Thursday, March 25, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXI

Michael Jackson's Composition of "Man In The Mirror," has a Simple and Yet Direct Poignancy to it, and, in a Larger Sense of The Meaning I Believe that A Country In The Mirror Might also Apply to The Logic That I am about to Present. Or, A Country In Discontent Might be More Poignant in the Case of The United States of America! Or, is it The Divided States of America!
Whichever Analogy you Agree or Disagree upon, One thing that I am absolutely sure of, is that The U.S. is a Country in Discontent.

In Discontent, with Prime Minister Netanyahu!

In Discontent, with Iran and North Korea! Although I agree that this Earth of Ours does not Need any more Nuclear Proliferation than it already has!
And, add to that the Amount of Nuclear Energy that is being used Worldwide!

And then, to add to these Discontents is The U.S. involvement in Two UN-Declared Wars, and, The Global War on Terrorism, that is also known as "Overseas Contingency Operation!" Although, I do not know Why it is Necessary to Rename A War!

And now, add to this Growing State of Discontentment is the Continued Non- Productive, Annoying and Frustrating, Malaise of Partisan Politics by Members of The Republican and Democrat Parties!

Which is, in Part, the Cause of the Recent Threats and Cases of Violence over The Passage of The Health Care/Reconciliation/Fix it Reform Bill, that has been Directed at the Elective Officials of The House of Representative and Senate Democrats who Voted for the Bill!
And, The Network/ Cable/ Radio/ News Media, Commentators, and Newpapers are also Responsible for Inflaming The Public to Act Violently against these Politicians!

I am a Fervent Supporter and Believer in Peaceful Demonstration and Activism, However, It has to be Non-Violent!
Violence only Leads to More Violence and Chaos, et voila, The Divided States of America!

In General, I have been, and, Still am Ashamed of The Unprofessional Behavior and Attitude that has been on Display by Our Elective Officials in The U.S. Government!
Their Behavior has been Dis-Respectful of "We The People," and The Voters who Put them in office!
Voters who Believed in them! Voters who overwhelmingly Voted For Change!
And, unfortunately, All that these Voters have Received for their Vote is, The Same Ole Bickering that has been Going on For Decades!

"We" as A People Can No Longer allow Ourselves to be Manipulated by any Parties Political Rhetoric, or Agenda if it means that "We" are Turned into a Mob that Commits Acts of Violence against One Another!

"We" are All Citizens of The Earth and Deserving to Speak our Opinions, Non-Violently!

This is Our Birth Right! And, The Right to Disagree is as Natural a Reaction to a Proposed Idea, or Thought, as it is to Agree!

The Earths Diversity is Resplendent For One and All to See and Hear!

And, "We" are All, The Mirrored Reflection of That Diversity!

For, "We" are The World! And, it is Our Responsibility to Protect, Defend, and Preserve The Rights of All Sentient Beings!

And, it is Time for Each of Us to Transcend The Negative Aspects of Our Conditioned Reality For The Sake of Our Children and For The Sake of Each Other!

The Time For Change is Now, that is Obvious! However, "We" Can No Longer Continue to Live in Such Discontent with Each other that "We" attempt to Solve Our Differences Violently!
Violence is not The Way To Peace, or A Peace Millennium!

Yes, "We" Must Defend Our Rights of Freedom!

Yes, "We" Must Protect Our Rights to Be in, and Pray to Whatever Religion, or, to Whomever 'We" choose to! Or, Decide to Vote For!

And, Yes "We" Must Preserve The Principles that Embrace The Sanctity of All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth!

"We" have Demonstrated and Marched Non-Violently for The Right To Vote, so, that "We" as A People, Citizens of The Earth Can Rise Above The Violent Confrontations that have for Centuries left Families from All Over this World Without a Son, or Daughter!

The Power to Demonstrate, March, Debate, or Simply Discuss our Differences and Opinions allows Us to Non-Violently Solve The Myriad Problems that Face Our Earth Societies and Communities!

And The Right to Vote is an Exclamation Point that Empowers Each and Everyone of Us!

"We" have Armed Forces to Protect, Defend, and Preserve The Rights Of, The People! By, The People!" And, For The People,"We," The Citizens of The Earth!
So that "We," Can be A Citizenry of Peace, Voices of Reason and Peacemakers!
And, Not Warmongers!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

This is The Way to A Peace Time Economy!

And, This is The Way to A Peace Time Evolution of The 21st Century!

So, Let Us Shake Hands, and Vow to Work out Our Differences, as The Beatles song goes "We Can Work it Out!"

And, Let Us Agree to A Global Emancipation Declaration that is Beneficial to One and All!
That Legally Binds Us Together in A Global Nexus of Peace!

And, Let Us Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that Brings Together All The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Embark upon a Path of Action that Guarantees an Immediate Cessation of Poverty, Race Discrimination, Genocide, Crime, Homelessness, Child Abuse, and Slave Trade on Earth!

And, Let this Be An Age of Education, Enlightenment, Culture, and Peace For One and All to Share!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Let Us Be as A Great Soul Force of Peacefulness!

Let Us Be as An Earthrise of Illuminated Grace!

And, Let Us Be An Endless Wave Bathing One and ALL in A Sea of Hope, Compassion, and, in An Everlasting Equanimity and Tranquility of Peace!

And, By All Means of Modern Technology and Communication, Let Us Spread The Word of Peace via Twitter, Texting, Emails, Blackberry, Cell Phones, Satellite Communications, Meditation,Contemplation, Magazines, Wires, Newspapers, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Music, Dance, and The Arts, Yahoo, Google, Linked in, and Facebook!

And, Let Us Sing Out A Song of Peace so that, Everyone May Hear its Melodies, Harmonies, Rhythms, Orchestral Sweetening and Choir, All Over The World, via The Internet and Cross-Media Universe!

And, May "We" Be Led from "Unreal to Real," as The Mahatma Shared with Us! And, Lets "Give Peace A Chance," as John & Yoko and A Circle of Friends Shared with Us, During Times Not Very Dis-similar from what "We" are Experiencing Today!
I am Continuously Reminded of Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad, Confucius, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jesus of Nazareth, For They are The Great Soul of Humanity and The True Reflection of what "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Can Be, and See when "We" Look in The Mirror!

This is An Age of Great Potential and Great Promise, But, It Will Take A Great Effort For Us To Accomplish Our Goals!
So, Let Peace Be Our Guide Through The Many Challenges that Lie ahead of Us! And, Let Us Reach Out to The World in The Name of Peace!
All "We" have to Do is Believe that "We" Can Do It, and "We" Will!
For "We are The World!" And, "We are Family," as Sly and The Family Stone Taught Us to Sing! A Great Earth Family of Peace, Truth and Love!
So, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!