Monday, April 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXVI

I recently read a Quote by Mahatma Gandhi which I would like to Share with You, it said; "In a Gentle Way You Can Shake the World." And, this Quotation has Resonated within my Consciousness ever since,"You Can Shake the World!" And Yes, I Believe that "We" Can!
Why? Because, "We are The World," and it is of The Greatest Importance that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth begin to, as the Saying Goes, "Flex Our Muscles," Non-Violently of course, Because The Time has Come to Act!
And, No Political Party, Country, or Religion has The Right to Dictate to Us, What is Best for Us, unless "They've" Learned to "Live in Our Moccasins," as the Saying Goes!

But, Let me return to The Point, that "We" Can "Shake The World, and Re-Make The World to Better Represent "We The People," with Representation that is Truly "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
And, whether it be Politically, Spiritually, Economically, or Philosophically "We" Can Re-Make The World to Better Suite Our Needs!
And, once again May I repeat, The Needs of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, and All Sentient Beings!
And Yes, "We" Can Erase Poverty from The Face of This Earth, at a Cost Much Less than The Cost of The UN-Declared War in Iraq, for Example! Without All of The Destruction and Loss of Life!

"We" Can "Shake The World" and Re-Make The World to Resemble the Kind of World that "We" were Brought up to Believe in! A World that Our Future Generations Can Rejoice in!
"We" Can Shake and Re-Make The World into A Universal State of Being that Respectfully Exists within A State of Peaceful Co-Existence with itself!
And, what do I base my thoughts on? Another Wonderful Quotation by The Mahatma, which is,"My optimism rests on my belief in the Infinite possibilities of The Individual to develop non-violently."
And, its True that I do Believe in The Limitless Possibilities of This Age!
It has The Great Potential to Be A Magnificent New Millennium of Peace!
"We" have but to Let Go of The Past Discrimination's of Negativity, and Embrace The Positive Aspects and Principles of A Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Empirical, Political, and Economical Age of The 21st Century! A Non- Militaristic Age! An Age of Peace, Harmony, Equality, and Equanimity For One and All!
And, this should be The Equation of The New Emancipation Declaration of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

Yes, of course, "We" Can Do It! "We" Can be, Each and Everyone of Us, Interdependent Beings of An Earthrise Movement of Peace!
"We" Can, One and All Share The Fruits and Limitless Resources of This Planet Earth without Destroying its Jungles, Forests, Sea's, Life Forms, and The Pollution of The Air "We" Breathe!
"We" Can All Be apart of A Prosperous, Humanistic, and Caring, Free Enterprise of Finance that Provides For The People, without Taxation Of The People!
A Global Enterprise of Financial Reforms that Provides For The Social Security Of The People, without Working Them to Death! With a 21st Century Business Model that Provides For The Safety, and Life Insurance Of The People!
Yes, "We" Can Shake and Re-Make The World! And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets add A New Mantra, A New Anthem, and A New Chorus to Our Cause of Peace on Earth! Lets sing "Shake," as Sam Cooke sang! And, "Shake it up Baby," as The Beatles, and The Isley Brothers sang! And, Lets sing "Shake Rattle 'N Roll," as Bill Haley and The Rockets sang!
But, Most of All, Lets remember what The Mahatma said, "You Can Shake The World!"

So, Lets Do it, Non-Violently, through The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
Lets Do it, through Non-Violent Demonstrations and Sit ins!
Lets Do it via Word of Mouth!
And, Lets Call for The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and Engage in Peace Dialogues that are Designed to End War, and Nuclear Proliferation! And, Enter into A New Age of A Global Peace Time Economy!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peaceful and Culturally Evolved Millennium!
Let's "Give Peace a Chance," as John & Yoko and A Few Good Friends sang many years ago! And, Lets Shake Up The World!