Sunday, March 28, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXII

The Way To Peace is an Empirical Journey that Definitively, and Intrinsically Takes Us through a Life Time of Time Space, Conditioned and Transcendental Realities to a Place of Tranquility, Conscious Awareness and Intelligence!
And, althrough-out this Journey "We" are Given the Opportunity to Share The Omniscience of these Experiences with One and All!

This Wisdom, based on Experience, Can then Be used For the Betterment of One's Fellow Human Being, or, Metaphorically Speaking, For any Number of Good or Bad End Results that Can Lead to an Unreal State of Being, Portrayed as The Real World, by The Status Quo! Or, The Real World, as Shared with Us by The Mahatma!

So, while President Obama goes to Afghanistan to Meet with President Karzai, and with Our Son's and Daughters who are The Proud Members The U.S. Armed Service who are Fighting to Preserve the Liberty of The Citizens of Afghanistan to Live in Peace, and to Prevent Al Qaida from advancing their Political Agenda Worldwide, in a Parallel Time Space Reality Another Child is being Kidnapped, or Sold into Slavery! While yet Another Citizen of The U.S. is still UN-Employed, and Unable to Provide for His or Her own Family! And, Yet Another School is being Threatened with Closure! Due to a Lack of Prioritizing for Education and The Poor Economy in The U.S. This is The Armageddon that The President and His Administration should be Equally, if Not More Deeply Concerned about!
This is The Time Space Reality that has the Most Dramatic Effect on The Lives of "We The People!" That Impedes Us from Living in A World of Peace, Harmony, and Tranquility!

When The Democrats and The President were Given a Mandate to Change the Conditioned Political Scene in Washington, Expectations were High!

"We" Expected The President and His Administration to Create Jobs, and Improve The Negative Economical Condition of The Nation! Which would be Felt All Around The World! Instead "They" Bailed Out The Banks and Propped up a Broken and Corrupt Financial System!

"We" Expected The President and The Members of His Party to Create an Atmosphere of Accountability and Transparency in The Government!
And, Our Hopes were High that He would Change The Face of Politics in The U.S. to Become a Reflection of Trust and Sincerity that The World Could Joyfully Embrace!

"We" had Hoped that He would be an Interdependent Spokesman, and President of The People! An Honest to Goodness Peoples President!
Who Provided Guidance when there was Confusion! And, Would Provide Us with a Hands on Approach Towards Articulating and Doing Something about Our Concerns!
And, in Doing so Communicate Our Concerns to both The Republicans, and Democrats, and The National and International News Media!
Because, This is The Time Space Reality that "We" Live in, and Without True Representation, Our Lives and Livelihood are in Constant Jeopardy!

And, The Citizens of The Earths Nations were Relying on The President to Breach The Great Divide that has Developed since The year 2000, between The U.S. and The Earth Citizenry!

Maybe it was Too much to Ask for! However, I still Remember Martin Luther King Leading Civil Rights Marches!

I still Remember Rosa Parks, and even before Her, 15 Year Old Claudette Colvin, Refusing to Give up their Bus Seats to Make Room for White Passengers in Montgomery, Alabama!

I still Remember Robert Kennedy going to Appalachia which Forced The National News Media to Cover The State of Poverty that Existed there!

I can still see Pictures of Mahatma Gandhi Leading Non-Violent Marches to obtain Sovereignty for His People!

I can still see Mother Teresa Caring for The Poor and Disenfranchised!

I can still see The Pictures of Students Leading The Way To Peace during The Anti- Vietnam War Marches!
This is The Kind of Activist Engagement that "We The People," are in Need of!

This is The Kind of Political and Humanistic Engagement that We," who are Citizens of the Earth are in Need of!

And, Since "We" have Provided The President, His Advisers, and The News Media with an Airplane (Air Force One) to Travel to any Corner of The Earth in The Name of Freedom, Peace, and Justice For One and All!
Whether it to be, To Negotiate Reason, and Rationality in The Hot Spots of The World!
Or, To Focus The News Media on The Concerns and Issues that have a Direct Effect on All of Our Lives! That Effect and Touch The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, and Destiny's of Each and Everyone of Us!
And, To Bring Our Son's and Daughters Home from UN-Declared Wars!
"We" The People," Citizens of The Earth Expect there to Be Results! And, Not just More Political Rhetoric!
"We've" had Enough Words, "We" Need Immediate Action!
Because, This is The Time Space Reality that "We" are Faced with! This is Where "We" Live, Until A True Change has Come!

And, in regards to the Political Squabbling, Bickering, Selfish, and Unprofessional Attitude of Our Elective Officials on The National, State, City, or Town Levels, it has to Stop! Enough is Enough! "We The People" have Placed Our Lives in their Hands!
UN-Employment Remains at its Highest Levels in Decades!
Homelessness is a Cancer in Our Society!
And, "We The People" Need our Elective Officials to Be Unifier's, and, Not Propagate Divisiveness amongst The American People for their Own Political Agendas!
This is Not The Way To Bring about Change! And, This Kind of Political Partisan Politics is Not Healing for Our Country, or The Earth!
Yes, A Change Must Come, but, Not This Way!
This is The Way To A Divided States of America!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be,
Let Us Not be Distracted from Our Peace Goals by The Chaos and Destructive Behavior of The Republicans and Democrats!

Let Us Not Be Distracted by The Negative/Systematic Programming of The Global News Media!

Let Us Continue to Spread The Word via The Internet, and, The Global Cross-Media Universe! Via Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Facebook, Satellite Communications, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Magazines and Newspapers, Twitter, Texting, Blackberry, Cell Phones, Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, The Arts, Meditation, and Contemplation, Sit ins, Non-Violent Demonstrations, and Word of Mouth!

Let Us Continue to Reach Out to Our Friends, Families, and Neighbors, and Spread The Word that it is Time for Us to Unite as A Great Soul Force of Peace!

And, Let Our Voices Sing Out Loud and Clear that it Is Time to "Give Peace a Chance!"
And, That it is Time to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

And, That it is Time For An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!

Let Us Challenge The Capitalistic Oligarchs, (The Invisibles) that it is Time for A Global Peace Time Economy! And, A Shared Prosperity, and Economic Security For One and All!
"We" are The Backbone of, and The Consumers who Drive The Global Economy, and its Time For Our Needs to Be Cared for, and Adhered to!
"We" do Not Need any More Taxes, but,"We" do Need to Exist in A Global Economic Universe that is Not Corrupt!
And, "We" Need A Financial System that is For The People, Of The People, and By The People, and Not A Broken Down, Distrust Worthy System That Favors The Whims of The Elite!

And lastly, Let All who are in Tune with The Celestial Song of Life Come Forth to Represent "We The People" Citizens of The Earth in A Non-Violent Earthrise Movement of Peace!

And, Let All who are in Tune with The Sanctity of The Earth Come Forth to Care for and Heal The Earths Shores, Skies, Seas, and The Universe that "We" are apart of!

And, Let Our Spirits and Philosophies Join in Communion with The Luminous Men and Women who have Given their Lives on Our Behalf, to Achieve Our Goals!

Names that will be Forever ingrained in Our Earths History, Mother Teresa, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Jesus of Nazareth, Lao-Tse, Socrates, Machiventa Melchizedek, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi!
This is The Way To Peace, and A New Age of Great Potential! A Peace Millennium!