Sunday, March 21, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXX

Whatever the Result is of The Vote on The Health Care Reform/Reconciliation Bill in The House Of Representatives, and, Whatever The Philosophical Divide is, It is Obvious that the Philosophies of Our Elective Officials in Washington does not Reflect the Real Concerns and Issues of "We The People!"

Their Egotistical Self Indulgence with themselves, and their Half Truths, Rhetoric, and at Times, Outright Lies are an Affront to the Ethical, Spiritual, and Moral Values that "We" have been Brought up to Believe in!

And, Without a Doubt, The Time to Change from Existing in A World of Partisan Politics to A People/Peace Millennium Universe Can Not Come soon Enough!

"We" simply Can Not Afford to Continue to Endure the Abuse that "We" have been Force Fed to Accept, that has been Cooked and Wrapped Up in The Negative, Corrupt, and Compromised Political Programs, Bills, and Agendas of Our Elective Officials!

Programs, Bills and Agendas that have been Shaped, and Paid For by Lobbyists, whose only Real Concern is For the Businesses, and Industries that "They" are Paid to Represent!

Politicians whose only Real Concern for Financial Regulation takes place after "We The People, Citizens of The Earth have been Ripped off by The Banking and Financial Institutions whose Greed and Lust have Bankrupted The Global Financial System, Which has Caused The Loss of Our Homes, Increased The Ranks of The Unemployed by Millions, and in The End, "We" have had to Bail Out!

And, still "They" Dare to Take Outlandish Bonuses, while "We" are Being asked to Re-Invest in A Global Economic and Political System that has Continued to Fail Us Over and Over again! To say that these Systems are Broken is not even Close to The Truth! They" are Patchwork Systems Existing in A State of Political Amorphous!

And, it has become More and More Obvious that there is No Profit in Bailing Out these Systems and Paying for the Continued Costs of Maintaining them! To do so is like, Paying the Interest on a Debt Owed to a Loan Shark! You Never Pay off The Principle, and You are Constantly Living with The Continued Threat of Disaster!

Bob Dylan wrote "How many years can some People exist before they're allowed to be free," and its become more and more Obvious that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, Need to be Free from The Abusiveness of The Global Political and Financial Systems whose only concerns are Winning and Profit, No matter what The Cost is, and Ignoring Whatever the Threat May be to Our Safety, and Security!
This is Why, "We" are in Need of An Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium!

And, if there should be a New Global Financial Regulation, it should Come in The Form of A Global Colonoscophy, that Free's Us from The Waste and Failure that has Caused The Domestic Demise and Destruction of Our Way of Life!

Ask yourself if You are Better Off Today, than You were when the Democrats, or, Republicans have Taken over Running The U.S. Government?

Or, in a Broader View Point, are You Better Off in Today's Political and Economical Climate because of The Political Agendas of The Democrats and, or Republicans!

Lets Face it, Our Quality of Life has been Greatly Lessened by The Politics as Usual Behavior of Our Elected Officials, and Their Do Nothing Attitude and Political Squabbles! And, when "They" do Pass a Bill, at all, it Still is at Our Expense!

And, the only Time that Our National and International Leaders appear to Work in Concert with Each other is when it is Beneficial to Their Own Personal Political Agenda! Which, unfortunately, is Not in Tune with "We The People!"

Think about it, There are Still Millions of Children Living in Poverty!

There are Still Millions of People Living Without Health Care!

There are Still Millions of Women and Men who are UN-Employed!

And, It is More than Obvious that A Change Must Come!
A Change Coupled with A Change in Representation of "We The People!"

A Change that Allies Us with A Cadre of Women and Men of Conscious Awareness who are Concerned with The Well Being of Our Planet!

Women and Men who Value the Great Teaching, Sacrifice and Examples of Women and Men who have Given their Lives for The People!"
The Names of Which have Been, and Continue to be Venerated and Spoken of With The Greatest Respect, Martin Luther King, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Machiventa Melchizedek, Muhammad, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and Jesus of Nazareth!

Women and Men who are Concerned about The Suffering of Their Fellow Human Being, who are being Over Taxed, Under Paid, and Misrepresented by The Current Group of Politicians and Financiers who Bankrupted The Global Financial System, because of their Greed and Lack of Moral and Ethical Standards!

A New Change Must be Implemented if there is to be A Change in The Overall Psyche of The World!

Think about The Pictures of The Slaughter of Dolphins in The Feroes Islands!

Pictures of Tent Cities in Haiti, The U.S., India and All around The World!

Pictures of The Poor and Disenfranchised that is Too Much to Bear!

Pictures Shown as A Result of Genocide, and War are Too Much To Bear!

And, whether it be Immigration, Health Care, Financial, Political, Insurance, Ethical, or Religious Reform, The Time has Come For Change! A New Change!
A Fresh New Beginning, Call it A Peace Change!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May be,
Let Us Continue to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
The World Can Not Continue to be Involved in, and, or Paying The Human and Monetary Costs of at Least Three Major Conflicts/Wars!

And,"We" Can Not Continue to Pay Trillions of Dollars, Pounds, and Euros Repairing an Old System that Quite Simply Does Not Work!

"We" Need Women and Men of The People! Who are, For The People!
And, Trusted By The People!

"We" are in of Need Women and Men who are Aware of The State of Being of The Earths Ecology!
Who are Aware that The Ozone Layer, For Example, is Still a Threat to Our Well Being!

Women and Men who Care about The Aggregate Spiritual, Intellectual, and Philosophical Environment of The Earth and its Societies!
And, The Lives of All Sentient Beings!

Women and Men who are Concerned about The Welfare of The Earths Armed Forces, and The Struggle that Their Families have had to Endure Economically and Emotionally during the Elongated Time Periods that these Women and Men have been Absent from Their Families Lives!

This World of Ours Deserves Better Leadership and Representation! "We Need Spiritually and Universally Minded Women and Men of Great Soul and Great Consciousness!
As The Beatles sang, (and, Let Us apply it to this Moment in Time) "Let it Be!" And, May "We" be Led From "Unreal To Real," as The Mahatma Shared with Us!
And, May "We" Look Forward to, One Day, Rejoicing in A World Of Peace On Earth!
And, Let Us Take Hope from The Fact that "We" Live in An Age of Great Potential!

And, Let Us Take Encouragement from The Knowledge that Our Efforts Can Lead To there Being A Great Age of Peace on Earth For All Sentient Beings!

And, Lets Us Spread The Word via Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Blackberry, Texting, Email, Cell Phones, Music, Dance, The Arts, Meditation, Contemplation, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Sit Ins to "Give Peace a Chance!"
And, Let Us Build a Bridge of Peace to All Corners of The Earth to Each and Every Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul, via The Internet, Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Satellite Communication, Wires, Word of Mouth, and The Cross-Media Universe!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!