Wednesday, April 14, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXVII

The World Congratulates President Barack Obama, President Dmitry Medvedev, President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Hu Jintao, and The Assembly of Leaders of The Worlds Nations who attended The Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. for their Pledge to Lock Down Hundreds of Thousands of Tons of Weapons-Usable Nuclear Fuel by 2014, and Prevent The Further Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons! And, President Obama looked very Presidential! And, it was a Great Photo Op as well!

As you are aware of, I have been very expressive about The Need for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to take place amongst The Worlds Leaders, so I am glad that they have "Come Together" as The Beatles sang, to Discuss Finding Ways to Put an End to The Threat of Destruction of this Planet, and Bring Peace to Earth!
But, Lets stay Focused because there are Parallel Paths to Safeguarding Our Lives and Providing for Our Families and The Well Being of All The Nations of The World!
And, One Direct Way to Protect and Establish Peace of Mind for "We The People," Citizens of The Earth is to Make Sure that "We" are Being Employed!
I keep hearing about "Upbeat Signals on The Economy," but The UN-Employment Figures Remain at Astonishing Levels! They're in The Tens of Millions!
For Example; The U.S. 9.70! Spain 19.20! Russia 9.90! Puerto Rico 16.50! The UK 7.80! Germany 7.50! Greece 9.20! The EU 9.30! And, these are the Acknowledged Figures, just imagine what the Real Ones are!
And then add that 41.% of The World Poor Live in India, and 22.12 % Live in China, and, that there 2 Million Children Living in Poverty in The U.S., and you Understand just how Serious The Global UN-Employment, and Poverty Issues Remain!

So, while it is Righteous and Good to Do Something about Nuclear Proliferation, The Leaders of The World Nations Need to, Simultaneously, be Seen Doing Something Concrete and Substantive about Eliminating Poverty! And "They" Will see that by Doing so, it would Eliminate UN-Employment! Its as Simple as that!

And, while it is Important to Combat Terrorism, it is Equally as Important for The Worlds Leaders to Come Out Forcefully against The Corrupt Global Financial System that has Caused the Loss of Thousands of Homes, Bank Savings, and any Sense of Trust in Our Financial Institutions and Banks!

How Just can this Financial System Be, when Wall Street has Climbed above The 11,000 Level while there are Millions of People who are Living in Poverty, and are Destitute and Desperate! They're Barely Existing and Living in Unsanitary Conditions and Tents, that House Whole Families! What a Cruel Twist of Fate this is! The Fat Cats Get Richer while The Poor Get Poorer! This has to Stop!

And, Once again, it only goes to Show that it is Obvious that there is a Great Need for Economic Equanimity in The Parallel States of Being that "We" Exist in! Because Our Fates Can Not Continue to be Controlled by The Elite and The Capitalistic Oligarchs! The Invisibles, as I Refer to them!

And, The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Need to Address New and Just Ways to Regulate and Find Parity in The Global Workplace so, that Productivity is Not Centered, for the most part, in Countries whose hourly wage is Payed in Cents!
Is The Fate or Potential of The 21st Century Consumer to be Based on The Mass Productivity and IN-Expensive Exports from China, Thailand, and India!

So, while it may have been quite beautiful having The Nuclear Security Summit in The Midst of Flower Blossoms in Washington, D.C., I suggest that the Next Summit, that Will Hopefully Address Global UN-Employment and The Importance of A Global Peace Time Economy, be Held in The Midst of A Tent City in Haiti, or India for example, Then maybe Real Progress Can be Made to Improve The Quality of Life for Those of Us who are Less Fortunate, due to Natural Disasters, or Human Neglect!
Is Poverty any Less a Threat to Our Well Being than Terrorism is!

A Change Must Come in The Mindset of Our World Leaders, or, "They" should be Removed from Office in The Next Elections and Re-Placed with Women and Men who are Willing to be True Representatives "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
Its Time for A New Face of Humanity to Be Reflected in The Mirror of Earths Towns, Villages, Cities, States, and Countries! A Face of Peace and Harmony!
The 21st Century should be A Culturally Evolved Millennium with Compassionate, Sincere, Honest, Intelligent, and Spiritual Leaders who are Fair minded!
And, their List of Priorities should be Building New Schools, Hospitals, and Social Infrastructures that Support A Universal Way of Life! In Addition to Preventing the Spread of Nuclear Proliferation!
This is The Way To Build A Bridge between The 2 Parallel Universes, and The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Find Inspiration in A Cultural Evolution and The Advent of Peace on Earth!
But, Let Us Continue to Speak Out Forcefully against The Pollution of The Earths Waterways, Oceans, Skies, Air, Lands, and Universe!
And, Let Us Not Forget that This is An Age of Great Potential and Promise!
However, "We" Will have to Non-Violently Sir Up, and Shake Up The World before "We" Achieve Our Goals of Peace! A Peace on Earth that One and All Can Share!

And, Let Us Continue to Encourage Investment and Re-Investment in Education, The Ecology, and A Universal Peace Time Economy!
And, Resolutely Work Towards A Proclamation Calling For An Emancipation Declaration for Every Woman, Man, and Child from Further Taxation!
The Time has Come for An Overdue Moratorium on any Further Taxation by The Leaders of The Worlds Nations who have Levied Tax after Tax upon The Citizenry of The Earth without End! And, Enough is Enough!
The Present Tax Levels are More than Sufficient to Pay for The Domestic and Foreign Policies that are Being Espoused by The Worlds Leaders!
And, "They" Will Discover that there Will Be an Increase in Consumer Spending, and More Importantly, A New Feeling of Good Will, Hope, and Generosity on Earth!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium! Lets "Give Peace a Chance!"