Thursday, March 11, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXVII

From Israels decision to Build 1,600 additional new households in The Occupied West Bank for approximately 8,000 homeowners, just as New Negotiations are about to Begin with The Palestinians!
To, U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Strongly Voiced Dissatisfaction over President Obama's Criticism of The Supreme Courts Decision (which could allow Special Interest Groups, and Foreign Corporations to spend without limit in U.S. Elections) During his State of The Union speech!
To, Michael Moore's offer to Replace Rahm Emanuel, The White House Chief of Staff, now that would be interesting!
To, Frank Rich, Acclaimed Reporter of The New York Times, Critique of The President and His Administration!
To, The Republican Party, continuing to Object to how The Obama Administration and The Democrats are Handling of The Economy, and Health Care Reform!
To, The Difficulty that The President is having with Members of His Own Party, whether "They" be Moderates, Liberals, Blue Dog Democrats, and U.S. Congressman Dennis Kuccinich, of Ohio, "They" all have their own Interests, and Reservations about the Present State of The Health Care Reform Bill!
To, The Continued Intolerably High Rate of UN-Employment in The United States!
I think that I would be Fairly correct in assessing that this has not been The Presidents Finest Week of Presidency!
And, He is Still Presiding over Three Wars, Two of which are UN-Declared!
He must Sense that He is in Immediate Need of a Positive Result/Upturn from The Policies that He has Chosen to Make!
But, It seems, to me, that Too Much has been Done Trying to Convince The Republicans that He is Right, and then, Having to Defending His New Policies, but, Without Conviction, or Acclamation of His Policies, by The American People!
All it Appears that He has Going for Himself, at Present, is a Portfolio of Impressive Speeches! Which, unfortunately for Him, adds up to being a lot of Words Without Enough Action, and, or Without Substantive or Positive Results! Which is simply, Just not Enough!

Yes, The Reinvestment and Recovery Act, that was Passed in February of 2009, had Potential, (how can 780 Billion not Give The President and His Administration Nothing but the Potential to Succeed) but, The Results were Poor, which is to say the Least, in Having the Positive Effect and Results that The American People Needed! Which, unfortunately, is Still the Case! With UN-Employment Still Existing at Ludicrous Levels!
Yes, The President Bailed Out The Banks, and Wall Street, but, Because of His Administrations Surprisingly Lack of Economic, or Quite Simply, A Practical Economic Vision, "They" Caused The Near Bankruptcy of Main Street America, The Street where "We The People," Live, Resulting in even Higher UN-Employment than what The Bush Administration Caused! Which has Brought About even Greater Loss, with Tens of Millions of Americans Out of Work!
The President, His Administration, The Republicans and Democrats have a lot of Explaining to do! Their Constant Squabbling, Bickering, and Partisan Politics have been, and Continue to be Very Harmful to "We The People!" And, The Ripple Effect has not Benefited The Citizens of The Earth as well!

Lets Face it, Americans are Vacationing more at Home, when, and if, They are able to Take a Vacation at All!
And, any thought about Traveling Overseas has become a Luxury that Most can not Afford to do!
And, this has not helped The Global Economy to Rebound!
And, The Effect that the Poor Economy has had on Students is Manifold!
Lets Face it, Students are Limited by (1) There being Less Employment Opportunities Available, and (2) The Cost of Education, and Debt incurred by Student Loans, has Put an End to any Thought of Traveling Abroad!
Student Housing, Books, and Gas is Enough to Deal with, Financially!

And then, to Add to this, you have The Lack of Inspirational Leadership and Image by The Republicans and Democrats!
I sincerely hope that The Labor Party, Tories, and Democrat Candidates who are Running for Election, or Re-Election in The UK are Displaying a more Positive, Trustworthy, Inspiring Vision and Decorum than what "We" have Witnessed here in The U.S. of A.
And, it doesn't Appear to Matter whether it be Democrat or Republican "We" Continue to Witness the Same Ole Pork being Handed out, that has been Going on for Centuries!
I'm sure that you've heard the saying "One Hand Washes the Other," but, this Political Form of Pay Off and Back Door Politics/Legalized Graft is Too Much to Take!
I can not Believe that President Obama actually believes that these Pork Barrel Hand Outs are Good for any Purpose! Such as He has Previously Expressed, this year!
Certainly its not Inspiring for the Students who are interested in Public Service as a Career in Politics!
And, its Definitely not Inspiring to Advocates of Change, Transparency, and Accountability!
I am Hopeful that All of the Above has Given The President and His Administration Pause to Reflect! Because, if "They" do not "They" will Pay Dearly for their Lack of Vision in The Coming Elections!
Because, If "They" do not Change their Priorities and Truly Begin to Understand and Represent "We The People," and, The Mandate that "We" Gave them, in the Last Presidential Election, The Consequences will be Severe! And, "They" Will be Fired, Without A Doubt!

And, May I express my objective Belief that "We The People," Citizens of This Planet Earth are in Need of A New Generation of Public Servants who Truly are Committed to, and, Wish to Serve, Preserve, Protect and Defend The Public!

And, that I believe that "We The People," Citizens of this Planet Earth are in Need of A New Millennium Emancipation Declaration, Of, By, and For The People!"

And, May I continue to say Without Pause that "We" are in Need of A Peace Time Economy that is Driven By 21st Century Technological, Ecological, Scientific, Spiritual and Humane Values!

And, that "We" Need to Put an End to The Abuse of Power by Leaders of Government!
And, An End to UN-Declared Wars! Enough is Enough!

Which does not Mean that "We" should not, or would not, Defend our Rights of Liberty, and Freedom! Or, The Preservation of Rights For One and All to Live in Peace, and, Enjoy The Fruits of A Shared Prosperity!
For "We" are Not Afraid to Stand Up for what "We" Believe in!
And, "We" are Not Afraid to Stand Fast in The Face of Adversity!
And, I sincerely, Believe that "We" are A Great Soul Force for Peace!
And that, It is in Our Best Interests to Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace, and Living in A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers wherever and whomever You May be,
Let Us Send Out A Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to All The Leaders of The Worlds Nations!
Let Us Send Out The Word that it is Time to "Give Peace A Chance!"
Let Us Make A New Peace Initiative to Put an End to Poverty!
Let Us Sow The Seeds of An Earthrise Movement! And, Let Us Nourish it, so that it Blossoms into A Springtime Movement of Peace, and An Evolutionary New Age!
This is 2010, Let Us not Pause in Our Efforts to Bring about A Peace Change in Our Lives, and, In The Lives of Our Family, Friends, and Neighbors!

And, Once again, Let Us use Whatever Non-Violent Means Available to Us to Advance The Cause of Peace whether it be via, Twitter, Blackberry, Cell Phones, Traditional Forms of Tele-Communication, Satellite Communications, Word of Mouth, Wires, Faxes, Grassroots Organization, Populist Groups, Sit Ins, Demonstrations, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Newspapers, Music, Dance and The Arts, Meditation, and, Most Definitely in The Up and Coming Elections!
And, Let Us Continue to use Whatever Non-Violent Means, and Platforms of the Internet and The Cross-Media Universe to Reach Out to this Planet of Ours, as I Believe that Jesus of Nazareth, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Muhammad, Confucius, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Lao-Tse, Nelson Mandela, and Siddhartha Gautama would, and, Let Us Sing Out that "We are The World", and, Lets "Give Peace A Chance!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!