Wednesday, February 24, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXIII

The Way To Peace should be An Agreement between "We The People,"Citizens of The Earth! And, It should definitely be A Promise made By Each of Us, To One Another!
It must be More than just An Idea, It must Become A Reality For The Sake of Each and Every Living Creature on Earth!
But, it Will take Building A Nexus between All Women, and Men of Peace!
And, It Will Take Building A Bridge of Peace that Traverses over Troubled Waters, and, Reaches Across This Earth of Ours, To Each, and Everyone of Us!
A Nexus, and Bridge that Gives Birth to An Earthrise Movement of Hope, and Shared Prosperity For One, and All!

And, Its Time that The Political Power amongst Nations be Removed from The Control of The Elite, and Placed in The Hands of "We The People,"once more!
Why? Because, "We," Understand The Feeling of Loss, more Intensely, When A Member of Our Family has Died in Combat! Why? Because it is Our Children who are Dying!
And, "We," Feel The Misery of Millions of Children, and Their Parents and Families who are Living in Poverty!
And, "We," Feel The Hopelessness of Those amongst Us who are Homeless!
And, "We," Understand The Feeling of Being Over Taxed, Under Paid, and UN-Employed!
This is Why, A Peace Change must Come! Because "We" need Women, and Men who Care about The Welfare, and, Needs of "We The People!"
Women, and Men of Vision, who are Willing to Go The Extra Mile, as the saying goes, For Their Fellow Human Being, in fact, For All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, In The Name of Peace!
Men, and Women who Understand, and Have Not Forgotten, The Dreams, and Aspirations of A New Generation of Youth from All Over This Earth!
The Twenty-First Century should Not be Dominated by A Schism of Classes, or, by War, Armed Conflict, Genocide, and Violence!
It should be An Age of Education, and Cultural Advancement!
It should be An Age of Human Evolution, in Parallel with The Technological, and Scientific Advancements that Continue to Occur, without Precedence!
It should be An Age of Spiritual Evolution! One that Stirs The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us!
"The Times They Are a Changing," as Bob Dylan Composed, and Continues to Sing, and This should be An Age of Amazing Grace, so, Lets Get on "The Peace Train," as Yusef The Entertainer (Cat Stevens) Composed, and Continues to Sing,
For, This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers wherever, and whomever you may be, As a New Season of Spring Approaches, Let Us, once again, Commit, and Dedicate Ourselves to The Sowing of Seeds of Peace! And to Cultivating, and Sharing them in A New Peace Initiative!
And then, Let us Share these Seeds of Peace with All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, and Universe! A Global Sharing with One, and All, in a Full Moon Harvest of Peace that is Everlasting!
And then, Let us Continue to Nourish, and Build upon This Peace, Block upon Block, For The Sake of Our Children, and Their Children's Children, For Millenniums to Come, as would Mother Teresa! As would Martin Luther King!
As would Jesus of Nazareth, Socrates, Muhammad, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Lao-Tse, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi!
And, Let us Spread This Word of Peace via Twitter, Blackberry, Emails, Wires, Faxes, Satellite Communications, Youtube, Radio, Cable, and Network TV, Newspapers, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, Cell Phones, and Traditional Telephones, Through The Arts, and, All Across This Planet Earth via The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!
And, Let Us Sing of It! Talk of It! Dance It! Demonstrate, March, Walk, and, Sit, In The Name of Peace!
And, As A Great Soul Force of Peace, Let Us Call upon The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue!
Its Time that "They" Understood that "We The People," Citizens of This Earth Strongly Desire To Live in Peace!
And that, Its Time "They"Changed their Priorities, Placing them Below Ours!
Its Time For A Peace Change! Its Time that "They" Gave Peace a Chance!
After all, "We Are The World!" A World Of, By, and, For The People!
And, Not just For The Elite!
Women, and Men of Peace, and, of One World, This is Our Opportunity to Sow The Seeds of A Season of Peace that Lasts For An Eternity!
Let us Cherish it! Believe in It! Defend It! Protect, and Preserve It!
For, This is The Way To Peace, and A New Peace Millennium!