Monday, April 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXX

What is The True Capitalism? Is there such a thing? Has Capitalism ever been Responsible? If so, how does Goldman Sachs fit into The Overall Picture of The Financial Business World? Is Goldman Sachs an Example of Capitalistic Selfishness? What has Happened to their Principled Slogan of "Our Clients," interests Come First?

Is The IMF's New Proposal to Tax Banks their Way of Admonishing and Making up for The Abnormally "Fat Bonuses, Too Big To Fail," Concept of Untouchables that has Unjustly and, at times Illegally Protected The World of Big Finance for Much Too Long! Decades could be an Understatement!

Whatever The Face of Capitalism Resembles, it Certainly is Not that of A Democratic State! Its A Capitalistic Oligarchy at best!
And, when it Grins at you "Beware of Darkness," to use a Title of An Old George Harrison song as An Apt Description of what it looks like!
And Greed, is The First Amendment of its Constitution!

And, The Discrepancy Between what The Top Executives are Paid versus The Average Workers Salary, has Never been Worst than it is Today! Their Paychecks/Bonuses are Bordering on Being Sinful!
And, when you Consider The Tragic State of Global UN-Employment, The Unreal Bonuses and Paychecks that these Top Executives are Receiving is A Shame on The Earths Business Community!

Where is The Parity? Where is their Compassion for The Poor? Where is their Concern over The Unfair Share of Taxes Paid by "We The People," Citizens of The Earth?
Where is their Respect for The Law? "They" (the Infamous They) seem to Exist and Interact Outside The Law, within their Elitist Clicks, Continuously in Search for New Loopholes to Advance their Prospective Business Projects under The Name of Free Enterprise! But, the End Result usually Ends up with there being Profit for The Few at The Expense of The Many!

Do "They" care that Millions of Children are Starving!

Do "They" Act Remorseful when their Acts of Risk Taking Causes Severe Destruction and Corruption of The Global Financial System and The Global Marketplaces, and Effects The Closings of Schools, and Hospitals, and The Loss of Homes and Savings of The Earths Citizenry at such Tragic Proportions that have Not been Experienced or Seen in Decades?

Do "They" Really Care? Well, why should "They!" They're The Invisibles! Try and Find Out who and where "They" are! Try to Bring them Up on Charges for their White Collar Crimes!
Is there any Surprise why, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have had Enough of these Financial Abuses, and White Collar Crimes!

Or, why,"We've" had Enough of The Current Global Tax`Systems!
Or, "We've" had Enough of Going Without, while "Them that's Got" only Get Richer! Enough is Enough!

And, where is The Moral and Ethical Pronouncement of The World Religions? Why aren't "They" Speaking out in One Universal/Spiritual Voice that can be Heard above The Din of Hypocrisy!
"They" can be Heard Loud 'n Clear expressing their Discontent over The Revelations of Pedophilia in their Ranks, by The Global Media!

Its Time for The Religions of The Earth To Come Out Forcefully against Human Slavery, Pedophilia and Violence of any sort! Its Time for Us to Hear their Prayers, and See them Fast on Our Behalf , and On Behalf of A Just World For One and All to Share!
This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Cultural and Humanistic Conscious Awareness!
A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries. "We" have The Gift of Technology to Aid Us in being able to Reach out to A New Age of Eager Converts!
"We" have A Highly Evolved Universe of Global Communication to Reveal that there is Another Way, A Transcendental Way To Peace and Economic Parity on Earth!
"We" have at Our Finger Tips, A Way to Grasp The Hands of Each and Every Citizen of The Earth! Whether it be via The Internet or The Cross-Media Universe!
All that "We" have to do is Shout Out that The Peace Train is Coming, and Lets "Give Peace A Chance!"
Lets Shake up The World, Non-Violently, to The Song of A New Earthrise Morning!
And, An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, Stating UN-Equivocally that "We're" Free At last! Great God Almighty, "We're" Free At last!
This is The Way To Peace, A Global Truce, Peace Dialogues, A Peace Time Economy, An Age of Great Potential, and A Peace Millennium!