Friday, February 5, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXVII

Once again, "We" were informed that, at sometime this year there would be another Terrorist Attack in The U.S. Like this is going to Shock, Surprise, or, Threaten any of Us!
If the U.S. Intelligence Community is not prepared to Prevent such an Attack from Happening, after all these Years, of Existing in A State of UN-Declared Warfare, then, I would be Sincerely Surprised, and, Shocked!
But, what is the Reason for this Announcement? Is it, Purely to Satisfy, yet another, Congressional Hearing, or, Out of a Real Concern!
I hope it's the latter!
Why? Because, I have noticed that these Type of Pronouncements usually occur when Elections are about to take place at sometime, in the Near Future!
However, "We" are involved in Three UN-Declared Wars,(One War in Iraq, Another in Afghanistan, and, The Global War on Terrorism!), so, The U.S. Armed Forces should be Mobilized, and, Ready for Action!
And, "We The People," should be Mentally Tough Enough, by now, to Withstand any Threat, or, Attack on our Shores!
But, this is not War, like it used to be, is it!

In the Past (World War II for example) there was No Doubt about, Why "We" were Fighting in the War! And, there was, always, a Sense of Integrity to Our Cause!
And, All Phases of The U.S. Manufacturing, and, Business/Financial Communities were Allied to Produce Whatever Service Needed, to Defend our Shores from Attack, or,Support Our Troops, or, Come to The Aid of Our Allies!
But, Today, All of these Lines are Blurred, aren't they!

For Example, Our Banks aren't Going out of Their Way to Provide Loans to Small Businesses, or, Homeowners!
And, The Financial Community, in General, doesn't appear to be Overly Concerned with the Fact that "We" are Fighting in Three UN-Declared Wars!
Or, that The U.S. Economy/American People are in Life, and, Death Struggles to Survive, Support Their Families, or, Pay Their Bills on Time!
And, Its Unconscionable, how "They" (the Infamous "They") Give out Large Bonuses, in the Face of a National UN-Employment of 9.7, and, amongst People of Color, as High as 16.5 per cent, or more!
There is No Logic to these goings on! How can you explain it! Why is there so much Poverty! Why are there so many, who are Homeless, and, Living in Shelters, Tents, Their Cars, or, on the Streets of our Cities, Towns, and, Neighborhoods!
You've heard the stories, and, so have I, of a Single Woman, or, a Family living in Their Car. Why?

President Obama's Administration is now asking The Congress to Pass a Jobs Bill, of more than One Hundred Billion Dollars. Why?
What Happened to the Seven Hundred and Eighty Billion Dollar Recovery and Re-Investment Act that The U.S. Congress Passed, last February? Who Benefited by that Bill, of which, not all of it, has yet been Completely Distributed?
And, I don't Understand, how, In these Times of High UN-Employment, Natural Disasters, War, Genocide, and, Regional Conflicts, that any Government, or, Leader, can Hesitate, Procrastinate, or, Delay Helping the Millions of Us, Who Are in Need. And, not just when its Politically Correct to do so, or, When It Looks Good to do so, In The Headlines!
People are in Need Everyday! For Example, Citizens of This Earth are in Need of Good Sanitation, Affordable Health Care, Legal Aid, and, Lower Taxes!
Our Children, and, Their Children, are Deserving of Having a Good Education!
And, Untrammeled Opportunities to Achieve Their Goals, and, Enjoy Their Lives!
As a Matter of Fact,"We" are All Deserving of Living in Peace!
And, "We" are All Deserving of Having Compassionate Leaders who are UN-Afraid of the Latest Polls, and, are Willing to Get Down with The People! Live amongst Us! Take the Subway with Us! Take a Bus with Us! And, Walk and Talk with Us! And, not just at Town Hall Meetings!
I know that there are Security Concerns, but, Who amongst Us is Safe from Harms Way, in Today's World! "We" All Have a Responsibility to One another!
"We" are All Citizens of this Earth! The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, "We" Need Leaders who are For The People, and, Who Genuinely Care for The Welfare of The People! Each and Everyone of Us, no matter what Race, Creed, or, Nationality "We" may be! "We" are All Citizens of The Earth!
As Bob Dylan wrote, and, sang "The Times They are a Changing," and, "We" Need our Elective Officials, Religious, and, Spiritual Leaders, and Business Leaders to Walk Hand in Hand with Us, and, Together with Us, Bring about A Peace Change, Which Means, to Put an End to War!
A Peace Change that Brings about a Peace Time Economy, Which Means, Ending the Control that Capitalistic Oligarchs have over The Global Economy!
Its Time for A Peace Millennium, that "We" can All Rejoice in! A Culturally Evolved Time Period! A Technologically, and, Scientifically Evolved Time Period!
An Age of Hope, Integrity, Compassion, and, Respect for One Another! And, An Age of Shared Prosperity, For One and All! This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever you may be, Let us Work Towards Bringing about This Change!
Let us Sing about This Change! Let us Walk, Talk, Demonstrate, and, March in Tune to The Same Drummer, and, Beat of This Change! And, As the song goes,"Lets Give Peace a Chance!"

"We" are Very Fortunate to Have The Empirical Knowledge, and, Example of, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Muhammad, Socrates, and, Martin Luther King to Show us The Way!
Their Guidance, and, Leadership Exemplified the Type of Leadership that should be Provided, to The Worlds Population, by The Present Global Leadership!

Let us Demand that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Declare a Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue! Its Time that "They" Make a Peace Initiative on Our Behalf!
Its Time that "They" begin A Peace Dialogue with all of The Warring Factions of This Planet Earth, in The Name of Peace!
Martin, Socrates, Muhammad, Mother Teresa, Nelson, Siddhartha, Jesus, and, The Mahatma would expect Nothing Less of These Leaders, and, Neither should "We!"
After All, as the song goes,"We are The World!" Let Us Be a Great Soul Force for Peace, and, A New Peace Millennium!