Monday, April 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXVIII

As Another Earth Day Approaches I feel sure in the Inevitability that The Advent of An Earthrise Movement of Global Magnitude will Most Certainly take place in The Near Future!
It may Start Off in Incremental Stages, but it Will Evolve into An Undeniable Soul Force that Can Not be Impeded or Denied from Changing All of Our Lives for The Better!
And, It Will be An Earthrise Movement that No Government, Town, Village, City, State, or Country Can Ignore!
And, A Changing Moment in The Lives of All Sentient Beings that Heralds A New Age of Growth and Prosperity For One and All!

And, It Will be An Earthrise Movement of Peace that is Illuminated by A Cultural Evolution of The New Millennium!
And, An Earthrise Movement that Specifically Adheres to The Preservation of All Sentient Life Forms, in Addition to A Technological, Scientific, and Educational Rebirth!
And, It Will be A New Age of Cultural Evolvement that is Embedded in The Conscious Awareness that The Existence of The Earth, its Skies, Oceans, Lands, and The Vast Universe that it is apart of, Will Depend upon A Sense of A Mutual Respect "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," if "We" are to Survive!

And, Let Us Embrace this Earth Day as Not only as A Celebration, but also, as A Reminder of what Must be Done to Heal and Repair The Damage that has been Inflicted upon This Sacred Earth of Ours, whether it be from The Feroes Islands to The International Space Station!
And, if Our Present Day and Future Generations are to Enjoy The Fruits of Our Planet "We" Must Rise, One and All, to A Higher Calling and A Higher Sense of Responsibility!
And, if Our Earthrise Evolution is to become A Successful Realization of The 21st Century "We" Must Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Engage in Finding Solutions to Achieve A Healthier Global Environment, and Compassionate New Age!
And, "We The People" Citizens of The Earth Will Find that by Changing Our Way of Life, "We" Will Change The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The New Millennium, The Earth has Recently been Struck by A Series of Earthquakes, and Volcanoes!
And, The Ozone Layer is still an Open Sore that has Caused Climate Warming, and Tsunamis, that Threaten the Livelihood of Millions of The Earths Citizens!
So, Let Us Re-Invest Our Energies and Belief in An Untrammeled Course of Non-Violent Action that Leads Us to A Universe of Infinite Solutions of The Myriad Global Issues that are A Plague to Our Planet Earth!

And, Let Us Shake Up The World and Bring about A New Change in The Conditioned Way that "We The People," have been thinking!

And, Let Us Agree, One and All, to a New Covenant, A New Emancipation Declaration Freeing Us from The Old Ways of Unconscionable Acts of Violence and The Unlimited Ciphering Off of The Earths Resources!

And, Let Us Enter into An Age of New Beginnings in The Evolution of Solar Energy, Genetically Engineered Food Products, as well as Setting Limits on De-Forestation, and Off Shore Drilling for Oil!

And, Let Us Agree to Present and Vote for New Global Legislation for The Protection of Our Jungles, and Animal Life Forms! Plus, The Development of New Financial Reforms, and An Environmental/Ecological Economic System that Supports A Cleaner and Healthier Way of Life that "We" Can All take Pride in!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

So, Let Us take a Moment to Wish Each Other A Happy Earth Day by Using All of The Glorious Paths of This Wondrous Age of Communication and Don't Hesitate to Use All of The Resources of The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
Or, Quite Simply, Let Us Spread The Word by Word of Mouth until "We've" Reached The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, and Souls of An Ocean of Humanity, Bathing Them, One and All, in The Tranquil and Serene Waters of A Peaceful Existence on Earth!

And, in Celebration of This Earth Day, May I Share this Simple Poem with You, "May The Sun's Gentle Rays Bring Warmth to The Roots of Our Beings and May they Brighten The Glow of Love that Lies within Thee. Giant Redwood Tree's with Outstretched Branches and Colored Leaves, More Beautiful than Any Artist could Conceive, Overwhelm me with Their Presence! Graciously they offer Their Strength as A Gesture of Good Friendship."
And, May Our Peace Nexus Be An Extension of Good Friendship, and Hope For The Future of The Earth, this The Third Planet from The Sun!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Lets"Give Peace a Chance!"