Thursday, April 29, 2010


The Way To Peace! XXXXXXI

The Debt Downgrade Continues to Stagger the World! Spain and Greece, are just a few of The Worlds Nations to Feel the Ramifications of The Debt Effect! "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Understand the Damage that has Caused The Worlds Economic Woes, because "We are The World!"
And, The Fear that Spain Feels is Our Fear!

And, The Lack of UN-Employment that has Tumbled The Greek and Spanish People into Disarray and Financial Chaos is Felt All Over The World! Because "We are The World!"
And yet, there appears to be More than One World!

There is a Parallel World that Benefits The Elite, The Royals, The InVisibles, Banks, Financial Institutions, and Global Corporations that also Profits at Our Expense as did Goldman Sachs, and Many Other Corporate White Collar Executives, who most likely will never be Prosecuted for their Abuses of The Financial System at Our Expense!
"They" are apart of The Too Big To Fail World! The Outrageous Bonus World! A World totally set apart from The World that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Exist in!

And yet, how Could This World of The Fat Cats Exist without Us? "We" who are The Back Bone of The Global Economy! "We" who are The Main Street Consumer, without whom, The Parallel World of "Them that's Got," would not be able to Reap a Profit!

So, what are "We The People," Citizens of The Earth to do? For One Thing, "We" must Continue to make Our Voices Heard!

"We" have to Continue to Demonstrate, and Express Our Discontent as Forcefully, and Non-Violently as Possible!

"We" have to Continue to Speak Out via The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe of Global Communication!

And, it doesn't matter what age you are! Just recently, a Teenager from N.J. was The Catalyst for A Grass Roots Movement Contesting The Proposed Education Cuts of that State! Michelle Latto Exclaimed, "We Can Change The World!" And, Yes "We Can!"
Yes "We" can, as The Mahatma proclaimed "Shake up The World!" Because "We" have to Effect a Change that is Beneficial For "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!"

And, The Time has Come for An Earthrise Movement, A Cultural Movement, A Peace Movement, An Economic Movement that is "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And "We" can not Afford to Wait for Our Elective Officials to Come to their Senses, "They" No Longer Exist in Our World!

"They've" Sold Out to The Lobbyists! "They've Sold Out to The Corporations who Finance their Election Campaigns!
Of Course, "They" will also take Our Money, but "They" Do not Show Us The Respect that an Elected Official of The People Should!

And, By Now, "We" are All Aware of whom "They" consider to be of More Importance, because Main Street is UN-Employed, or Working without Pause, while Wall Street is Profiting at Our Expense and Enjoying The Bail Outs paid by Our Taxes!
While, "We" Continue to Be Over Taxed and Under Paid!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, 'We" can not Afford to have Anymore Hospitals and Schools Closed!

"We" can not Afford to have Anymore Cuts in Education, or New Taxes in Health care!

"We" Must Make a Stand in The Name of All that "We" Hold to Be Sacred, The Survival of Our Planet and All Sentient Beings!
The Survival of Our Universe, and Our World depends on Us! This is The Way To Peace!
And, "We" are The Way To A Global Truce, and A Peace Time Economy! And, A Global Dialogue amongst All Creeds, Nationalities, and Races!

Its Time that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Enjoyed The Fruits of Our Labor, and The Limitless Resources of The Earth without having Our Shores, Skies, Sea's, and Universe, Polluted, Ravaged and Raped UN-Mercilessly!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance! And, Enjoyed A Peace Millennium!