Monday, February 15, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXX

In these Troublesome Times that "We" exist in, "We" Need to Call Forth A New Age of Heroines, and, Heroes to Step Forward (in addition to The Brave Women and Men of The Global Armed Forces) to Represent "We The People," Citizens of this Magnificent Planet of Ours, Earth!

Women and Men who are Sincerely Concerned about The Welfare, and, Issues that have had Profound Effects on All of Our Lives!
To be More Explicit, A New Age of Peacemakers and Voices of Reason to Swell the Present Day Ranks of The Many, who are, already, Passionately Working to Correct The Injustices Levied on "We The People,"Citizens of this Planet Earth!

Women and Men who are Avowed Peacemakers, Peace Activists, and, Non-Violent Voices of Reason, who Believe in A New Millennium that is Culturally, Scientifically, Technologically, Spiritually, and, Politically Evolved!

Women and Men whose Vision of A Global Financial System is Based on A Peace Time World Economy! One that is Beneficial to The Entire Earths Populace, and, Not Just The Few!
A Peace Time Economy that is Driven by Caring for One and All! And, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

The Old Model for The Global Financial System simply does not work!
It was Not Created to Provide for The Needs of "We the People!" And, it is obvious!
It was Created, solely, with The Philosophy of Profit in Mind! Which is More Compatible with A War Time Economy/Political Mentality!
This is Why A Peace Change must Come!

And, this is, also, Why "We" are in Need of New Leaders who are Willing to Dedicate their Lives to Preserving, Protecting, and, Defending The Peace!
Truly Dedicated Women and Men, who are Committed to Sowing The Seeds of Peace!
And, Sacrificing, and, Believing in The Visions of Peace!
A Peace Everlasting that Our Future and Present Day Generations can Rejoice, and, Take Great Pride in!
A Peace Millennium that Embraces All of The People, and, Sentient Life Forms of This Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun!
Women and Men who Respect The Oceans, Land, Skies, Ecology, and, Environmental State of Being of This Planet Earth!
And, The Universe that "We" are apart of!

"We Need Women and Men of Universal, and, Spiritual Consciousness, in The Tradition of, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, and, Martin Luther King, who Walked with Us, Talked, and, Sang with Us!
And, Shared Their Human Concern, Love, Healing, and, Caring Natures with Us!
They Learned from Us, and, Gave Freely to Us!
They Gave Their Omniscience and Guidance, Showing Us how to Enrich Our Lives!
And, Showed Us, by Their Example how "We" can All Prosper in The Name of Oneness and Wholeness, and, In The Name of Peace Everlasting for One and All to Share!
Is there any Doubt in Your Mind, that A Change must Come! A Peace Change!

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason, whomever, and, wherever you may be, Let us Encourage, and, Inspire All who would Listen, that It is Time for A New Generation of Heroines and Heroes to Come Forth!
To Come to The Aid of One and All, in Our Quest for Peace!
And, Together, "We" can Be A Great Soul Force for Peace!
Non-Violently Spreading The Word of Peace by All Means Available to Us!
By Texting, Emails, Blackberry, Tweeter, Music, Cell Phones, Wires,Traditional Telephones, Radio, Network and Cable TV, Satellites, Film, Literature, Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Newspapers, Google, Yahoo, and, All The Internet Services, and, Outlets of The Cross-Media Universe!
And, Once again, Let us Sing, "Give Peace a Chance," and, "We are The World," Together!

And, Let us Non-Violently March in The Name of Peace!
Have Sit Ins in The Name of Peace!
And, Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!

And, Let us Call upon The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
"We The People." Citizens of This Earth, want Results, and, Solutions to The Pressing Concerns of this Age! Its been Going on for Too Long, with The Same Ole Answers to Our Concerns! And, Enough is Enough!

And, All of these World Leaders should not Mistake Us, or, What Our Intent is, "We" want Less Talk and More Action! And, Less Partisan Politics!
And, This is, definitely, Not The Time for a Politics as Usual Attitude!

Recently, I have been returning over, and, over, to the Deeply felt Concerns, and, Humanistic Themes, that, I have been writing about, and, I would like to Share this One with you, once again, as well! Which is, If there is One, Note, Song, Play, Film, Piece of Literature, or, Work of Art, Let it Be In The Name of Peace!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A New Peace Millennium!