Thursday, May 27, 2010



The Way To Peace XXXXXXIX

Let's Hope that it is Not Necessary for Another BP Off Shore Oil Disaster to Occur before The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Actively, More Seriously and Conscientiously Pursue Advancing Their Individual Countries into A Green Technological, Ecological, and Environmental Age! Our Future may very well Depend on The Evolution and Production of More Alternative Energy Sources such as; Wind Farms, Tidal Power, Electrically Powered Automobiles, and Solar Energy!

This Vast New Green Alternative Energy Industry is a Sensible and Rational Course of Action to Take, and Can be Financially Rewarding as well!
But, this Alternative Course of Action has to be Given a Serious Opportunity to Prove its Ethical and Financial Potential!
And, Our Leaders should be Actively Pursuing The Manufacturing of This Alternative Energy Evolution before Another Oil or Nuclear Catastrophe Takes Place!
Why Not Head off The Next Disaster before it Happens for Once!

"We've" All heard President Obama speak about The Millions of New Jobs that The Green Industry Can Create and "We" know that there is a Potential of Billions of Dollars that its Environmental Services Can also Generate, so, What's the Hold Up!
Its a Fact that "We" Need Job's and its also a Fact that "We" Need a Real Quantum Leap in The Global Economy, and Job's? So, once again, What's The Delay!

And, It's Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Integrate their Strategic Energy Plans, with New Alternative Energy Strategies, and Make a Forceful Commitment in Their Plans to Inventively Immerse these New Initiatives Together with Their Out Dated One's!

And, "We" Do Not Need any More Analyzing about The Pros and Cons of The Use of Alternative Energy Sources, "We" Need Action!

And, "We" Need Women and Men who are Pro-Active in Nature, To Balance Out The Deep Thinkers, whose Actions End up Appearing Like More Procrastination, Instead of Being The Fore Runners and Pioneers of A New Age of Change!

And, "We" Need Women and Men who are Willing and Determined to be Active Interdependent Partners of A New Vision Path of Change!

Women and Men who Believe in The Practicality and Necessity of Change, Especially when Our Skies, Sea's, Lands, and Universe are Continuously Being Threatened by Man Made Vehicles of Destruction!

Women and Men who Will Not Show Fear in The Face of Hostility and Adversity when Our Lives, and The Survival of Our Planet Earth is Being Threatened with Destruction, but still, Believe in The Canons of Peace on Earth! A Peace that is Everlasting For All Sentient Beings!

Women and Men of Vision who are Willing to Stand Fast when Confronted with The Audacity of The Capitalistic Oligarchs (The Invisibles) whose Lack of Concern or Lack of Responsibility for their Actions or The Consequences of Their Actions is an Unconscionable and Immoral Crime against "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

"We" Need Women and Men "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," who are Willing to Say "No" to New Requests by AIG, for example, For Additional Bail Out Funds from The U.S. Government!

"We" Need Women and Men of Truth and Justice who are Fair Minded and Strong Enough in their Beliefs to Condemn The Acts of War made by North Korea, who attacked a South Korean Warship without Cause or Reason, and Killing 46 Sailors! "We" Need Women and Men who are Not Afraid to Levy Punishment that is Moral and Just against Kim Jon-IL the Leader of North Korea, and his Government for their Actions!

Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations More Resolutely and Purposefully Advance Their Countries into A Green Technological, Ecological, and Environmental World, by Producing More Wind Farms, Tidal Power, Electronically Powered Automobiles, and Solar Energy Alternative Energy Sources!
This Vast New Green Energy Industry is A Sensible and Rational Approach to Bringing an End to Our Sole Dependency on Nuclear and Oil Energy Sources, and in Doing so, Can Bring Forth A New Strategic Business Model for Global Energy that Can Be Financially Rewarding!

Too Much Time is being Wasted! And, Too Many Lives have been Lost!
And, The Worlds of Global Politics and Economics have Fallen into An Abyss of Risky Business Practices, and still hasn't Learned from its Previous Mistakes!
"They're" Business Models, more and more resemble A Game of Roulette!
And, its Obvious that "We" Can Not Continue to Trust Wall Street or The Global Corporations and Marketplaces to Play Fair and Straight with Us! Their Bottom line Continues to Be "Profit at any Cost!"

And, instead of Bail Outs, The IMF, The FED, The ECB, Investment Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, and World Governments should be Investing in A Cultural, Technological, Scientific, Educational and Industrial Evolution of The 21st Century!
This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Encourage Our Elective Officials to Pursue More Energy Efficiency Programs!

Let's Passionately Encourage Our Elective Officials to Consider Initialing A Wide Sweeping Global Effort of World Peace and Diplomacy before Entering into, Yet Another Global Conflict!

And, Let Us Renew Our Commitment and Dedication to Right The Wrongs that have Continuously Brought Us to The Brink of, Yet Another War!

And, Let's Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Address the Global Concerns that have Oppressed and Manipulated Us For Centuries without Pause!
Global Concerns such as; Poverty, Racial and Class Differences, and Not Enough Health Care, Sanitation, and Education For Those amongst Us who are Less Fortunate, due to Natural Disasters, or Man Made One's!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement of Peace Bring about An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Call For An Age of Equanimity, Equality, Justice, and Peace, and Prosperity For One and All!

And, Lets Spread The Word, via The Internet and Cross-Media Universe that "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth are A Great Soul Force that Can Not Be Denied! And that, "We" have been Ignored for Too Long!
Let Us Be`The Philosophers Of Peace! And, The Spokeswomen and Spokesmen Of Peace!

And, Let Us Be The True Advocates Of Change! For "We are The World," and For Centuries "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have Given Our Lives and Fought in War after War in The Name of Peace and Justice For One and All!
So, Let's Non-Violently Shake Up The World and, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!