Friday, January 8, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXIX

I find the statement by President Obama about our most recent Security Breach as being "a Systemic Failure," as a gross understatement! However, whether, it be used to describe a Banking, Financial, Political Reason, or, A Terrorist Act, The "System" has been Broken, Corrupted, Compromised, and, Failed for quite awhile!
This statement, or, reference was used, if, you remember, during The Banking, Wall Street, and, Financial Scandals, repeatedly, in 2008, and, in 2009!
And, whether, it be a Systemic Failure, or, a Broken System, its all one, and, the same to me! And, its a Great Misfortune for "We The People" of the U.S. of A, and, The Citizens of This Earth!
Why? Because, no matter How many Bills The U.S. Congress passes to Correct, or, Heal The Rupture that has occurred in the System, "We The People" still have to Pay for It, and, the Individuals who are in control of The Almighty Purse Strings, and, the Allocation/Distribution of these funds are still the same Heartless, Soulless, Capitalistic Oligarchs!
And, until "They" are removed from power, or, from office, The System will remain the same! Corrupt, Compromised, and, Broken!

That is why "We" need a New Worldwide Change in The Leaders of The World Nations! "We," The Citizens of this Earth Deserve Better! And, nothing less, will do! This State of Amorphous, and, the Misuse of our Principles, and, Way of Life, has been going on for much Too long, to be allowed to continue Dragging us all, Down a Path of Chaos, and, Destruction!

"We" need Women, and, Men who are willing to Step Forward as New Leaders, Representing "We The People!"

"We" need Women, and, Men who are willing to Step Forward, not only to Pass Bills, but, to Honestly and Humanely, Distribute these Funds Back to The People! And, not into the Pockets of the Greedy, Lustful, Insensitive Corporations, Financial Institutions, and, Individuals whose main concern is, Too stuff as much Profit into their Own Accounts, and, Pockets, as possible!
And, Their only concern is, A World that Exists For Themselves, By Themselves, and, Of Themselves! And, "They " will use any means, whatsoever, to achieve, or, accomplish their goals, as well as, to Mislead The Citizens of this Earth, while doing so!

For much too long "They" (the Infamous "They) have Manipulated, and, Lied to us!
"They" have continuously, told us that "They" were Acting in our Best Interests!
Well, How is that possible, when, there are Tens of Millions, who are UN-Employed!
And, Millions of Children who are Living in Poverty, Shelters, and, On the Streets of our Cities, and, Neighborhoods!
Then, multiply this figure by the Millions of Women, and, Men/Parents, who are Living in Poverty, and, are Homeless!
To say that "We" have had, yet, another "Systemic Failure," is a Horrible Misuse, Conclusion, and, Assessment of Just One of the Conditions of This Earths Ecological, Environmental, Economical, Sociological, and, Spiritual/Human State of Existence!
And, statements such as, "The Buck stops here," and, "Connect The Dots," are Simply, not enough, when, You have Lost Hope, and, do not know, How you are going to Put Food on the Table to Feed your Family! Or, How you are going to Clothe them!
Or, where you are going to live!
And, How are you Supposed to Pay for the new Health care Reform Bill, when, you are UN-Employed!
Our elective officials need to find Direct, and, Immediate Answers to the State of Destitution that has Infected the Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, of Too many of us, for Much too long!
Give us Something Real to Hold on to, and, Believe in! And, not the Politics as Usual Banalities/Rhetoric that is Supposed to Impress us!
And, if you can not be Honest with us, then Step Aside!

Its Time for A New Peace Initiative, and, A Brand New Beginning!
A New Millennium of Hope, and, Understanding!
And, If, the Present Leadership of The World Nations have Lost Touch with their Sense of Humanity, or, Compassion for their Fellow Human Being then, it is More Obvious that A Peace Change must Come!
There is another saying that, "There is enough to go around," and, there is, for Each and Every One of us!
There are Enough Resources, whether, Monetary ones, or, Food, to Care for All of The Citizens of this Earth, if, Distributed Properly, and, Fairly!
In troubled times A Little Human Compassion, and, Empathy can do much to Heal the Rupture that exits in our Systemic Way of Life!
A Little Honest Effort on the part of, as Billie Holiday sang,"Them's that got," can Change the Future for those of us who are Struggling to Survive!
At present, "We" are Living in An Age, in which, both Parents are Working in Most of our Families, and, are Still Struggling to Make Ends meet!
A Little Effort on the part of "Them's that got," can go a long way to Helping Create a New Work Force of Women, and, Men, who are Actually Enjoying the Fruits of their Hard Work!
This is The Way To Peace!
This is The Way To A Peace Millennium!
And, an Age of Equal Prosperity for One and All!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, A Peace Change is Necessary!
A New Peace Initiative is Necessary!
A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, amongst all Warring Factions, is Necessary!
Let us act, and, do as Martin would do!
Let us act, and, do as Mahatma would do!
Let us Non-Violently organize An Earthrise Demonstration in The Name of Peace!
"We" can not afford to Procrastinate, or, Wait, much longer! Too many are Depending on us To act!
I would rather that, our generation be remembered as being a Brave, Courageous, Passionate, and, Enlightened People, who Cared about the Well Being of All Sentient Beings, and, of, This Sacred Earth, that is our Home!

So, Let us Sow The Seeds of Peace! And, A Vision of Peace that One, and, All can Share, that is Everlasting!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!