Monday, February 1, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXVI

I was surprised at some of what President Obama spoke about in his State Of The Union Speech. At times he sounded as if he was an Activist, Criticizing the Faulty Behavior of The US Congress, and, The US Supreme Court!
But then, I had to Remind myself that He is also at Fault! He is The President of these United States of America, and, as the saying goes " The Buck Stops Here!" Which is to say, at His Desk!
And, if, He is Sincere about Change, then, it is Important that Change, Starts at The Top, which is with him, and, Joins Hands with "We The People," and, Walks Hand in Hand, in The Name of Change, Peace, and, A Shared Opportunity, and, Prosperity for One and All!
Actually, I thought that His Speech should have been a State of The Union Call to Activism! How else is he to Implement His idea's!
And, What He needs to Do is Take a Hands on Approach, If, He truly Desires to Improve the Disturbing Effect that The US Economy has had on "We The People!"
He should go State by State, City by City, Town by Town, Neighborhood by Neighborhood, and, from House to House, if necessary, if, He is to Make a Positive Change in our Overall Economic/Financial State of Being!

And, He should Invite Leaders of The Business Community, Neighborhood Peace Activists, Philanthropic, Spiritual, Religious Leaders, and, Honest, Hard Working Men and Women, to Join Him in, A "We The People Come First Movement!"
This would be an Important Step Forward in Establishing a Peace Time Economy, and, A New Peace Initiative!
And, This would be a Positive Step Forward Towards bringing Hope to our Nation!
And, It would bring The Message of Hope to The Poorer Communities, who would Appreciate this Display of Concern for their Welfare, and, also, See the Proof of A New State of The Union Activism!

And, The Middle Class would be Grateful for a Helping Hand in Addressing Their Financial/Family Concerns, by Such a Demonstration of Humane Activism!

And, The Homeless would Rejoice in Seeing that there was a Positive End in Sight, to The Nightmare that They have been Experiencing!
This is The Way To Build a Flourishing New State of The Union of these United States Of America!
United in Caring for its Homeless!
United in Caring for its Middle Class!
United in Caring for One, and All, In Divisible, as Citizens of This Planet Earth!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

And, I suggest to The President that, should He take my humble advice, when He Visits The States, Cities, Towns, Villages, Neighborhoods, and, Homes of America, that He shouldn't Come Empty Handed, or, with Empty Pockets!

And, Don't Tell us what He is Going to Do! Come with All the Resources of The President of The United States of America, and, a Check Book, Prepared to Pay for whatever State, City, Town, Village, Neighborhood, or, Home Improvements that "We The People," May be in Need of! This would be an Example of Government Activism that Works, for A Change!
This would be an Example of Government Putting its Best Foot Forward!
And, Marching Hand and Hand with The People!
This would be an Example of A Government of The People, For The People, and, By The People!"
And, This would be The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!
This is The Change "We" need! Now!

If, The President would like to be a True Advocate for Change, or, a Peoples President, then, He has to Leave The Oval Office, and, Return to The Reality that "We The People." have been Thrust into, Due to The Corruption, Greed, Lust for Power, and, Selfishness of The Capitalistic Oligarchs, whose Lobbyists, and, Politicians of A Failed, and, Broken Financial System has Caused!
The idea of a Subprime Loan was not that of a Hard Working Teacher, with a Family of Two!
The idea of a Subprime Loan was not that of a Hard Working Musician, who has a Family, and, is working as many Gigs a Week as he possibly can to Support his Family, and, Keep up The Payments on his Mortgage!
The idea of a Subprime Loan was not that of a Bus Driver, who can not get a loan from the Same Bank who Gave him, his Sub-Prime loan in the First Place!
And, Its Time for those in The United States Government, and, The World of Finance to Accept their End of Responsibility for The Financial Destruction that "They" have Inflicted on The American People!
And, "They" should Make whatever Reparations Necessary to Alleviate The Stress, Frustration, and, Damage that "They" have Caused, by their Selfish, and, Thoughtless Actions!

And, "We" don't have time for Congress to Pass another Bill, or, Establish another Committee to Rehash the Same ole Same ole Partisan Politics that "They (Once again The Infamous "They") seem to think Accounts for Points Won and Lost, in their Endless Squabbling, At our Expense!

"We" just don't have Time for it! And, Either "They" get it, or, "We The People," will Fire them in The Next Elections! Then, "They will get it! And, You can Bet on it!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Let it Be our Covenant, our, Mission, and, our Resolute Purpose to Work, Arduously, To Right The Wrongs of of Millions of Americans whose only Fault was to Trust in their Banks, and, Elective Officials!
Let us Commit, and, Dedicate ourselves to Right The Wrongs of Billions of Citizens of This Sacred Earth, whose only Fault was to Believe in The Rhetoric of Sophists, who Cared, only, about How much Profit "They" were gong to Make!

Let us Be A Great Soul Force in The Tradition of The Mahatma, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Jesus, Socrates, Nelson Mandela, and, so many Women, and, Men who Gave Their Lives, in The Name of Freedom, Civil Rights, Equanimity, Equality, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!
And, in The Name of Peace, for All Sentient Beings!

And, Let us Call upon The "Leaders of The World Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue to Address the Issues that are of a Great Concern to us!
And, This Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue should, also, be used to Engage in Discussions with all of The Warring Factions of this World of ours, To Find A Way to Live in Peace!
And, Let us Be Peace Advocates, and, Peace Ambassadors!
And, Let us Take The Initiative, The Peace Initiative to A World of Peace!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A New Peace Millennium!
Lets Give Peace a Chance!