Monday, July 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXIV

This Time of Change is Not Just about Electing Democrats, Republicans, or Members of The Labor Party, Conservatives, Liberals, Independents, Socialists, Communists, Green or Tea Party Candidates, or, Member of Any Other Political Affiliation, Its about Replacing the Failed Global Financial, and Political System with A New One that Represents "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Not a System of The D.C. Elites , or The Global Elites, or The Royals, or The Too Big to Fail Businesses, and Nations, or The Capitalistic Oligarchs, or The World Religions!
"We" Can No Longer Afford to Have Selfish, Dishonest, Compromised Representation, who Continue to Follow A Politics/Business as Usual Attitude, while Global UN-Employment Continues to Exist in Record High Figures, Leaving Millions of The Earths Population Out of Work!
And, This is Why A Change Must Come!

And, i would like to see Every Politician Remain on the Job during this Summer, Instead of Taking a Vacation! Are "We" Not Involved in 2 UN-Declared Wars, and A Global War on Terrorism, where Members of The Global Coalition and U.S. Forces are Being Killed on a Daily Basis!
If these Brave Young Women and Men Can Exist in Harms Way on Our Behalf, then, Why Should Any Politician, President, or Prime Minister Take a Vacation!
"They" Should Be Working Diligently on Finding Solutions, and Exit Strategies to these Ongoing Conflicts, and Escalations of War! Not Taking Vacations!

"They" Should Be Implementing, and Following Through with New Jobs Programs and Bills to Create Jobs for The UN-Employed! And, Not Taking a Vacation!

And, while it is Impressive that New Financial Overhaul Bills, and Stimulus Packages, and New Health Care Reform has been Passed, UN-Employment is Still at 9.5 per cent, in The U.S. alone, and that's Much Too High!
There are Too Many People Out of Work! And, Too Many People are Living in Shelters with Their Families!

And, These Political Accomplishments Do Nothing to Help The Single Parent who Needs Employment to Care for Their Family!

These Political Accomplishments Do Nothing to Help The Student who is in Debt Because of The Outrageous Costs of Getting a College Education!

These Political Accomplishments Do Nothing to Rebuild The Overall Infrastructure of Nations! Nor, Do They Empower Our Cities, Towns, and Villages with The Resources that They are in Need of!

And, These Political Accomplishments Do Not Build New Hospitals, or, After School Centers!
Instead These Accomplishments seem Designed, instead, to Continue to Prop up The Global Corporations, Banks, Financial Markets and Institutions that have Been The Cause of The Most Recent Demise in The Global Financial Systems of the World!
And, It is, also, For This Reason that A Change Must Come!
And, A New Season of Hope and Promise Must begin, For "One and All" to Share!

And, A New Vision for The Future, A Vision "Of, By, and For The People," Must Be Instituted to Replace The Failed/Patched Up System that is Currently Undercutting The Spirit of Humanity! Oppressing it, Depressing it, Manipulating it, and Conditioning it with Lies, False Rhetoric, and Policies that No Longer Work!
And, It is More than Obvious that, A Time For Change has Come!

"We" are Existing in A New Millennium! A Technologically Advanced One!
A Scientifically Advanced One! And, It is Time for A Humane Evolution that Embraces Each and Every Citizen of The Earth!
A Spiritual and Cultural Evolution that Reaches Out to Every Citizens Heart, Mind and Soul! That Excludes No One! Irregardless of What Race, Creed or Nationality You May be.
Remember that "We" are All Citizens of the Earth! And, No One is An Immigrant!

And, It is Time for A Change in Our Conscious Awareness of Who "We" are, as A World as A Whole! And, Not as A Fragmented, Divided, World of Strangers, and Tourists!
"We are Family," as The Song goes! "We are The World," as The Song goes! And, No One Should Ever Go Without!
No Child Should Ever Live in Poverty! No Family Should Ever Be Without A Home of Their Own!
This is The Way To Peace! A Peace Time Economy! And A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" are All Aware that A Change Must Come, so, Let Us Diligently Work towards Achieving Our Goals of Peace, Free Education, Free Health Care, and, A Universal Escrow Account that is "For The People!"
After Centuries of Being Taxed over and over again, Its Time that A Percentage of Every Tax, "Of The People," Should Go "To The People!"
Guaranteeing that No One Should Ever Be in Need, or Go Without!
It Should Be A Universal Escrow Account "Of The People, For The People, and By the People!" Guaranteeing Every Citizen of The Earth with Social Security and Protection from Any Global Financial Disaster!

And, Let Our Earthrise Movement of Peace Sow The Seeds of A New Age of Enlightenment, Intelligence, Wisdom and Prosperity For "One and All," to Share!
And, May This be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!

And, as A Civilized World, its Time that "We" Put and End to War!
Yes, The Global Armed Forces of the Worlds Nations Will always be Needed to Defend, Protect and Serve The Peace, but "Not To War Again!"
Its Time that "We" as A Civilized World Learned to Live in Peace, and Enforce The Peace For "One and All," to Share!

And, Let Us Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Address the Issues and Concerns Of "We The People," and Find Solutions for The Differences that has Caused Divisiveness and Strife in The World! Civilian and Military Leaders of The Worlds Nations, "Action Speak Louder than Words," and A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that A Change Must Come, A Peace Change, and A Change in Understanding that "We are All "One People," Living on This The Third Planet from The Sun! And, Its Time that, as The Song goes, to "Give Peace a Chance!

And, Let Us Remember that "We" are A Great Soul Force of Peace, and that, This is Our Planet, and, "We" Can Change The World!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!