Friday, February 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXIX

Every time I Hear, or, Read about, yet, another Proposal for a Bail Out Plan, whether, it be for The Country of Greece, or, a Global Bank Tax, as is Being Proposed by Prime Minister Gordon Brown of The UK, or, a New Bank Levy Proposal, by President Barack Obama to Raise 90 Billion Dollars, I just shake my head in Disbelief, and, say to myself Whats Goin' On! I can Hear Marvin Gaye singing it,"Whats Goin" On, Whats Goin' On!"

But, by whatever name "They" (Once again the Infamous "They") want to call it, such as, The Reinvestment and Redistribution Act, The End Result doesn't seem to Change the Tragic State of Global Poverty, Overly High UN-Employment, Homelessness, or, The Negative Class Distinction surrounding The Status Quo Between The Races!
"We've All been Born to this Earth! And, The Sun Rises and, Sets on Each and Everyone of us, in the same way!

But, I would like to know who gave The Leaders of The Worlds Nations the Authority to Continuously Raise our Taxes, over and over, again!
It would be Different if these Taxes were Actually being Used to Erase Poverty from The Face of this Earth! Or, were being Prioritized, and, Applied Towards Building more Schools, and, Paying for Our Children's Education!

But, All I Hear about is Another Budget Cut, and, or, Slashes in Education, and, Cutbacks Effecting The Fire, Police, and, Post Office Departments, and, In The Arts!
And, unfortunately, this is Taking Place in States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages, all through-out The United States!
Again, "Whats Goin' On!" And, How long will this Inept State of Being Continue to Exist! I thought that The New Millennium was supposed to be A Culturally Evolved Time Period!

Sadly, although very importantly,"We" are All Aware of, just, How Broken Down The System is! Which one? The Political, Financial/Economic Systems, etcetera, it doesn't seem to matter, "They are All Broken, and, Dysfunctional! Which Gives all the More Reason, and, Importance to Why, A Change must Come! A Peace Change!

But, Why A Peace Change? Because, A Peace Change does not Favor any Specific Political Party, Race, Creed, Nationality, or, Corporation, in Particular!
But, it does Favor "We the People," Citizens of This Planet Earth!

For example, When a Major Snow Storm, or, Natural Disaster shuts down business in Washington D.C., or, Country that is being effected by the Disaster, "We" need to Know that Each and Everyone of us Will still have a Place to Live, and, Food for Our Families!

"We" need to Know that "We" Will have Nothing to Fear, when Our Jobs are Terminated due to Cutbacks, for whatever Reason!

"We" need to Know that our Health Care will be The Top Priority of Our Elective Officials, and, Not some Lobbyists, who is Representing The Health Care Industry!
"We" need to Feel Secure within Ourselves that "We" Will Never Lose Our Homes Because of a Financial/Economic System that is being Manipulated, and, Controlled by a Global Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs!

"We" need to be able to Trust that Our Principles, and, Values are Not being Corrupted, Subjugated, or, Threatened by any Religious, Spiritual, Financial, Dictatorial, Crime, Terrorist, or, Political Leader, whose Selfishness, and, Perverted Behavior can only Lead Us to Chaos, and, more Destruction!
This is Why, A Peace Change must Come! Peace is Beneficial to Everyone!

And, for this Reason, is Why, "We" need Women, and, Men to Step Forward in The Name of Peace, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

This is Why "We" need Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason to Come to our Aid, as have Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lao-Tse, Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, and, Jesus of Nazareth, Come, in The Past, to Guide us on The Way To Peace!

And, by Their Exalted, and, Humane Example, Let us Vote, or, Choose New Elective Officials who Reflect Their Example, and, Our Belief of what Leadership should be, and, Take us To a Higher Ground,and, Elevated State of Being for Sowing The Seeds of Peace, in this New Decade, and, New Millennium! This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers from All Over This Planet Earth, Whomever, and, Wherever you may be, "We" have Much Work to Do!
Let Our New Peace Initiative Gather unto us, and, unto Each Other A Great Soul Force of The Truth, and, Peace!
And, Let this New Gathering/Nexus of Peace Evolve into a Universal State of Empowerment, and, Earthrise Movement, that Non-Violently, Demonstrates, Marches, Tweeters, Emails, and, Sings Out to The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Give Peace a Chance!

And, Whether it be by Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, Network TV, Radio, Cable TV, Satellite, Newspaper, Sit Ins, Cell Phones, Blackberries, Texting, Wires, Film, Music, Literature,Telephones, via The Internet, or, whatever Cross-Media Universal Outlets that are available, Let us Call upon our Leaders to Declare a Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, amongst All Warring Factions of This Earth! And, Impress upon them that "We" the People," Citizens of Earth, Wish to Live in Peace!

Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Gave out Explicit orders to Our Armed Forces, Police, and, Security Forces, that The Citizens of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, have Called upon them to Defend, Protect, and, Preserve The Peace!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!
Lets Give Peace a Chance, after all, "We" are The World!
And, if, there is One Perfect Note, Song, Play, Film, Piece of Literature, or, Work of Art, Let it Be in The Name of Love, and, Peace!