Monday, March 15, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXVIII

The Way To Peace Relies on "We The People," Citizens of The Earth presenting a United Front for The Invisibles to See! Who are The Invisibles? I'm referring to an Elite Circle of Men and Women who are The Members of what was once referred to as "The Kitchen Cabinet," during Ronald Reagan's Presidency, and are a Global Hierarchy of Affluent Personnages who are the Controlling Forces behind our World Leaders, if you can imagine this! For example, The Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and All of The Other Global Money Markets are their Playing Fields! Is it possible? Yes, and, Anything is Possible within their Area of Influence! Especially if it is Beneficial to their Profit Making Enterprises!
"They" (the Infamous "They") prefer to Remain unseen and Invisible to The Public, and Out of Reach of The Global Media, and Financial Regulators!
What I am about to suggest is not an Act of Appeasement by No Means, however, it is an Important Logical and Realistic First Step to Dealing with these Capitalistic Oligarchs/Movers and Shakers, By Demonstrating to them that "We The People," are A United Front for Peace! Why? Because "They" do not want Chaos to Effect their Businesses, unless of course, "They" are in Control of it!
And, Let's Face it, "Business is Business," This is their UN-Holy Mantra, and "They" do not want to Lose Control of The Global Financial or Political Systems Arena, however Broken these Systems may be!
And, because of their Money Machine "They" can Buy or Transcend Political Agendas, because "They" are The Party that Politicians rely upon to Finance their Elections! Which is Why "We" Need to Place a Firm and Unyielding Lid on Campaign Spending!
But again, by Showing them that "We" are The True Proponents of Change, and that "We" are An Earthrise Populist Movement of Peace, Changes The Dynamics, Global Strategies, and Overviews of Their Power Equation!
It Clouds their Global Vision and Forces them to Regard Our Peace Initiative more Closely and Seriously!

And, that "We" present a More Viable Alternative to The Broken Down Political and Financial Systems that are Currently in Place!
"They" also know that This Time Space Reality is in a State of Change, but, what "They" don't know is who to Place their Bets/Money on! Who will be The Leading Catalyst! And, who will Lead The Way!
All that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have to do is Continue to Be A Great Soul Force of Peace, and A Force Majeur that can not be Denied, or Ignored!
Let's Face it, "They" are not Blind to The Fact that "We" are The Backbone, and The Universal Component that Energizes and Drives The Global Economy!
And, "We" know that "We The People," are The Body, Mind, and Spirit that Pioneered this Planet, and Without Us, their World Vision can not be a Reality!
And, Without Our Buying Power "They" have Nothing!

So, Let Us Make Our Presence Known, and Seen in Clear Light!
And, Let Our Voices be Heard as One!
And, Let there be No Mistake in Our Intentions and Interests!
Let Us Be A Purposeful, Humane, Spiritual Citizenry of Peace!
And, By Using All The Technological and Advanced Forms of Communication of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries "We" Can Sow The Seeds Our Peace/Grass Roots Movement All Over The Earth!
By Spreading The Word via Twitter, Texting, Emails, Blackberry, Satellite Communications, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Cell Phones, Music, Dance and The Arts, Meditation, Contemplation, Word of Mouth, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Facebook, Newspapers, Magazines, and Wires, "We" Can Change The Countenance of The World!
And, By Using All of The Global Communication Resources of The Internet and Cross-Media Universe "We" Can Present An Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium that Specifies in Exact Terms, Point by Point, what Our Peace Calling is!
And, Let Us Show Our Determination, Beginning with A Call For The Global Implementation of A Peace Time Economy!
There are Millions of New Jobs in Technology Alone that Can Provide A New Age of Global Employment in Ecology, Energy, Education, Environmental, Science, Transportation and Health Care Services, that Can Lead The Way!
These New Technological Advancements Can Lead The Way to New Jobs in Space Exploration, and The Protection and Care of Our Earth, Seas, and Skies!
New Technologies Equal New Jobs, and A Demand for More Production in Manufacturing! All Leading to Financial Liquidity for "We The People!"
And, A Quantum Leap in Our Global Economy that is Beneficial To The Growth and Stability of "We The People," Citizens of The World! And, A Growth and Quality of Life that Can be Shared by One and All!
This is An Equation/Peace Millennium Business Model that The Invisibles Understand, as well as The Seriousness of Our Intentions and Peace Time Directives!

And then, As A Magnificent Global Wave of Humanity, Let Us Cleanse this Earth of Poverty, Hate, Racism, Regret, Injustice, Crime, Genocide, Abuse of Our Natural Resources, and An End of Slave Trade of Any Race, Gender, or Child!
And, Let Us Fuse Our Passions and Fate into One Global Synergy of Peaceful Co-Operation and Co-Habitation of The Earth!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Whomever and Wherever You May be, "We" Need to Reach Out to an Interdependent Cadre of Qualified Women and Men who are of One Will, One Heart, One Mind and Intellect, and, One Soul, who are Ready to Represent "We The People!"
"We" Need to Reach Out to An Interdependent Earth Conscious Find of Patriots who are Loyal to This Sacred Earth, and to The Principles and Ethical Values Of, By, and For The People!"
A Nexus of Peace Ambassadors whose Beliefs lie in Placing Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and The Earth above any Political Party Affiliation, or Nationality!
After all "We" are Citizens of The Earth! Though "We" may Speak Different Languages, and Worship Different Religions, or, No Religion, "We" are All Born of This Earth! "We" are The People, of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet From The Sun!
So, Let Us Celebrate Our Differences, while Acknowledging that "We" have a Responsibility to Each Other, that Joins Us Together as One People, Of One World, and Respectful of All Sentient Beings and The Universe!

And, Let Us also Celebrate and Honor those who Came before Us!
Let Us Build A Bridge of Peace that Transcends The Time Space Reality, that Unites Us with The Women and Men who Gave their Lives For their Fellow Beings!
Women and Men who Demonstrated and Marched in The Name of Peace!
Women and Men whose Loss of Family, Friends, and Neighbors is Inestimable, All in The Name of Truth, Justice, Equality, Freedom, and Peace!

And, in their Remembrance, May "We" Act in Concert with One Another to Achieve Our New Peace Initiatives of Our Earthrise Movement to Bring an Everlasting Peace on Earth!
And, In this New Season of Spring, Let Us Sow Seeds of Resolution, and Resolve Althrough-out The Land!
And, Let Us Dedicate and Commit Ourselves to A New Age of Understanding and Peace Everlasting as I Believe Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus of Nazareth, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Socrates, Nelson Mandela, Lao-Tse, and Martin Luther King would do!

And, Let Us Sing Out Amazing Grace, and "We are The World!" For "The Times They Are a Changing," so, Let's get on The "Peace Train," as Bob Dylan, and Yusef Islam Composed and Sang to Inspire Us and Encourage Us in Days Long Past! Which are still Prevalent Today!

And as One Voice, Let Us Call Out for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, so that, For Generations to Come "We" will be Remembered as A People who Devoted their Lives to A Millennium of Peace on Earth! The Mahatma once said "Lead Us From Unreal to Real," and "We" Can, if "We Believe that "We" Can!

This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!