Monday, January 4, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXVIII

If you have Followed The History of The Human Being/Society, you know that there have been Great Moments, as well as, The Worst of Times when "We" have Shamed ourselves by our Actions, and, Behavior!
But, through these Worst of Times, there have, always, been a Few Women, and, Men who have Found The Strength, The Soul Strength, to Transcend the Horrors that some Individuals have Inflicted upon another!
They have been Women and Men of The Cloth! And, Pioneers, and, Adventurers, who have Searched for that Perfect Place to Call Their Home!
They have been Nurses and Doctors of Mercy, who have Healed the Wounded, and, Braved the Dangers of War, and, Crime, to do so!
They have been Carpenters, Noblemen, and, Lawyers of The Gospel, and,
The Great Soul who Cared for the Prosperity of their Fellow Man, and, Woman's Well Being, and, Spirit!
They have been Poets, and, Philosophers of Learning who Taught The Truth by their Words, Thoughts, and, Actions!
They've been Musicians, Dancers, Painters, Writers, and, Journalists, who've Inspired us by their Imagination, and, Creativity!
They've been Political Leaders, and, Warriors, who Believed in A World where every Woman, and, Man's well being Depended on Being Educated, and, Nourished by The Fruits of this Earth, no matter what Class Distinction they may be in! These were Great Leaders who Believed in The Greater Importance of Living in Peace with One Another!
These were Magnificent Moments in Time, when Children were Given The Highest Priority on Earth, and, their Up Bringing was Considered A Sacred Responsibility to One and All!
These were Moments in Time when The Family was The Center Piece of Human Evolution!
An Evolution of Human Kind that Gave Birth to The Hopes and Dreams of Future Generations to Come!
Times when, The Land was Respected and Cherished, and, The Earths Sea's, and, Skies were Admired, and, Revered by All who Gazed upon their Beauty, and, Majesty!
And, The Universe drew Expressions of Awe!

I know that the Descendants of these Women, and, Men, as well as, those of us who have been Inspired, and, Motivated, by them, to Reach Deeper, and, Rise Above their own Weaknesses, and, Insecurities, to Face the Dangers of Destitution caused by Power Hungry, Greedy, Corrupt, Insensitive, and,Careless Individuals, are Still Very Present, and, Live among us!
And so, I call upon these Individuals, and, all else who would Rise to The Occasion, when need be, to Initiate A New Peace Movement!
One of Sincerity, and, Hope!
One of Truth, and, Caring!
One of Commitment, and, Dedication to The Way To Peace!
A Non-Violent Peace Movement in the Inspiring, and, Soulful Tradition of
Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and, so many others who Gave their Lives, and, Devoted themselves to Peace, Equality, and, Equanimity for their Fellow Human Being, and, All Sentient Beings of this Planet Earth!
Once again, Let us All Join together, In The Name of Peace!

All who are Truly Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Let us Revive The Wonderment of Living in Peace!
Let us Call upon the Leaders of The World Nations to Declare a Global Truce amongst all Warring Factions, and, begin A Proper Peace Dialogue!
This is not a Far Fetched Idea, thought of Lightly! And, I understand that, this is not a Simple Task to Do!
But, it is a Necessary One! And, Yes, it will take Sacrifice, Perseverance, Dedication, and, Belief, in what, and, who "We" are, as well as, in what are The Best Qualities that Lie within us!

"We," Who Sincerely Believe that the Time for Peace has Come, and, Must be A Reality, Have to Give Words of Encouragement, and, By our own Actions Prove to One and All, that "We" are Ready to Walk the Path of Righteousness, if, "We" are to ever, Once again, Enjoy the True Meaning of Life, which is Not War! It is Peace!
And, It is Time for A New Peace Millennium to Begin on Earth!
Why? Because, "We" simply can not continue on this Present Course of UN-Declared War, Genocide, Poverty, Homelessness, Crime, Injustice, and, Inequality!
A Peace Change must Come!