Wednesday, March 3, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXV

The Political System in Washington has Become a Bad Joke on "We The People," which is Why, in Part, I suggested that "We" need An Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium to Free us from The Disastrous Political, and Economical Path that "We" have been Thrust upon! And, it doesn't matter whether "They" are Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, or, Progressives, "They" are a Disgrace to The Memory of Millions of Women and Men who have Given Their Lives to Preserve, The Principles, Dignity, and Honor of these United States of America!
"They" (the Infamous "They") simply don't care! "They Pretend to, and Speak in Lofty Terms, but, its all Rhetoric, and, by now "We" all know that "They" Really Don't Mean Most of what "They" tell us to begin with!
Yes, there are a Few Exceptions, but, not nearly Enough to Make a Difference!
In General, "They" do not Seek, nor, do "They" Attempt to Undertake any Real Sincere Act of Reconciliation For The Sake of Their Fellow Citizens, or, as a Matter of Fact, For The Citizens of The Earth!

It is A Shameful Disgrace that "They" do not Care that UN-Employment is at The Highest Level its been in Decades!

Its A Shameful Disgrace that "They" simply do not Care that Property Taxes are Strangling Homeowners! Or, that Taxes in General have Gone Way Beyond what they were Originally Created for!

Its A Shameful Disgrace that "They"do not Care that Tens of Millions of Americans can not Afford Proper Health Care!

Its A Shameful Disgrace that Millions of Children Live in Poverty in The U.S.

Its A Shameful Disgrace that "They" do not Care that "They" are Destroying The Hopes and Dreams of the Youth, Middle Age, and Elderly whose Goals were to Work, Prosper, and Enjoy Sharing The American Dream with Each Other, and Live Together in Peace!

Its A Shameful Disgrace that "They" do not Care that Our Heroic Volunteer Armed Forces and National Guard are being asked to Undertake Tour after Tour in Iraq/Afghanistan with Barely a Pause in Action, while Their Families are Struggling to Survive here in The United States!
And, A Great Many of these Heroic Members of Our Volunteer Army were Led to Believe that they were to Receive a Free Education when they Returned from Duty!
But, All it Appears that they are Receiving, is An Education on How to Survive in Harms Way, on Foreign Shores! Fighting in UN-Declared Wars! Once again!
As if The Vietnam UN-Declared War wasn't Enough to Tax and Divide The U.S. and The World!

There is No Doubt that, A Change Must Come in The Political Leadership, Kitchen Cabinet Hierarchy, and, The Overall Political, Business, and Financial Systems, of The United States! Why? Because "We The People," are Better than this Horrific State of Affairs! And, Because "We The People," Citizens of This Planet Earth, can no longer Afford The Price that "We" have been Asked to Pay!
A Cost that is, in Effect, Much More than The Present Deficit/Debt Levels of The U.S.
Its The Loss of Our Principles and Ideals! Its The Loss of Our Homes and Our Family Values! Its The Loss of Our Children and Our Dignity!
While "Them that's Got (as Billie Holiday sang), Get More!
And, "Them that's Not," are Ignored!
I understand that it is in The Human Nature to Be Competitive, and Strive to be Successful in Whatever Endeavors that are Attractive to us.
But, there must be A Social Awareness that Makes Sure that Those of us who are Less Fortunate are Still Cared for, whether The Cause of Their Misfortune, or, Hardship has been brought on by War, Natural Disaster, or, In Humane Treatment!
It should Still be Our Solemn Duty as Citizens of This Planet, that No One should Go Without!
This Planet Earth and its Citizens Depend on Honest and Sincere Leadership to Survive!
"We" Depend on Honest and Sincere Representation "Of, By, and For, The People," to Implement and Actively Engage in Correcting The Wrongs, and Injustices that have been Inflicted upon us, or, Threatened Against us!
"Its a Long Time Coming" as Sam Cooke sang, but, "We" All Know that A Change Must Come! One of Peace, A Peace Change! And, of A Shared Prosperity For One and All! A Covenant of "We The People!" A New Millennium Emancipation Declaration of Peace, For All Sentient Beings!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A New Peace Millennium! And, to A New Age where "We" can All have An Opportunity to Rejoice and Enjoy in The Advancement of Technology, Our Scientific Achievements, and An Enlightened State of Human Evolution!
A New Age where "We" can All Freely Explore, and Embrace in A Season of Peace that is Everlasting!
A Season of Peace and Prosperity that Transcends, and Supplants War, Poverty, Homelessness, The Lack of Health Care, The Feeling of A Lack of Social Security, Fears of UN-Employment, Illness, Crime, Lack of Morality, and Religious Failure, and Persecution!
A Season of Peace and Prosperity that Gives Birth to A New Spring of Peace Initiatives, and An Earthrise Movement that Claims The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of One and All!
A Season in which A Peace Time Economy is The Financial Component that A New Foundation and System of A New Millennium, can be Built upon!
A New Peace Millennium! This is The Peace Change that We" Need, and Must Have!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You may be, Let us Act as One in Proclaiming that An Age of New Beginnings has Come!
Let us Act as One in Proclaiming An Emancipation Declaration "Of, By, and For The People," Citizens of This Earth Must be Realized, Now!
Let us Reach Out by and through all Non-Violent Means, and Vehicles of The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, that are available to us, to call Upon The Present Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
Its Time that these Political, Financial, and Religious Leaders used Their Positions of Influence to Heal, Care for, Protect, Preserve, and Defend "We The People," Citizens of This Planet Earth! And, this includes The Care of Our Oceans, Skies, Lands, Sentient Beings, and Universe!
And, Let us Be Pure in Heart, Mind, and Soul as The Mahatma, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth, Confucius, Socrates, Nelson Mandela, Lao-Tse, and Muhammad would be, in Achieving Our Goals!
So that "We" May Evolve Sociologically, and Spiritually in Peace!
"We are the World," Lets "Give Peace a Chance!"