Thursday, April 1, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXIII

The Way To Peace Depends on Us, One and All Fusing Our Idea's, Thoughts and Actions Together, into A Peace Nexus of Interdependent Minds!
And, Becoming a Universal Consciousness that Maximizes Our Message of Peace Now, and An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century thru The Use of Today's Modern Technology and An Earthrise Word of Mouth Movement!
And, Knowing that "We" Can Empower Each Other through The Use of Twitter, BlackBerry, Texting, Emails, Cell Phones, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, Meditation, Contemplation, Mental Projections and Synergy, Satellite Communications, Newspapers, Magazines, Myspace, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Music, Dance, Theatre, Films, Literature, and All Artistic Endeavors!
And, Via All of The Resources The Global Internet, and Cross-Media Universe "We" Can Change The World.

During this Time Period of Religious Observation and Celebration "We" are Reminded of how Jesus of Nazareth Changed The World He Lived in by His Belief and Faith in God and His Gospel of Love!
And, "We" are Reminded how Moses Changed The World He Lived in, and thru His Belief and Faith in God He Freed His People!
And, "We" Can Change The Conditioned Reality that "We The People," Live in from Unreal To Real, as The Mahatma Shared with Us, into Being An Age of Great Potential thru Our Combined Beliefs and Faith!
Our Combined Belief and Faith in An Age of Unlimited Potential where Our Elective Officials are Women and Men of Great Consciousness, and are Not So Eager to License Anymore of The Earths Off Shore Properties to an Avarice Oil and Gas Industry!
Our Combined Belief and Faith in An Age where Students Can Receive A Free Education! Imagine Not having to Worry about how you are going to Pay the Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Student Loans when you Graduate! Freeing you (and your family) from that Awesome Burden, and Allowing you to Rise to your Potential, Unburdened!
Imagine Living in An Age where The Elderly Do Not have to Worry about Losing Their Social Security, or, having to Pay Outlandish Sums for Pharmaceutical Drugs!
And, Their Families Will Be Able to Afford to Care for Them Without The Fear of How much The Cost Will Be!
Its Obvious that there are Two Parallel Universes, One Where "We" who are The Citizens of The Earth Live, and Another where The Elite and Affluent Exist!

But, what Today's Politicians, Business Leaders, The Invisibles, Capitalistic Oligarchs, Religious Leaders, and unfortunately, Many of The Worlds Most Glamorous Celebrities, who Live in The Privileged World, Do Not Realize is that "We" are Being Drained of All of Our Resources and Energy!
"We" are Being Drained of Our Well Being, and Being able to Enjoy The Simple Things in Life, such as; Going to a Movie with your Family, and, or With your Friends and Classmates!
"We" are Unable to Afford the Price for The Latest Digital Game, or Having The Time to Have A Picnic with your Family, or The Time to Walk your Dog, or Play a Game of Basketball, or Football!
"We" are Being Forced, to have, to Work Two Jobs a Day, and Still Struggle to Make Ends Meet (as the saying goes)!
And, "We" are Continuously Being Taxed, and then, asked to Pay for The Failures of The Privileged Universe, But, Not Receiving a Fair Share of The Profit!
And, Our Universe is Being Drained of Its Natural Resources, and Some of Our Sentient Beings are Being Threatened with Extinction!

Why is it so Hard to Understand that This Can Not Continue?
Are Our Leaders to Busy Campaigning to See The Truth Right before Their Eyes!
Are "They" All to Blind to See!
Are "They" To Occupied Warning, and Rebuking each other over Nuclear Arms Proliferation, and The Reneging of Economical Reform Agreements, to See that People are Starving, and that there are Millions of Us who Can Not Afford to Repair Our Homes, due to Natural Disasters!
Or, Make Mortgage, or Rent Payments on Time due to UN-Employment!
Are Our Leaders to Blind to See Our Distress because "They" are Too Busy Looking in The Mirror to See if "They" look Good enough for their Next Media Interview!
Are "They" Too Blind To See that Our Children are Continuously Being Placed In Harms Way Fighting in UN-Declared Wars Without there Being a Well Thought Out Exit Strategy!
And, For How Long are "We" to Be Led and Misinformed by Illegalities such as, NSA's Unlawful Use of Surveillance without Warrants! Instead of Leading Us by The Laws of The Land, or, The Laws of Our Faiths!
And, For How Long Must "We" The Citizens of The Earth Be Treated as if "We" are Second Class Citizens, while The Elite and The Affluent are Treated like They are Kings and Queens!
And, is it Necessary for Millions upon Millions of Women and Men to Be UN-Employed while Sectors of The Wall Street Community are Receiving Billions of Dollars due to Our Governments Bail Out Programs!
While "We The People," are Continuously Being Asked to Reinvest in a Broken Down Financial System!
And, now that "We" have Bailed Out The Banks, Financial Institutions, and A Broken Financial System whose Acts of Corruption and Greed Caused The Bankruptcy of Millions of People, "We" are now Being Asked to Pay for An Increase in the Costs of Our Domestic Appliances, Cars, and Everyday Goods, due to The Rise in Steel!
How much more are "We" to Pay? "We've Paid for Bail Outs, UN-Declared Wars, and Continued New Taxes! When Will "They" (once again The Infamous "They")Realize that This is Too Much to Bear!
Let me ask you, Is there any Doubt in your Minds that A Change Must Come!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be, In this Time Period of Religious Observation and Celebration, Let Us Renew Our Beliefs and Faith in Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All!
And, Let Us Renew Our Faith and Belief in Equanimity, Equality, and Justice For One and All!
And, Let Us Continue to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue For All The Worlds Nations to Engage and Participate in!
And, Let Us Pursue A New Millennium Proclamation For An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, and A Peace Time Economy!
A Peace Time Economy that Excludes any Thought or Idea of A Personal Tax on Our Wages!
And, During This Time Period of Religious Observation and Celebration,
Let Us Give Thanks For The Women and Men who have Sacrificed and Given Their Lives For Our Benefit, and For those of Our Future Generations!
Such as, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Nelson Mandela, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Jesus of Nazareth!
Lets "Give Peace a Chance!" And Remember that, "We are The World" and "We" Can Change It! "We" Must Change It!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!