Friday, January 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXIII

As I have written before The Way To Peace is not an Easy Path to Take!
But, The Time for Sacrifice has come! The Time for Commitment has come!
The Time for a New Peace Initiative has come!
It may be a Prescient Vision, or, Deja vu, but, I can see Peace Demonstrators, and, Protesters Marching Together Calling for Reform, Calling for Change, Calling Out for Peace, Now!
Standing Fast in the Face of Armed Forces, Outnumbered, and, Yet still Demanding Recounts, when Voting Injustices are Committed!
Demanding Civil Rights, for the Oppressed!
And, Standing Strong as One when Threatened by Dictatorships, and, Armed Brutality!
I see them, Marching Arm and Arm with One another as Orders are called to Open Fire on them, if "They" do not Disperse!
How many Innocent Lives have been Lost, whose only offense was, the Desire to Live in Peace, and, Enjoy the Rights of Free Men, and, Free Women!
How many Innocent Women, and, Men, have been Assassinated, Murdered, and, Killed for their Beliefs! Made Martyrs in their Youth, never to know, enjoy, or, Experience a Full Life!
Murdered, Killed, and, Assassinated without Trials!

From Kent St. to Tianamen Square! From Iran to Iraq, and, Across the Streets of Europe, The Middle East, South America, and, Africa The Way To Peace has been Covered with Blood!
So many, have Given their Lives in The Name of Freedom, and, Peace!
And, been Imprisoned because of their belief in Peace, and, Truth!
Tortured in the Dark Cells of Evil!
Women, and, Men of Peace Beaten, Intimidated, Tortured, and, Killed because of their Beliefs in Equal Rights, and, in The Rights of Honest, and, Fair Representation!
Women, and, Men, who have remained resistant to The Attempts to Coerce The Truth!
Men, and, Women, who remained resistant to Attempts to Subvert the Truth!
Though some have been Forced to Live in Hiding!

It amazes me how long this road extends for! Across Centuries of Warfare!
Over Decades of Deprivation! Years upon Years of Immoralities!
Intimidation's! And, Ages upon Ages of Conditioned Repression of "We The People", Citizens of This Earth!

The Way is often Clouded, with Veiled Visibility! Multiple Diversions! Terrorism, Crime, Diseases, Ethnic Cleansing, the Lack of Education, and, Religious Wars! Coupled with, Cross Purposes meant to Confuse, Delude, and, Abuse us!
This is not to say that these issues are not Real Concerns, but, "We" have been Distracted from Thinking, or, Believing that "We" can Live in Peace!
Even with all of The Global Fire Power of The Western Industrialized Nations, and, United Nations, "We"are still being Led to Believe that they can not Protect, Preserve, and, Defend us! And, that "We" can not Live in Peace!

The only Way to see Clearly is to Transcend the Conditioned Realities that have been thrust upon us, that "We" have been made to believe, is The Truth!
If "We" are to Succeed in our Peace Efforts "We" must Learn to Realize what The Real Truth is, from The Conditioned One!
This may be The Greatest Challenge of All, because "We" have been Mislead for so Long!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers wherever you may be, Let us Continue to Sow, and, Cultivate The Seeds of Peace!
Educators, Historians, Teachers, Philanthropists, and, Spiritual Leaders, Let us Make a Universal Reality of Our Ideals, Peace Priorities, and, Peace Philosophies!
Let us be A Great Soul Force of Non-Violence! And, Let us Embrace The Principles of an Evolutionary Society of A Peace Millennium!
And, once more, Let us Call upon our Regional, National, and International Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare a Global Truce, and, begin A Peace Dialogue amongst all warring factions of this planet of ours!
The Way To Peace is not an Easy Path to Take, however, it is a necessary one if "We" Citizens of The Earth are ever to Live in Peace!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!