Sunday, May 2, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXII

As Inflammatory Statements Continue to be Exchanged between World Leaders, and Terrorist Attacks Threaten The Citizens of The Earth! And, as UN-Declared Wars begin New Initiatives, Another Child goes to Sleep Hungry, and in Tears, in a Shelter for The Homeless! And, as Another Gathering of World Nations assemble in NYC, at The United Nations, The World Debt has become A New Parody of Musical Chairs of Disastrous Proportions, of A Failed Economic System, on A Global Level!
The Principle Players of this Real Life Tragedy of Global Economics are; Most of The Member Countries of The EU and European Nations namely, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany, The UK, Portugal etc. And also Starring in this Tragedy of Global Economics is; The U.S., India, China, Japan, Israel, The United Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil and Switzerland!
Its like a Real Life Game of Monopoly, except that The Lives of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth are in Serious Jeopardy!

And, By now, it is Not a Secret that The Global Financial System is Broken! Its been a Wild Wild West Shoot 'em Up Debacle taking place on Location at Wall Street and The Global Marketplace! And, its Caused A State of Amorphous, and Destruction All through-out The World! And, When The Excrement Hit The Fan, as the saying goes, All The Markets Came Tumbling Down! Along with Our Savings, Homes, and Our Feelings of Social Security and Trust in Our Institutions and Governments!
Without A Fair Regulatory Oversight in Place, The Greedy, Lust of Power, and Risky Business Mentality of The Financial Institutions, Banks, and The Representatives, and Executives of The Global Marketplace were Free to Manipulate, and Find New Loopholes in The Current Laws, and Walk and Talk the Thin Fine Line between what is Legal and Tender, and Illegal and Evil, without Fear of What the Consequences May be!!
And, All you Needed, to be A Player, was Access to Billions, if Not, Trillions of Dollars, or Credit (which is most likely an underestimation on my part)!
And, the Easiest Mark for Obtaining this Capital was "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!
Why? Because For Centuries "We" have been Conditioned to Believe in Our Banks, Financial Institutions, Religions, and Politicians!
And, For Centuries "We" have been Taught to Believe in Our Laws, Principles of Conduct, Everyday Values and Morals of Life, and, in Good versus Evil!
And, "We" have also been Primed, and Set Up to Do Whatever Our Leaders have Asked of Us, for the most part, In The Name of Freedom, God, Financial Gain, and Our Own Self Preservation!

"They" (the Infamous they) have Played Us Well, and Know exactly which Buttons to Push to Move, either, Unlimited Amounts of Money for their use, or Millions of Our Sons and Daughters to Fight in their Global Conflicts, and, or their UN-Declared Wars!
"We're" Never Told, in Detail, what The Real Costs of what The End Results Would Be, because that would be Giving Us Too Much Access of How The Game is Played, thereby Making Us, The Biggest Losers in The End!

And, although Laws are Broken and Exposures are Brought Forth, and Charges Made, and, Fines Levied, this to is apart of The Game!
Only a Few Scapegoats are Convicted of doing anything Illegal, or Immoral, while The Powers that Be, (The Invisibles), The Capitalistic Oligarchs Continue to Go Free and Undeterred! And, at Times "They" are even included in, either through Intermediaries, or through Lobbyists, to have Input in The Creation of New Laws, and Regulations, supposedly, to Further Prevent Economic, or Political Improprieties, and Law Breaking from ever Happening again! Ironically, that "They" have been The Perpetrators of!

Just Imagine that For Centuries, One Form or Another of these Illegalities or Improper Business Practices have Prevailed under The Guise of Progress, and, or even Revolution!
And, The Time has Come for this Age of Using and Abusing The People to Come to An End!
And, Its Time that The Castigation and Castration of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, Come to An End!

Its Time for A New World of Truth, Peace, and Justice "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," to Begin, In A Non-Violent Form of A Great Earth Rising of The People!

Its Time for A New Generation of Women and Men to Come Forth to be True Representatives "Of The People, For, The People, and By The People!"
To Represent Us and to Create New Guidelines, Laws and Regulations that will Best Protect, Serve, and Empower "We The People," so that "We" can Live Our Lives, and Share The Earth and All of its Infinitesimal Resources in Equanimity, Equality, and Respect for One and All! As well as for The Survival of Our Planet Earth and All of its Sentient Beings!
A Time Where The Universalization of One and All is The Common Bond between Us, irregardless of what Race, Creed, or Nationality You May be!

And, Without a Doubt, The Time has Come for A New Peace Millennium and Peace Time Economy to Emerge from The Centuries of Darkness, Destruction, War, Violence, and Conditioned Abuse of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, which has Existed for The Benefit of The Few, The Elites, The Royals, and The Power Brokers of The Capitalistic Global Oligarchy(and The Invisibles)!
Yes, A New Age of Peace, Truth, Trust, and Harmony must Come!
And, This is The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, if Our Children and their Grandchildren are to be Given a Complete and Knowledgeable Education!

If Our Sea's, Shores, Skies, and Universe are to be Free from Pollution and Destruction, "We" must Put a Stop to The Senseless/ Profit at any Cost Mentality that is Depleting Our Forests, Jungles, Waterway's, and Ravaging Our Earth!
And, as "We" are All Aware of Our Universe will be next!

"We" must find Non-Violent Ways to Spread The Word, and Demonstrate against The Mind Set and Capitalistic Philosophies of "Me First," that Continue to Seize, Without Our Authorization, or Consideration, any Property that "They" feel will Add to their Profit Margin, Without any Feeling of Remorse for their Acts of Destruction, or Care of what The End Results May be! As long as "They" Achieve their Goals!
And, as "We" are All Aware of by Now, their Idea's and Goals are Not in Conjunction with Ours!

So, Let Us Take Back Our Earth!
Lets Vote Out of Office anyone who is Not in Tune with Our Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, its Time for A Global Truce that Leads Us, One and All to Peace Dialogues that Leads Us to Finding Solutions to The Myriad Issues that Need Immediate Resolutions, Without Further Procrastination!

This is An Age of Great Potential, Culturally, Humanistically, Technologically, Scientifically and Spiritually! But, "We" have to Rise to The Challenge that "We" are Faced with! And, Its Time that "We" Erased Corruption, Poverty, Human Slavery, War and Violence from The Face of The Earth!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement of Peace be One of The Paths of Enlightenment taken, to Lead Us from "Unreal to Real," and to Peace and Prosperity on Earth for One and All!

And, May "We" be A Great Soul Force Of The Truth, For The Truth, and By The Truth, that Our Future Generations Can take Great Pride in!
Remember "We are The World," Lets "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is the Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!