Friday, February 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXIV

Abraham Lincolns Memorable Emancipation Proclamation was a perfectly timed speech, legislation, and event for the Civil War era, and in a sense, a variation of it could most definitely apply to both The Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries as well. But, in A New Form of An Emancipation Declaration! Why?
Because, Here "We" are Existing in The Twenty-First Century, In A New Millennium, and still "We" are faced with, yet, another UN-Declared War!
Wasn't The UN-Declared War in Vietnam Enough!
Or, Do "We" have to Relive, and Travel Down this same ole Path again! Aren't our Leaders, whether "They" be Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Progressive, or of The Tea, Tory, Labor, Green, Socialist, or Communist Party, Intelligent Enough, or, Haven't "They" Learned Enough to Foresee that "We The People," Citizens of This Earth do not Wish to be Driven into Another, (metaphorically speaking) Cattle Pen For The Slaughter!
This is Why, "We" must have New Representation Of, By, and For The People! And, if there is any Reason Why A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue should take place, Its to Draw up An Emancipation Declaration For "We The People," Citizens of this Planet Earth!

Its The Twenty-First Century, its Time that "We," Every Race, Creed, and Nationality, were Given Assurances that The Global Economy will be Energized by A Forceful Peace Time Evolution! Motivated by A Peace Time Entrepreneurialism!
And, Advanced, Maintained, and Sustained by Peace Time Incentives, and Objectives!
This should be The Motif of Our New Millennium, A Peace Time World Economy!
And, whatever The Incentives are, that are Provided by The Leaders of The Worlds New Age Nations, they should be of Equal Benefit to "We The People," in Parallel, with The New Millennium World of Finance!
And, whatever The Amount is, of Investment Capital, Provided by The World of Finance for Research and Development, these Funds should be Solely Provided for by The Global Financial Corporations and Institutions! And, their Primary Motivation should be their Concerted Desire to Support Ecological, Environmental, and New Millennium Technologies that are Beneficial to The Earths Natural State of Evolution, once again, In Parallel with The Human Evolution, and Education of "We The People!" Is this Too Much to Ask for! Haven't "They"Profited Enough already!

The Earths Resources are Limitless! There is More than Enough to Care for Each and Every Citizen of This Planet!
And, there is More than Enough Ingenuity, Curiosity, and Knowledge Available to Move The Earths Societies Forward, Towards An Age of Sublime Existence!
One that can be Shared by One and All, in Equanimity, and Equality!

And Yes, you can be Absolutely Positive that "We" will need a Strong Defense to Protect, Defend, and Preserve The Peace! However, First of All, "We" must Live, and Evolve in Peace if "We" are to Survive!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Why else have so many Enlightened, Impassioned, Intelligent, and Consciously Aware Individuals Given their Lives for Us? Its so that "We" can Live in Peace!
Their Names Resonate in my mind like A Great Universe of Transcendental Sonorities, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Confucius, Muhammad, Nelson Mandela, Lao-Tse, and Jesus of Nazareth! Can you hear them! Can you see them! Showing Us The Way!
Yes, Its Time for A New Perspective, and A New Universe of Priorities of A Peace Millennium! A Emancipation Declaration!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You may be, Let us Continue to Spread The Word that The Time has Come to Give Peace a Chance, via Twitter, Blackberry, Youtube, Email, Cell Phones, Traditional Telephone Calls, Wires, Newspapers, Cable, and Network TV, Satellite Communication, Yahoo, Linkedin, Google, The Arts, and All Across This Earth of ours, via The Internet, and Cross-Media Universe!
Let these Twentieth, and Twenty-First Century Means of Communication, and Technology be The Vehicles for Our Peace Millennium Platform!
And, as The Suffragettes Marched, and Demonstrated to Obtain A Woman's Right To Vote, And, As Students, Civil Rights Activists, Musicians, Actors, and Actresses, some Members of The Clergy, and Peace Activists Marched, and Demonstrated, and, Engaged in Sit Ins, against The UN-Declared War in Vietnam, and, For Civil Rights, Let us, Now, Join Hands, and, Let Our Voices Sing Out as One, "We are The World," and, Lets "Give Peace a Chance!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Its Time that "We" were Set Free from The Invisible Economic, and, Psychological Chains Imposed upon Us by The Capitalistic Oligarchs, and, their Allies of A Conditioned Reality!
I sincerely believe that This is Why Mahatma Gandhi spoke these words so Eloquently, and Meaningfully, "Lead us from Unreal to Real!"
And, this is Why, its Time for A New Millennium Emancipation Declaration of Peace!