Monday, July 5, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXX

A New Strategy for Providing Jobs has to be Implemented to Empower The Towns, Villages, Cities, and States with Immediate Revenue Sources!

Plus Cutbacks in Taxes, Secured Credit backed by The Fed, IMF, The ECB, and The Global Financial Market places!

Plus, New and Unlimited Investment in Green Technology and Environmental/ Ecological Industries, are also Very Important Elements to The Growth of A Vibrant New Global Economy!

And, Investing in A Global Health Care Industry that is "For The People," with Secured Financing by A New Millennium Financial System, is An Opportunity for A New Age of Enlightened Entrepreneurialism! One that Should Be Supported by The Global Banking Industries, is also Needed!

And, If The Global Banking Industry Would like to Continue to Have Our Savings Accounts to Survive, "They" will have to Do More than "They" have, to Improve The Quality of Our Lives! Or, "They" will No Longer Be The Banks "Of The People!" And, I'm sure that "They" would Not be Happy with this Potentiality, Considering what The Devastating Consequences would Be Surrounding this Grim Reality!

And, The Governments of The Worlds Nations, who Rely upon The Taxes and Spending "Of The People," Need to Accept that The Times They are A-Changing," as Bob sang, and "We The People," are No Longer Satisfied to just Wait for Them to Do Something, while "We" are Going Without!
Global UN-Employment is Still Too High! And, The Job Market is Not Being Developed Quick Enough to Improve Our Global Economy! A Change Must Come!

And, The Consequences of Continued Losses by The Global Financial Marketplace is Another Aspect of The Continuing Demise, and Lack of Vision by The Global Entrepreneurs, who Continue to Be Non-Productive in The Manufacturing Sector!
A Change Must Come!

And, Where are The Elite Of The World! Do "They" Think that "They" Do Not have a Moral Responsibility to Come to The Aid "Of The People," in these Times of Need!
"They" have An Ethical and Moral Responsibility to Re-Invest in The Earth Communities Of "We The People" Citizens Of the Earth!
A Change Must Come!

And, Its Time for A New Political and Financial System that Represents The People, Must Replace The Old Inept, Failed and Corrupt System that Still Remains in Place! A Change Must Come!

And, its Time for A New Soul Force in The Illuminated Tradition of Socrates, Confucius, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, St. Francis Of Assisi, Lao-Tse, Zoroaster, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Muhammad, Melchizedek Machiventa, and Mahatma Gandhi, Must Come Forth in A Great Earthrise Movement "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, The Time has Come for A New Vision Of Peace On Earth to Inspire Us and Bring Hope to Our Children and Relief to Our Families!

Relief from Being Over Taxed and Manipulated by Sophists and The Capitalistic Oligarchs, who Continue to Advance Their Own Agendas of Greed and Lust for Power!

Relief from Existing in A Conditioned Reality, where The Same Ole Same Ole has Continued for Too Long and Left Too Many Feeling Dis-Spirited and Ignored!
A Change Must Come!

For A Positive and Evolved Growth in Global Economics "We" Need To Live in A Peace Time Economy!
And, to Do this, "We" Need The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce to Address The Differences Between Us, that have Caused Divisiveness and Conflict for Much Too Long! And, Continue to Threaten The Peace!
A Change Must Come!

And, There Needs to Be A Peace Dialogue Between All Free Societies, and The Proponents of Violence, and Chaos!
A Change Must Come!

And, Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Joined Together in Pursuit of Happiness "For The People!" And, Each and Everyone of Us, "One and All," Must Benefit from This New Vision!
Governments Of The World, A Change Must Come!

Civilian and Military Leaders, are You Listening, A Real Change Must Come!

Its Time that "We The People," once again, "One and All," Shared in The Profits and Resources of This Earth of Ours, In Equanimity!
And, there is No Place for Selfishness!

And, There is No Place for A "Me First" Attitude! "We" are All Citizens Of This Earth, The Third Planet From The Sun! And, Without a Doubt, A Change Must Come!
And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Advance Our Cause of, A New Emancipation Declaration of Freedom "For The People!"

And, Let Us Re-Commit Ourselves to Come To Together to The Aid of Millions "Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth, who are in Need! Because, A Change Must Come!
This is Our Earth! And, "We" are Citizens of A Great Universe! And, No One Can Deny Us The Inalienable Rights to Evolve and Exist in Peace with One Another!

And, Let Us Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, that Our Time has Come!

And that, It is Time for A New Vision Of Equanimity, Equality, and Freedom "For The People!"
A New Vision, and A New Season of Cultural Evolution, Shared Prosperity, and Social Security For "One and All!"

Too Many Tears have Fallen in Vain! May The Words; War, Crime, Genocide, Holocaust, Poverty, Homelessness and Disaster Must Become apart of The Past!
And, May A New Vision of Hope, Trust, Truth, and Responsibility to The People Come to Be A Reality! Let's "Give Peace a Chance!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!