Monday, January 18, 2010



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXXII

In Times of Great Discord, and, Let us not be Mistaken, This is,definitely, One of those Time Periods, "We" have been Blessed with the Appearance of Men and Women of Vision who have Stepped Forward to Provide Inspirational, and, Enlightened Leadership when "We" most needed it, and, Martin Luther King is One of those Gifted Individuals!
Today, "We" Celebrate His Birthday, and, His Life!

I can still hear His Voice Reaching out to Touch Hundred's of Thousands of Non-Violent Demonstrators, when He gave his "I Have A Dream" speech, from the Steps of The Lincoln Memorial. His Voice was, and, Still is to this day, A Voice of Truth, and, Reason!

He spoke out in The Name of Civil Rights, and, also, In The Name of Peace, when Faced with An Unjust War!
He Gave Freely of Himself in he Name of The Peace!
He was Willing to Sacrifice His Life in The Name of Freedom, so, that, all Men, and, Women would Live in Equanimity, and, Equality with One another!

How many Times did He Stand up, In The Face of Adversity!
How many Times did He place Himself in Harms way, for A Just cause!
Martin Luther King was a Great Man of The Soul! And, in each, and, everything that he did, He always Displayed A Soul Strength that was Indefatigable!
It was A Righteous Strength, Rooted in His Love for His Fellow Human Being!
Martin was, as Sam & Dave sang, a "Soul Man!"
And, yet, He was a Man of The People! He knew Instinctively, What was Right, from What was Wrong!
And, He was UN-Afraid to Speak out, with such Amazing Grace, that Presidents could not Ignore The Truth of his Voice.
He spoke out in such Meaningful Insight, and, Passion, that The World Awarded Him with The Nobel Peace Prize!
Martin Luther King was a Man for All Ages to Revere, and Admire!

And, Today, "We" find ourselves, once again, in need of Voices of Reasons, and, Peacemakers!
Women, and, Men, in whom "We The People," Citizens of The World, can Respect, and, Trust in, as "We" Trusted in Martin!

"We" need Men, and, Women, in whom "We" can Believe in, as Millions Believed in, and, Followed, The Non-Violent Movement of Mahatma Gandhi!

Today, "We" are Surrounded by Political, Religious, and, Economical Discord!

Today, "We" are Hounded by Too many Taxes, and, Not enough Relief from the Negative Conditioned Realities that have Impeded us, and, Limited The Amount of Quality Time needed for Positive Growth, and, Education of Our Families!

Today, There is Too much Hate, Envy, Jealousy, Corruption, Resentment, Greed, and, Lust for Power to Last for an Eternity!
"We" need to Sow Seeds of A Positive Synergy, and, Create A New Balance in our Lives.
A Balance Built upon A Peace Time Economy! A Peace Time Tax Relief Strategy!
And, A Peace Time Health Care System that Provides Coverage for One and All!

Its Time for A Peace Change, to Take Place in our Lives! A New Peace Perspective, With New Priorities based on A Peace Time Vision, of A Peace Time Evolution!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Let us call upon our National, Regional, and, International Leaders to Embrace The Idea's of A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
Its Time for A New Peace Initiative! Its Time for A New Peace Effort! An Earthrise Non-Violent Movement that is Committed to The Preservation, Protection, and, Defence of A World at Peace with itself!
Please, Understand that this Peace Movement must Transcend Political Loyalties! It must be based on A People Nexus, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!
No One should ever go without!
No One should ever Live in Poverty!
No One should be Homeless!
No Child should ever go without a Proper Education, and, Health Care!
And, No Parent should ever Live in Fear of Not being able to Care for Their Children, or, Themselves!
Lets "Give Peace a Chance," as John and Yoko, and, a Circle of Friends sang Decades ago, also, during A Time Period of Political, and, Sociological Discord!

Isn't it Time that "We" learned from our Experiences?
"We can Not afford to Continue Walking Down the Same ole Path of Destruction over and over again!