Thursday, February 18, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXI

I keep returning to this simple equation, which is; Results not Talk, or, Action not Talk, but, All that President Obama, his Administration, and, The Republican Party, and, their Leadership, seem capable of doing is, Talk! Even when "They" pass, what "They," (once again, The Infamous "They") Deem is "Important Legislation," "They" still Find a Way to Ruin it with Poor Administrative/Management/Distribution skills!
For example, (1)"They" pass a 780 Billion Dollar Stimulus Bill (Reinvestment and Recovery Act) and, the Result is UN-Employment Rises to 9.7 percent. Where are The Jobs! And, Where did The Money Go! There is still a Third of it, that Goes Unspent! What are "They" Waiting For!

(2) President Obama Travels to Copenhagen, Denmark to do something, meaningful, and, substantial about Climate Warming, and, what is the Result, Virtually Nothing! And, Once again, More Talk and Nothing gets Done, in The End!

(3) And then, President Obama, his Administration, and, The Democratic Party Vote on A Health Care Reform package that can not be Implemented!

(4) And, what does The President do about The Massive Debt/Deficit that The U.S. has, He creates a Commission/Panel to Find Solutions to This Problem! And, raises The Debt Ceiling to 14.3 Trillion!

(5) And, as if The UN-Declared War in Iraq wasn't Enough, President Obama, and, his Administration Decide to Escalate The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan, as well. With the Same Exit Strategy, as Former President Bush had for Iraq, which is None! No Matter what "They" Tell Us, "We" All Know that, "They" will Keep Our Armed Forces there, For As Long As "They" think "They" can! Which will be until "We The People," Citizens of This Earth say Enough is Enough, and, Its Time that "They" Pull Our Troops Out, and, Bring Them Back Home! You would think that The UN-Declared War in Vietnam was Enough of a Hard Lesson to Learn!

In the Meantime, The Republicans Continue to Play their Games of Partisan Politics, so, that "They"can win back The Seats that "They" Rightfully Lost, Due to Their Incompetence, over The Last Decade!

What will it Take for these Politicians, Democrat, and, Republican, to Understand that "We" want Results, and, Solutions to The Problems of UN-Employment, Health Care, and, Poverty!
What will it Take for them to Understand that "We The People," are Struggling to Survive!
Vice President Biden's comment that "Washington, Right now, is Broken," is a Gross Understatement! Washington is more like Clogged Artery of The Heart, and, It is Going to Give The U.S. and The World, a Heart Attack, if it Continues to Follow, and, Wallow, in its Present Course of Political Destruction!
Is there any Doubt in Your Minds that "We" need a Change in the Political Leadership of The United States!

There are Philanthropic, Spiritual, and, Economically minded Women and Men, of Conscious Awareness who are, already, In Action, and, Actually Doing Something to Change The World! And, Make it a Habitable Environment For One and All to Share!

And, its Important that these New Millennium Alliances, Visibly, Make Their Presence Known!
"We" need A New Face, A New Reflection, A New Universal System led by Women, and, Men who Understand The needs of "We The People," Citizens of This Earth!
Women, and, Men who Understand The Heart and Soul of "We The People," Citizens of This Earth!
Women, and, Men who Understand The Great Spirit of "We The People," Citizens of This Earth!
And, are Willing to Go Beyond the Comforts of their own Homes, and, Offices to Make Sure that "We" are Enjoying the Fruits, and, New Millennium Resources that are Plentiful on This Beautiful Planet of Ours! Without Ravaging, and, Raping it, as Both, Global Corporations, and, Nations have done in The Past, and, In many Cases Continue to Do!

There is Absolutely No Reason Why, Any Child should be Living in Poverty!
And, There should be, Absolutely, No Reason Why, Anyone should be Homeless, or, Lack for Health Care!
There is, and, always, has been, More than Enough Resources on This Earth, For Everyone to Share!
But, The Leaders of The Worlds Nations have to Get Their Priorities in Order, before, this will ever Happen!
Or else? "We" Will Fire Them in The Next Elections, and, Elect Women, and, Men, whether they be Musicians, Bookstore Owners, Bus Drivers, Postal Employees, Police Officers, Firemen and Women, our Next Door Neighbors, Librarians, or, Artists of Whatever Persuasion, to Replace them!
But, What is Most Important, is that these New Electives Understand The Deep Suffering, Neglect, and, Lack of Respect of "We The People," Citizens of This Earth have Endured!

And that, This Must End! It has been Going on For Much Too Long a Period of Time! Centuries! And, Enough is Enough!

But, "We" Will need the Use of All of The New Millennium Technological Advancements, as well as, the Old, to Counter, and, Neutralize All of The Negative Conditioning that has been used to Control, Misuse, Abuse, and, Manipulate Us!
This includes, Texting, Emails, Twitter, Blackberry, Wires, Cell Phones, Telephones, Music, Film, The Arts, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Satellites, Yahoo, Google, Myspace, Linkedin, Youtube, Newspapers, Facebook, and, Whatever Cross-Media Services, and, Outlets that are Available to Us, to Spread The Word, that its Time For
A Change! A Complete Change! A Peace Change!
As Bob Dylan Composed and Sang, "The Times They Are A Changing," so, Lets Get On Board The "Peace Train" (thank you Yusef)!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason Whomever, and, Wherever you may be, Let Us Renew our Efforts, and, Once Again, as In The Past, as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Muhammad, Martin Luther King,
Jesus of Nazareth, Lao-Tse, and, Confucius, have done In Their Own Individualistic Ways, In The Name of Peace, Let us Lead, and, in Return, Be Led,
In A Great Earthrise of Peace!

And, Let Us Be, as if, "We" are One Magnificent Note, with Limitless Sonorities, Orchestrated with An UN-limited Diversification of Universal Motifs, and, Interludes, All Ringing Out in An Endless Flow of Untrammeled Ripples, and, Tonalities All Across This Sacred Earth! And, Let this Pure, Ascending, and, Transcendental Note, when Played, and, Sung, Be as A Populist Solar Axiom For One and All To Share!
And, Let this Celestial Composition of Life, Be Our Anthem of A
Great Non-Violent Earthrise Movement of Peace!
And, Without any Further Delay, Let Us Call upon The Present Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue! Its Time that these Leaders Understood that "We The People,"Citizens of The Earth Wish to Live in Peace! And, that it is their Solemn Duty to Preserve, Protect, and, Defend this Peace against All Hostile, and, Warring Factions! But, Its Time that "They" did so, In The Name of Peace! Thereby Continuing to Sow The Seeds of Peace!
A Peace that is Everlasting, and, A Peace Eternal,
Without Pause, and, Without End!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A New Peace Millennium!
Its Time We Gave Peace a Chance!