Saturday, March 6, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXVI

The Members of The United States Congress continue to Astonish me with their Immature Behavior and Lack of Professionalism! Putting on a Suit and Tie, and using Big Words from a Podium of some sort, does not mean that you are Doing Your Job Correctly!
There is No Excuse for their UN-Ethical Work Habits! Who exactly do "They" think "They" are, some Exclusive, Elite group of Men and Women who are Untouchable! Well, "They're Not! Or, for a Matter of Fact, who do "They" think that "They" are Fooling, its Certainly Not "We The People!
"We" Elected them to Represent Our Country, Our Beliefs, and, Our Best Intentions! Not their Personal Agendas!
And, there is No More Time Available for Us to Wait for them to Grow up, and End their Senseless Bickering and Childish Displays of Partisan Politics!
There are Too many Innocent, and Defenseless People in The U.S. and, on Earth who are Living in Abstract Poverty who Need Help!

"We've all seen the Deeply Disturbing Newspaper Photographs, and TV Coverage of Hundreds of Thousands of Citizens of The Earth, in Haiti, Chile, Taiwan, Rwanda, Darfur, Sudan, and New Orleans, just to name several of The Hot Spots in Need of Help, who are Living in Unconscionable Circumstances! Living in the Worst Case Scenarios Imaginable!
With a Lack of Sanitation, Water, Food, Medical Supplies and Services! And, Lacking in Protection from Crime, Rape, Murder, and Education!
And Understand that this Goes On and On, Year after Year! And, in Some Cases this has been Going for Decades, or even Centuries!
And, when The Media Coverage is Not Showing these Pictures, Remember, it Does Not Mean that the Seriousness of the Problem has Disappeared! It only Means that it is Not Getting High Enough Nielsen Ratings, or Newspaper Sales to Feature these Tragic Events, on The Front Page, or, as The Lead News Story on Cable or Network TV News Programs!

There simply is No More Time for Political Squabbling if there is One Child Starving, Homeless, or Too Fearful to Go to Sleep at Night! Or, is Not Receiving Proper Health Care, Education, or Spiritual/Moral Guidance!

There simply is No More Time left for us to Wait for Another Reform Bill to be Passed, when Too many of Us are Dying due to An Unwillingness of Our World Leaders to Not only Tackle these Difficult Issues, but, to Find Solutions and Answers for The Problems that have Caused so many Unfortunate Deaths!
Deaths that Could have been Saved with a Deliberate, Positive, Compassionate, and Sincere Effort to Resolve whatever the Cause may be for Each Individual Situation! All it Takes is A Global Compartmentalization of What Needs to be Done, and then Do it!
Do not Procrastinate, Over Politicize it, or Manipulate the Situation for Your Own Benefit, or Glory! Just Resolve it, for The Sake of Your Fellow Citizen who are In Need!
For Example, There simply is No Reason Why, The Global Corporations, Financial Institutions, Governments, Religious Denominations, Millionaires, and Billionaires can not Pool their Combined Resources to Resolve World Poverty!
How many More Tears of Anguish must be Shed by Mothers and Fathers for their Children's Loss of Life due to Disease and Poverty!
At Times The Cry of Humanity is Deafening to Hear! Can you Hear it! Can you See The Endless Montage of Pictures Flash Across your Mind Eyesight!
There simply is No More Time for any Further Delays!
Can "We" Change these Pictures from Sadness to Joy?
Can "We" Change these Tears from being Tears of Tragedy, to Tears of Love?
Yes, "We" Can!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever you may be, Let Us Not Drown in our own Tears of Remorse!
Let Us Show The Citizens of The World, by our own Example, that "We" Can Make a Difference!
Let Us Show The World, by our own Example, that Taking a Course of Action that Corresponds with Your Principals, and Beliefs is Worth The Effort! And, is Worth The Sacrifice!
And, that The Effort is Truly Worth it, if it Saves One Life! And, Ones Soul!

So, Lets Us Be as One Great Soul Force for Peace!
Let Us Be as One Great and Illuminating Bridge of Peace to A New Peace Millennium!
And, Let Us Be, as I sincerely believe, Jesus of Nazareth would be, Or, as Mahatma Gandhi would be, Or, as Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Socrates, Lao-Tse, and Martin Luther King, would ask of us to be! A Non-Violent Earthrise Movement of Peace!
"We" Can Change The World, for "We are The World!" And, Its Time that "We" Gave Peace a Chance!
And, Its also Time that A Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue Take Place Amongst All Nations, Religions, and Creeds!
And, "We" are still in Dire Need of An Emancipation Declaration of All Sentient Beings!
"We" Need to Be Free from The Control of Capitalistic Oligarchs, and Broken Down Financial and Political Systems!

So, Let our Voices Ring out like a Great Wave of Musical Sonorities all over this Earth of Ours! Reaching to its Most Distant Shores, Spreading The Word to "Give Peace a Chance!" Giving Hope to Those of Us who are In Need!
And, Let Us Sow The Seeds of Peace in this New Season of Spring by Twitter, Blackberry, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, Radio, Network and Cable TV, Newspapers, Wires, Satellite Communication, Cell Phones, Traditional Telephone Service, Music and The Arts, and in Increasingly More Increments althroughout The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!
Let Us do it for our Children and their Children's Children, so, that "We can All Rejoice in a Peace that is Everlasting!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A New Peace Millennium!