Monday, February 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXII

I always find it troubling when one of "The Old Guard," in this case James Baker, uses a greatly admired individual, such as, in this case, Mother Teresa, to support their contention about what is the Best Way to Conduct Warfare, (even though its an UN-Declared War). If you viewed Mr. Baker being Interviewed by Fareed Zakaria, on Sunday, then, you are aware of, what comments Mr. Baker made, that, I am Referring to.
If there was ever a Time Period when "We The People," Citizens of this Earth, were in need of Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason, such as, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Socrates, Confucius, Jesus of Nazareth, and, Lao-Tse, for Guidance, that Time is Now!
But, its amazing how far some Politicians, and, James Baker, certainly qualifies for being one, will go to prove that "They" (once again The Infamous "They") know what is Best for Us!
"They" have no problem discrediting by insinuation, anyone, at all, who does not agree with their opinions! And, "They" will use whatever rhetoric, or, falsification of facts, as in the case of The UN-Declared War in Vietnam, or, Iraq, to try, and, Manipulate Us!
Well, its Time for A Change of The Guard! And, what "We" need is A Peace Guard to Defend Our Freedom, and, Our Principles!
And, if, The Old Guard can not understand that The World has Changed, and, "We The People" no longer want their Advice, or, Consultation, if, "They" are unable to work towards the Total Implementation of A Peace Millennium, then, "They"should retire! Because, Its definitely Time for A Change!

Why? Because, for Much too Long "We" have been Coerced, and, Conditioned to Believe, and, Follow the Ideologies of, both, Religious, and, Political Leaders into Battle under False Pretenses, that emanated from their Lust of Power, Greed, and, at times, Purely Evil Intentions!
And, "We" have been told, over and over, that what was done, was for The Good of Mankind! But, what Good are "They" Referring to?
Surely, it is not the Millions of Families, who've lost a Child due to The, seemingly, Endless State of War, that has taken place, over The Course of Centuries!
Surely, They" could not be Referring to this Earth of Ours, being Ripped Apart by Nuclear, and, Atomic Weapons, and, Endless Testing! All this, In addition to The Damage that Conventional Weapons have Caused!
And, Surely,"They"could not be Referring to The Enormous Loss of Life of All Sentient Beings!
So, What is this "Good" that "They" are Referring to?
And, why did "They" Forget to Tell Us what The Price would be!

And, As The U.S., and, its Global Allies continue The Escalation of Fighting in Afghanistan, and, The continued Fighting in Iraq, and, The Global War on Terrorism, One begins to Wonder, Whats Going on? And, What is this Infamous "Exit Strategy," that, "We've" All heard So Much about!?
Certainly, The one in Iraq hasn't been adhered to, so far!
So, when will Peace Come?

And, How many more years will our Sons, and, Daughters be sent to Fight on Foreign Shores! Some Never to Return!
And, How many more years will "We" be Led down, yet, Another Path of Destruction!
But, its not just The Fighting in UN-Declared Wars, and, Regional Conflicts around The World, Its The Wounds that have been Inflicted upon Us by The Lies, and, Half Truths that have Added Insult to Our Moral Values, and, Intelligence!

Then, add to that, The Political Subterfuge! The Religious Subterfuge!
And, Subterfuge Inflicted upon Us by The World of Finance!
And, Then you Begin Wondering what Our Friends, Neighbors, and, Children, are Dying for!

Most Certainly, these Reasons are not the Same Ones that The Civil Rights, Anti-War, Racial, and, Economic Parity Movements were Fought for, over The Past Centuries!
And, Most Definitely, This is Not The Way To Peace!

And, It seems that, if "We The People," Citizens of This Earth are being asked to Continuously make Life and Death Sacrifices, shouldn't there be A Just Reward?
Such as Peace! An Everlasting Peace on Earth!
I'm not being Naive! I know that there will always be Someone, or, Some Nation that will attempt to Threaten The Peace, and, I've written this before!
But, that is Why, "We" have Trained Soldiers, Security Personnel, and, Officers of The Law, to Protect, Defend, and, Preserve The Peace!
And, One should not Underestimate The Soul Strength, and, Conviction of Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason, to Stand as One in The Name of Peace, against any Aggression that Attempts to Threaten Peace, Freedom, or, This Sacred Earth of ours!
This is worth Sacrificing Our Lives for! And, for The Sake of Our Future, and, Present Generations!
And, If, this is what it takes to Live in Peace, then, "We" Will Resolutely Dedicate, and, Commit ourselves to Being a Soul Force For Peace, and, Life, hereafter, in Equanimity, and, Equality with One another!
The is The Just Reward that "We" have been Longing for!
And, It is The Just Reward that "We" Expect from the Great Efforts that "We" have Put Forth to Achieve A Lasting Peace on Earth! Irregardless, and, Inspite of The Lies that History has proved, "We" were Wronged by!

Today's, World Leaders should put aside their Own Agendas, and by, the Same Example of Millions upon Millions of Women, and, Men who have Sacrificed their Lives, Work Without Pause, to Coalesce around A Global Peace Agenda!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason, Do not Hesitate to Spread The Word Al-throughout The World, via Email, Twitter, Blackberry, Cell Phones, Traditional Telephones, Wires, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Youtube, Satellite Communication, Cable, and, Network TV, Radio, Newspapers, The Arts, or, via whatever Internet, or, Cross-Media Services, or, Outlets, that are available, that, Its Time To Give Peace A Chance!
And, Remember that "We are The World," and, Peace is A Just Reward for "We The People," Citizens of This Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, The Universe that "We" are apart of!
And, On A Last Note, Its Time for The Worlds Leaders to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
Its Time that "They" Address The Issues, and, Concerns, of "We The People," Citizens of This World!
Lets Give Peace a Chance!