Thursday, April 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXIX

President Obama should Not be Surprised by Being Heckled, as He was at a Recent Campaign Event, nor should any Politician, whether "They" be Democrat, Republican, Independent, Moderate, Liberal, Conservative, Tory, or of The Labor Party!
Or, as a Matter of Fact any Politician anywhere on The Face of The Planet!
As Impressed as The Democrats May be Due to The Passing of The Recent Healthcare Reform Bill, "We The People," are Not that Easily Pacified!

And, Why should "We" be, with UN-Employment still at Ludicrous Levels, Worldwide, and Stress Levels, Existing at Levels of Intensity that has Not Been Seen, or Experienced in a Decade!

Why should "We" be, No One is Blind to The Fact that Wall Street is Booming, Banks and Financial Institutions are Showing a Profit, and Paying Out Outlandish Bonuses, again! While "We The People," Citizens of The Earth are still Forced to Pay for Rising Costs in Education, and Healthcare! And, You Can Believe that New Taxes are being Proposed Behind Closed Doors!

And, while The Politicians Continue to Give Us their Best Campaign Smiles and Rhetoric, Another Child is Being Born into Poverty! And, Another Parent is Forced to Juggle Between Paying for The House Mortgage or Rent, and, Between How Much is Left of The Weekly Budget to Buy Food for The Family! Let The Politicians Pay for their Own Elective Campaigns and See how "They" Fair! Because "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, May just Decide Not to Finance Them, without A Guarantee of True Representation "Of The People!"

And, while The Politicians Congratulate themselves over Passing A Stimulus, or Jobs Bill, or Gloating over Filibustering Tactics used to Advance their Agenda, or Impeding Their Oppositions Agenda, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth are Losing Hope, and are being Drained by An Insensitive, Incompetent, and Corrupt System that Benefits The Elite, and The Infamous "Too Big To Fail" Corporations and Industries!
These Politicians care Not that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have Lost Our Savings, Lost Our Jobs, and are Losing Our Minds over The Fear of Possibly Losing Our Homes!

But, There will Come the Time for Re-Election, and then these Same Politicians are in for a Big Surprise because "They" will Discover that "They" are Not Too Big to Be Voted Out of Office!

"Action speaks Louder Than Words" should be One of Our Campaign Mantras for The Up and Coming Elections. "Produce or Shut Up," should be another! And, "Where's The Money, is a Good One as well! Personally "Enough is Enough" is my Personal Sentiment, and Mantra!

This is Not The Change that any of Us Expected from The Current Administration in The U.S. And, after a Year has Gone by, its Obvious that it doesn't matter what Political Party is in Office! "They" all Dance to the Singular Beat of The Capitalistic Oligarchical Gluttony!

And, whether it be The SEC, The IMF, The Fed, or The World Financial Markets, I would like to Know whose Watch was it, when the Subprime Mortgage Crisis was Eating away at The Fabric of The Global Economy! Who was on Guard against The Abuses that were Taking place! Its obvious that Someone Knew what was Happening, because Someone was Profiting by it! But, it Certainly wasn't "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

If there is to be A Real Change that Benefits "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, it must be A Change that Supports and Nourishes the Lives of One and All! In Equanimity!

If there is to be A Real Change that Benefits One and All, it must be a Compassionate One that Embraces One and All!

If there is to be A Real Change on This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, it must be A Universal Change that Protects, Preserves, and, Cares for The Lives Of All Sentient Beings!
And, A Realization that The Conservation and Respect of The Earths Natural Resources is Vital to The Planets Survival!
And, "We" must have a Peacetime Economy, An Economy "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Whether it be UN-Declared, or Declared, The Concept of A War Time Mentality and Financial Priority must Come to An End.
This is The way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th & 21st Centuries, Let Us Rise To This Occasion of Urgency!
And, Let Us Rise to The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us!
And, Let Us Know Well, Our Adversary!

And, Let Us Establish, Organize, and Press Ahead with A Nexus of Interdependent Women and Men "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," and Non-Violently Demonstrate, Sit In, and Speak Out against The Voices of Chaos and Amorphous!

And, Let Us Not Be Fooled by The Sophists who would Mislead, and Misguide Us in The World Media! "They" Treat Our Lives as if "We" were just Another Reality Show!
Take the Time to Search The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe for New Voices, New Idea's, and New Allies of Peace!

And, Most of All, Remember that "We are The People,"Citizens of The Earth!
"We are The World," and Without Us "They" (the Infamous They) have Nothing!

So, Lets Change the World to Benefit Each and Everyone of Us, and "Let No One Be Left Out!"
And, Let this be One of Our Earthrise Mantra's, and One of The Top Priorities and Commitments of Our Emancipation Declaration of Peace of the 21st Century!
"Let No One Be Left Out!" No Race, Creed, Nationality, or Sentient Being!

The Time has Come for A Peoples Vision! Not an Obama Vision, or A Medvedev Vision, Or A Sakozy Vision, or A Brown Vision, or A Merkel Vision, or A Hu Jintao Vision, or A Netanyahu Vision, or A Chavez Vision, or A Ahmadinejad Vision, etc.
I Think You Get The Idea! A Peoples Vision!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!