Monday, January 25, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXIV

Once again, it is obvious that there is a need for Women, and, Men, who are Respected by The Earths Populace, to Step Forward, and, Act as Peace Specialists, and, Peace Coordinators!

Why? Because, even after, or, especially because of the Fact that, although so many Centuries have Gone By, it is even more obvious, that "We The People," Citizens of This Sacred Earth are in need of Honorable Men, and, Women, who are Dedicated, and, Committed to Act on our Behalf, pertaining to Issues, and, Concerns that Most Effect our Lives, and, If "We" are ever to Live in Peace!

These Women, and, Men should be A-Political, although Humanistic, and, in Charge of Representing "We The People!" They should be Totally Outside of the Realm of Politics! This is a very important point!

They would be known as Peace Advocates, Peacemakers, and, Peace Ambassadors of The Earths Populace!

And, Their Jobs would be to make Positively Sure that Natural Disasters such as The One, that has just Devastated Haiti, or, the Previous Disaster in Louisiana, does not cause the Overall Destruction that has been shown daily on our TV screens, The Newspapers , and, in The Global Media!

It is Tragic that so many lives have been lost, but, these lives should not be lost because The United Nations, or, The Worlds Nations were not prepared enough to have Medical Supplies, Hospitals, Food, the Proper Sanitation, Water, Security, Housing, and, Personnel in place, or, Ready to be used when these Disasters occur!

And, whether the Disaster is Caused by Human Beings, or, by Nature, Emergency Communications, Energy, and, Transportation should be, immediately, prepared to Go into Action!

This Global Relief Effort should be Directed by Qualified Women, and, Men whose Life Experiences are Clearly Designed to Provide the Leadership needed to Co-ordinate Immediate Response, and, bring Help, and, Succor to those who are in need!
Our Armed Services have Direct Response Teams, and, Plans so, why shouldn't there be an Emergency Response Army to to implement whatever needs "We The People," are in need of during Times of Disaster!

Nations employ Mercenaries, and, Civilians to Act on their Behalf! So, Why not Enlarge this Concept to Embrace a Much Needed Global Team of Peace Specialists!

Imagine a phone call could be made, and, there would be an Army of Experienced Men, and, Women Set in Action to Rescue, and, Rebuild any Given area, on this Earth, at a moments notice!

"We can not Afford to Wait for the Next Category 5 Hurricane, or, 7.5 Earthquake, War, Armed Conflict, or, Genocide, before "We" decide to do something to address this Life, and, Death Area of Human Concern!

This is just Another Reason for The World Nations to begin A Peace Dialogue, to Seriously, and, Conscientiously address The Way To Protect, Preserve, and, Defend those who are Less Fortunate, or, those who are in Harms Way, or, Find Solutions for The Issues that Continue to Threaten the Livelihood of The Citizens of this Earth!

And, as is Proven by The Global Relief Effort that is Presently in Motion to help the Haitian People, there is no reason why a Global Peace Relief can not be considered, and, organized to Provide Immediate Service to The Earth! Right now!

What I am suggesting is on a larger scale that what The Red Cross provides! Although it consistently provides admirable service to The World, in Times of need!

But, Too many lives have been lost due to a Lack of Preparation! And, its not as if this hasn't happened before!

How many Global Disasters have already occurred in the Twentieth Century, as well as, in the Nineteenth, and, Eighteenth Centuries!

Its Time that "We" used our Empirical Knowledge To Change the World for The Betterment of All Human Kind, and, for The Lives of All Sentient Beings!
And, For The Betterment of those who are in need Everyday of their lives!

Once again, It shouldn't take another Disaster before "We" Act!

This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! An Earthrise Movement of Men, and, Women of Consciousness, Rallying to be of Assistance to those who are in Need!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers whomever, and, wherever you may be, Spread The Word that its Time for A New Non-Violent Movement to Change The Fate of Our Lives!

A New Peace Initiative, with Priorities that A Peace Millennium can Be Built upon! A Peace Time Mentality, with Peace Time Perspectives, and, A Peace Time Economy!

And, "We" want The Leaders of The World Nations to Protect, Preserve, and, Defend our Right to Live in Peace! If there ever was a Time to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue to Address The Concerns of The Citizens of this Planet Earth, that Time is Now!
And, if "They" continue to Act Deaf, and, Blind to our concerns "We" will have to use our Rights to Fire them!
Lets see how "They" like being UN-Employed!

Understand that this will not make The Way To Peace any easier for us, but, For The Sake of our Future, and, The Fate of our Future Generations "We" must Begin Now! And, "We the People," Citizens of The Earth, must Succeed!
"We must be An Omnipotent Soul Force, and, Nexus of Peace!
Lets Give Peace a Chance!