Sunday, July 11, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXII

Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations its Time that you Joined Together to Embark upon A New Strategic Vision Path For the Sake of Peace On Earth!
"We" Can No Longer Continue Down The Present Path of Economic Instability, and Constant Warfare! A Change Must Come!

And, its your Responsibility to Act on Behalf "Of The People, By The People, and For The Empowerment Of People!"
Its your Moral Responsibility to Join Forces with The Religious, Political, and Financial Leaders of This Sacred Earth of Ours, and Bring about A New Fusion and Vision of Change, and An Environmental Evolution of The Earths Societies!
A New Vision Path that Reflects The Conduct and Ethical Obligations from which
A New Age of Hope and Universal Inspiration Can Spring Forth!
A Vision Path that is "Of The People, By The Peope, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

A Vision Path that Heralds that A New Season of Equanimity has Come! One of Financial and Sociological Security!
One of Spiritual and Political Honesty, Sincerity, and Commitment to The Betterment of The Quality of Life "Of The People!"

A Vision Path that Leads Us, "One and All," to Exist in A Non-Militaristic New Millennium! The Time has Come to Give Peace A Chance to Evolve, and Thrive On Earth!

The Free Societies of The Earth have Sent Their Children to Fight The Wars of Deceit, Lies, Manipulation, and Evil for Too Many Centuries!
And now, Its Time for The Elite, The Royals, The World of Big Business, The Global Markets, The Banking Institutions and The World of Finance, to Come Together in A Sole Purpose, One that Transcends The Idea that "Profit Comes First and Most of All," and Embrace The Cause of Peace and Prosperity For "One and All!"
Because, Its Definitely Time For Change! And, A Change Must Come!

And, there Can Not Be False Promises Made, Because, The Consequences Will Be Too Severe and Grim!

And, there Can Not Be Any Hesitation in The Implementation and Organization of This New Vision of Change, Because, Too Many Us Live in Fear!
"We" Live in Fear of Homelessness!

Fear of Being Poverty Stricken!

Fear of Losing Our Employment!

Fear of Being Unable to Care for, or Provide for Ourselves, or Our Families!

Fear of Genocide, War, Chaos, Terrorism, Crime and Destruction!
And, In The Unspoken, but Constant Fear and Feeling that "We" Will Never again, Fully Believe, or Have Trust or Faith in Our Religious, Political, and Business Leaders!
Or, In Ourselves, or, in Our Abilities to Achieve Our Goals, and Find Enjoyment in Our Lives without Having To Pay Another Ludicrous Tax, or Something Worst than that!

This Atmosphere of Fear Can Not Be Permitted to Continue! Our Present and Future Generations Can Not Continued to Be Threatened by This Climate of Fear!
And, "We" Can Not Continue to See Our Fine Young Women and Men Affected by This Malaise of Fear, Ineptitude, and Inhumane Treatment of Our Fellow Human Beings!
Remember, that "We" are All Born Citizens of The Earth, No Matter what Race, Creed, or Nationality "We" May be! And, "We" Should All Receive A Fair Share of The Profits Derived from The Manufacture Of The Earths Resources!

For Example; A Universal Escrow Account Should Be Set up to Provide for The Social Security of Every Citizen, Of The Earth! An Escrow Account of Peace and Security!
Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, Change Must Come! Its as Natural as The Change in The Seasons, so, Why Not Be in The Forefront of This Change, For Once!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" are at
A Crossroads of Change, so, Let Us Sow and Cultivate The Seeds of Peace and Change, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

Let Us, by Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions Encourage "One and All" to Be Seekers of Peace and Change that is Beneficial to The Welfare of "One and All!"

And, Let Our Earthrise Movement of Peace, Bring Hope to A New Horizon of Enlightenment and Conscious Awareness of The Issues and Concerns of "One and All! "
And, May Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Guarantee the Rights of Every Interdependent Free Woman and Man to Live in Peace!
Each and Everyone of Us are Citizens of The Earth! And, there are No Immigrants in Our Vision Path!

And, Let Us Continue to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Occur amongst The Leaders of The Earths Nations! Its Time that Both The Adversaries and Proponents of Peace Understood that "The Times They are A Changing," as Bob Dylan reminded Us, Many Years ago, and it Applies to "The Here and Now!" And, that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Desire with All Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls, To Live in An Age of Peace! "Peace at Last!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word via The Internet, The Cross-Media Universe, and through Peaceful,Non-Violent Demonstrations that Change Must Come!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Be A Great Soul Force for A Universe of Limitless Possibilities!
Too Many Tears of Pain, Frustration, and Death have Fallen in Vain!
Another 15 Service Members of Our Armed Forces were Killed in The UN-Declared Wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan/Pakistan! How Many More of Our Children Must "We" Sacrifice without Having A Voice in Their Futures!
This is Our Earth! And, We are Citizens Of The World! And, Our Time has Come, To Live in Peace!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!