Monday, April 5, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXIV

What is the Price of Peace? "We" Know what the Price of War is! An UN-Declared War such as in Iraq! Where the Cost Continues to Grow with More than 4,000 U.S. Troops killed in Action, and More than 31,000 are Wounded! Then add to that Total, the Deaths of More than 100,000 Iraqi Civilians, and More than 4 million have been Displaced from their Homes!
And, The Monetary Cost is more than 900 Billion!
And, this does not include The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan, or The Global War on Terror, now, Know as The Overseas Contingency Operations!

And, It is Obvious that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have Become Additional Victims, Living in 2 Universes! One that Serves and is Driven by A War Time Economy that Exists at The Whim of The Elite, and A Parallel Universe which is Supposed to Serve Us!

The Way To Peace, and The Path of War, Chaos, and Destruction (when you observe them closely) are The Pure Reflections of these 2 Parallel Universes!
One is where"We The People," Continue to Be The Victims of An UN-Employment level which is still 9.7 million in America, alone!
While in The Parallel Universe, Banks are Bailed Out! And, Wall Street is once again in The Black, and Enjoying A Profit!
While the Taxes of "We The People," Continue to Support A Broken Financial System!
And now, there is a New Rumor Afloat, that in the Near Future, "We" will be asked to Pay a New National Sales Tax!

But, Why wasn't The 787 Billion Dollar Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, also Known as The Stimulus, Enough!
And, Why wasn't it Immediately Prioritized to Create Jobs, Invested in Small Businesses and Education, Build New Roads and Bridges, Repair and Build New Highways, Subways, and Railroads, which would have been a Great Benefit to "We The People?"
This would have been a Boon to Our Struggling Economy, and Upgraded The Infrastructure of The U.S. and The Ripple Effect would have been of Benefit to The Global Economy! And, Served as A Positive and Responsible Business Model for A Peace Time Economy of The 21st Century, and Improve The Quality of Life for "We The People!"

And, Why didn't The U.S. Government Prioritize Reinvesting in its Citizens by Paying for Mortgages that were in Jeopardy of Going into Default! This would have Saved Thousands of Homes! Instead "We" have been existing in a Damaging and InHumane State of Mortgage Crisis!
Aren't Our Homes, Lives and Families as Important as The Banks that Our Government Reinvested in, who were "Too Big To Fail?" This is an Important Question to Ask Yourself!

It is Obvious that there are 2 Standards, and 2 Parallel Universes!
Once again, One where "We The People," Citizens of The Earth who are The Backbone of The Global Economy, are Victims!
"We" are The Victims of White Collar Crime that Continues to Go, for the Most Part, UN-Punished!
And, "We" are also Victims of a Tax State that has been Imposed on Us and Continuously Drains Us, while, once again Wall Street and The Financial Institutions are Permitted to Profit at Our Expense! This is a Point of Contention that is Worth Repeating over and over again, until there is an Economic Parity in the 2 Parallel Universes!

And, It is More than Obvious that A New State of Equanimity, and Shared Economy and Opportunity Must Be Implemented on A Global Basis!

And, It is More than Obvious that New Regulations should Be Implemented to Protect "We The People," from The Financial Predators who Prey upon, and Manipulate A Corrupt and Broken Financial System that is already in Need of Dire Repair!
Or,  In Need of A Complete Make Over!

And, it is also Obvious that if his Earth of Ours is to Evolve, and Become An Age of Peace, with A Peace Time Economy, the Overall Political and Philosophical Mindset of The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Must Change, or "They" should Be Fired by "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, in the Next Elections!

And lastly, The Parallel Universes Must Come into Balance, and A Fair Distribution of  Profit, Must Be Honestly Shared and Accounted For!
The Impediments and Difficulty Factors are Many, but, "We" Must Succeed in Changing The World, to Reflect The Ideologies and Principles of One World, and One Earth, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
Although "We" are Made up of a Myriad Different Races, Creeds, and Nationalities, "We" are All Born of This Planet Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be,
Let Us Continue to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Discuss The Solutions that are Needed to Change Our Present and Future into A Peace Millennium!

Let Us, also, Continue to Work Towards the Implementation of Environmental Polices that Serve to Preserve The Sanctity of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Empower a New Age of Technology to Spread The Word of Peace via Google, Yahoo, Myspace, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Texting, Blackberry, Emails, Cable and Network TV, Radio, Satellite Communications, Newspapers, Magazines, IBM, Apple, Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, Meditation, Contemplation, Sit Ins, Non-Violent Demonstraions, Literature and The Arts!
And, Let Us Continue To Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Peace and Justice For One and All, via All of The Resources of The Global Internet, The Cross-Media Universe, and Thru A Fusion of Our Minds and Souls into A Universal Consciousness!

And Respectfully, May "We" Reach Out to All who Embrace The Truth, Sincerity, and Humanity, as Exemplified by, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Lao-Tse, Saint Francis of Assisi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautma, Muhammad, and Jesus of Nazareth! For This is The Way To Peace!

And, Lets "Give Peace A Chance," for "We are The World," and "We" Can Change It from Being "Unreal to Real," as The Mahatma has Shared`with Us!
And, Let This Be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, Heralding A New Age of Limitless Possibilities and Potentialities!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!