Friday, January 29, 2010



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXXV

The Time for Being an Activist has Definitely come! With the Upcoming Elections, what better Time could it be to Challenge any Incumbent who is up for New Election, or, anyone who is seeking an Elective Post, to Adhere to the Immediate Needs of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

And, whether it be Passing New Bank Legislation to Prevent Banks from Charging Unfair Fee's!
Or, The Creation of New Jobs, to put America Back to Work!
Or, Guarantee Heath Care for Each, and, Everyone of Us!
Or, Build New Schools, and, Provide a Highly Professional, Free Education, and, Awareness for All of our Children!
Or, Guarantee a Home for Each, and, Every Family!
Or, Placing A Lid on Campaign Financing, and, Limiting How much Influence that Lobbyists can have! The Time to Act is Now!
This is The Way To Re-gain Control of our Lives, and, Our Government!
And, This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

The Myriad Diverse Issues that Threaten our Everyday Life have been used by the Men, and, Women, of our Political System, for their own Benefit, but Definitely,Not for Ours! "They" (the Infamous "They") Stand before Us, and, Give Speeches about what "They" are going to do on our Behalf, but, when "They " are Elected, All "They" do is Talk, and then, Give Us More Talk, instead of Action!

Talk, and, Talk Alone is Meaningless, when You are UN-employed!
You can not Feed your Family with "Words!" No matter how Eloquently they may be spoken!
Or, If, You are Jobless, or, Homeless, Due to a Poor Economy, You can not Clothe, House, or, Care for your Family with UN-Fulfilled Election Promises!
Or, If, You are Ill, due to the UN-Imaginable Stress caused, and, brought on by Acts of Corruption, caused by An Economical System controlled by A Selfish, Lustful, Greedy Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs, You can not Be Healed, or, Comforted by The Rhetoric of their Bought, and, Sold Economists,and, Elective Officials!
Its Time for Action! And, Either "They" Do something, or, Lets Fire them All!
The President Included!

Its Time for A Real Change from The Conditioned Reality that has Lied, and, Manipulated us into Believing that "We" should send our Daughters, and, Sons to Fight in UN-Declared Wars, Based on False Conclusions, and, The Prefabrication of Evidence, or, Outright Lies!

And,"We" do not need Politicians to Represent us! "We" need Honest Women, and, Men, who are Peacemakers, and, Peace Time Economists!
"We" need Peace Time Educators, and, Peace Time Ambassadors!
"We" need Peace Time Philanthropists, and, Visionaries of A Peace Time Millennium!

Its Time for A New Age of Hope, and, Prosperity that One, and, All can Share in!
An Age of Respect, and,Trust that our Children can Be Proud of!
An Age of Security, and, Evolution that This Earth of ours can Rejoice in!
This is The way To Peace! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers whomever, and wherever you may be, Its Time that "We" Provided An Interdependent Alternative to The Same ole Same ole, that has Plagued our Civilization for Centuries!
An Interdependent Alternative, Peace Alternative, New Millennium Alternative, that Transcends the Conditioned Reality that has Caused A Malaise of The Spirit, and, Frustration, that has Suffocated The Aspirations of Billions of Women, and, Men from All Over This Sacred Earth of ours!

Its Time for A Much needed Change in our Lives, A Peace Change!
Martin Luther King had A Dream, and, its Time for His Dream/Our Dream, to Come True! Not just for a Few, but, For Everyone! Each, and, Everyone of Us!

And, if, "We" Have to Have Peace Demonstrations, Or, Job Demonstrations, Or, Health Care Demonstrations, Or, Save The Earth Demonstrations, Or, Protect our Children Demonstrations, (From the Evil Predators who Wish to Do them Harm), The Time to Do It, is Now! Non-Violently, of Course! As The Mahatma would Ask of Us to Do! As Jesus of Nazareth, would Ask of Us to Do! As Mother Teresa would Want Us to Do! As Socrates, would Want of Us! As Siddhartha Gautama would Want of Us! As Muhammad would Want of Us!
And as, So many Enlightened Women, and, Men who have Given their Lives in The Name of Peace for One and All, would Want Us to Do!

Its a Fact, that All Sovereign Nations of this, The Third Planet from The Sun have the Armed Forces Necessary to Protect, and, Defend Us! So, Its Time that "We the People," Citizens of this Planet Earth Call upon All of our Leaders to Declare A Global Truce, and, A Peace Dialogue to Address our Global Concerns, and, The Issues that are of Most Concern to Us! And Begin, in All Sincerity, Discussions with The Warring Faction of this Planet, in The Name of Peace, and, Prosperity for One and All!
And, Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Learned how to Nourish, and, Preserve The Idea's, and, Principles of Peace for our Future, and, Present Day Generations!
Its Time for A Peace Millennium! Lets Give Peace a Chance!