Friday, July 16, 2010




The Injustice of it All!
"We The People of The Free Societies of The Earth Benefit from Being Free to Speak Out, Demonstrate, and Express Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Activism, But, there are Millions upon Millions of Us who are Unable to!

They are Constantly Being Threatened by Genocide and Crime, by Their Captors, or Governments! Or, They Live in, What Must Seem to Them as Being in An Endless State of Poverty, and in Tents, Lacking in Sanitation, or Hope For The Future!
And, Their Children Go UN-Educated, and Roam the Streets as Refugee's and Victims in Their Own Cities, Towns, and Villages!

But, What of Us, who are Living in The Free Societies of The Earth, are "We" Not Oppressed by Being Overtaxed and Suppressed by A Failed System, Economically and Politically, Led by World Leaders who Lack the Courage as did Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Lao-tse, St Francis of Assisi, Siddhartha Gautama, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, Zoroaster, and Jesus Of Nazareth to Step Forward In the Name of Their Fellow Human Being to Do The Right Thing By Them, For Them, and In the Name Of The People!

i am Speaking Frankly with You, Because "We" are At a Time when Our Sea's, Air, and Earth are Being Polluted, Ravaged, and Raped by The World of Business, and "The Too Big To Fail Nations," of The World!
And, The Capitalistic Oligarchy who Prefer to Remain Invisible to The Human Eye, and The Global News Media!

Its Time that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Rose Up in A Great Earthrise Movement of Change! And as, A Great Soul Force of Peace!
And as, A People Of The Earth who Value the Sanctity and Beauty of Our Planet Earth!
To Us, "We The People," The Earths Sea's, Skies, and Lands are More than Just a Business Opportunity!

And, The Welfare of Our Fellow Human Being and Sentient Life Forms is More than Just An Incidental After Affect of Another UN-Declared War, or, Off Shore Oil Disaster, as Caused by BP and The Lack of U.S. Governmental Oversight!

To Us, The Welfare of Our Fellow Human Being and The Earths Sentient Life Forms, "One and All," Must be Cared For, Protected, Respected, and Made Safe from Future Abuses, and, Given Hope that The Future Will Hold A Reason To Believe! And, A Reason To Be!
And, No One Can Stand Back, or Stand Aloof, During This Time Period! "We" are At A Crossroads, and, A Change Must Come!

And as Citizens of This Sacred Earth and Universe "We" Must All Collaborate, Co-Operate, and Come Together in The Name of Peace!
Because, A New Season of Change is upon Us and "We" Must Not Fail in Our Cause and Objectives!
And as A United Family of The Earth, It is Time that "We" Reclaimed Our Place On Earth, as Citizens Of The Earth, and Re-Take Control Over Our Lives!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Our Time has Come to Make a Difference, and To Stand Firm in The Face of those who Would Impede Us for Their Own Selfish Political, Spiritual, and Economical Agendas!

Let Us Resolutely Re-Commit and Re-Dedicate Ourselves as Interdependent Activists of Change! For A Time of Change Must Come!
And, A New Emancipation Declaration "OF, By and For The People" Must Be Achieved and Made into A Reality For, One and All" to Share!

And, Women and Men, Plus, A New Generation of Young People Must Come Forth in The Name of Change! And, In the Name of Peace! And, In the Name of Equanimity, Equality, and Freedom, For "One and All," No Matter What Race, Creed or Nationality! "We" are All Citizens Of the Earth! Born of The Earth, and No One Here is An Immigrant!

And, Let Us Continue to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All Nations, Civilian and Military Leaders, Because it is Obvious that The Old System has Failed and Its Time for A New System that Embraces The Concerns "Of, For and By The People," Be Put in its Place!

And, if "We" are to Be Taxed, Let A Significant Portion of These Funds Be Placed in An Escrow Account, "Of The People," that Guarantee's the Social Security "Of The People!"
This is the Way To A Peace Time Economy!
And, Let Us Call For and End of War!

Yes, "We" Will Be in Need of The Brave Members of Our Armed Forces for Our Safety and Protection from The Forces of Chaos, Evil, and Destruction, Until "We" Can All Live in Peace! But, Solely as An Armed Force to Protect and Preserve The Peace! But, Not to Be Used in Senseless UN-Declared Wars Without End, or Exit Plans! Because, A Change Must Come!
Too Many Tears have Fallen in Vain and Too Many Lives have Been Lost Fighting in Selfish Causes that Have Nothing to Do with The Lives Of "We The People!" And, once again, A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that This is Our Land, and Our Earth, and The Time Of Change and Peace On Earth has Come! Let's Give Peace A Chance," For A Change!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!