declaration of Peace on Earth! Citizens of The Earth A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe to Every Far Off, and Near Corner of The Earth that Our Time has Come!

"We are The World," and This is A Call to People All over The World that A New Season Of Change and Peace has Come!

And that "We are at A New Crossroads, where Each and Every Vote has to Be Cast in The Name of Peace! And, Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word and Action Should Be Sown in The Name of Peace!

And, Let Us Demonstrate Non-Violently in The Name of Peace as i Sincerely Believe that; Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jesus of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Zoroaster, Socrates, Melchizedek Machiventa, St, Francis of Assisi, Lao-Tse, and Muhammad Would Do! And, Let Us Challenge The World of Business, Politics, Religion and Economics that its Time to "Give Peace A Chance!"

This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium! A Change Must Come!