Thursday, July 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXV

i Clearly Remember President Obama, recently, Saying that "The Buck Stops with Me," so, He Must Assume Responsibility for the Recent Disaster Surrounding Cheryl Sherrod! However, whether He be President of The United States, or a Normal Citizen of Whatever Country of The Earth, He or She May Come from, One should always Check The Facts before Coming to A Judgement about Another Person!
Mrs. Sherrods Comment that,"They were too quick to Judge," Cuts right through All of The Rhetoric and Apologies Made by President Obama's Administration! And, Makes the Point that "You are Supposed to Be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty!"

However, i am sure that "People of Color," all over The World are Surprised how Quick The Obama Administration was to Condemn Mrs, Sherrod, Without Checking All the Facts!

All of which, Leads me to An even Larger Point, which is, Why are "We" to Paraphrase Mrs. Sherrod, "Not at The Point Where "We" Should Be?"

Aren't "We" All Born on This Planet Earth? And therefore, Irregardless of What Race, Nationality or Creed One May Be, aren't "We" All, in Fact, Citizens Of The Earth?
And, Why have "We" Been, so, Divided, from One Another? There are No Immigrants on This Planet Earth are They?

Its obvious that A Change in Conscious Awareness of Who "We" are, Must Come to Be!
And, A Change in The Thinking of Being Here and Now, Must Come To Be!

Through-Out Modern Times The Policies of Divisiveness, Racism, Separatism, and Ignorance have Led Us, "We The People," Down the Same Destructive Path to War, Global Conflicts, and Genocide, over and over again!
And, Its Shameful how Our Differences have been Used to Manipulate and Condition Us!
i Suggest that "We" Take The Time to Look Around at The Variety of Natures Colors and Myriad Different Life Forms, and Admire The Beauty and Limitless Patterns of Natures Creation!
And, Are "We The People," Not apart of This Great Creation? The Answer is, Of Course Yes, "We" are!

However, Our Greatest Challenge May Be to Know, Who would Do Harm to This Great Creation of Ours for Their Own Selfish Profit, and, Who Truly Cares for The Welfare of Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, Its Skies, Sea's, Lands, and Universe!
Because The Former Individuals have Their Own Agendas! Agendas that Over Tax and Drain Us, and are Bent upon Using Us to Benefit Their Own Gains, But, Not Ours!
Agendas that Benefit Their Way of Life, But, Not Ours! And, Increase Their Earthly Riches, But, Not Ours!

The Old Billie Holiday song that Say's, "Them that Got Shall Have, Them that Not Shall Lose," Must No Longer Apply to Any Global Society, or Individual on Earth!

Its Time for A Peace Time Economy that Addresses the Concerns of "We the People!" And, A New Emancipation Declaration "Of, By, and For The People," that is Based upon Equanimity, Equality, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

A Change Must Come if "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, are to Evolve into A New Age of Human Evolution that is Both, Universal and Transcendental!
Manifested in An Earthrise Movement Of Peace on Earth!

It is obvious, that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, and Our Planet are at A Crossroads of Change, Environmentally, Spiritually, Economically, Politically, Scientifically, Technologically, Philosophically, and Sociologically, and, It Will Take Women and Men of Great Courage, Understanding, Perseverance and Wisdom to Bring about This Change, For The Sake and Betterment of All Human Kind, and Sentient Beings of This Sacred Planet of Ours!

Women and Men, who "One and All" are Willing to Come Forth as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Change! As have in The Past, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Mother Teresa, Lao-Tse, St. Francis Of Assisi, Socrates, and Melchizedek Machiventa!

Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earth, The Time For Change Has Come!
The Old System Does Not Work! It is A Broken and Failed System!
A New System "Of, By, and For The People," Must Be Created and Built in Its Place!
As, A New Millennium Financial, Political, and Spiritual System "Of The People!"
This is The Way To Peace! A Peace Time Economy! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Women and Men of Courage, Let Us, once again, March Together, Come Together, and Demonstrate Together, Non-Violently, In The Name of Peace!

Let Us Voice Our Opinions Forcefully and Non-Violently, that Its Time For Our World Leaders to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All Free Nations and Those Who Continue to Be Adversed to Peace!
Because, It is Time For "One and All," to Address The Concerns and Issues "Of The People!" Because, A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our Peace Initiatives via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe! Because, A Change Must Come!

Too Many Tears have Been Shed, and Too Many Lives have Been Lost, and This has Been Going on For Centuries! A Change Must Come!

And Let Us, once again, Sing Out, "Give Peace a Chance," All We Need is Love," We Can Work it Out," Blowing in The Wind," The Times They are-A Changing," Turn, Turn, Turn," If I Had a Hammer, This Land is Our Land, "We are The World," and "We Shall Over Come!"
These are The Songs of Peace, and This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!