Monday, January 11, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXX

Issues such as War, Acts of Terrorism, Poverty, Homelessness, Disease, Race Differences, UN-Employment,The Environment, The Ecology, Climate Warming, Health care, Insurance, Pollution, Energy, Religion, Spirituality, Politics, and, Sanitation have had a Profound, and, at times, a Threatening Effect on this Earth/ We The People/ Citizens of this World," for Decades, if not for Centuries!
So, why hasn't there been a Concentrated Effort to Find an End/Solution to these Deep Concerns that have Impeded the Growth, and, Evolution of The Citizens of The Earth!

Which Leads me to Question;
What has The United Nations Done to Resolve these Issues?
What has The Western Industrialized Nations Done to Resolve these Issues?
What have The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Done to Resolve these Issues?
Or, The Religious, and, Spiritual Leaders?

It seems to me that the Ole, "Whats in it for me," Attitude has Impeded, or, Precluded any Definitive, or, Possibility, of there being any Unanimity in Action from Happening! Or, Change in Attitude, Perspective, or, Priority!

With all The Millions of Lives that have been Lost over The Centuries,
It is obvious, that A Peace Change must Come!
And, A Peace Millennium must Become a Reality, if, "We" are to Become, One World Living at Peace with itself!

Yes, "We"must Remain Strong, United, and, Committed to Defend, Protect, Preserve, and, Maintain The Peace, if, "We" are Attacked by Adversaries who Thrive on Chaos, Destruction, and, Assassination!
It is The Moral, and, Just Responsibility of The Armed Forces of The World Nations, to Protect, Defend, Preserve, and Maintain The Peace, and, a Peace Time Economy from being Subverted by Forces of Amorphous, who Revel in Inflicting Misery on The Citizens of The Earth, who are The Backbone of The Body Global Financial System,"We The People!" We"are the Ones who would Suffer the Most, so, Yes, it is of The Greatest Importance that any Attack against The Peace, should be Deterred from Reeking Financial Havoc on The Economical, Spiritual, Sociological, Peace Covenant, and, Lives of "We The People!"

And, Obviously, A World that Lacked in Security, and, Protection, would not have any Real Sense, or, Possibility, of Becoming A World at Peace with itself!

But, in turn, Senseless Pre-Emptive Strikes, UN-Declared Wars, Regional Conflicts, UN-Official Police Actions, or, Outright Declarations of War, are, also, Dis-Heartening, and, Destructive! And, Lack in Purposeful, Meaningful, Inspiring, or, Moral Principle, without there being A Peace Resolution!

For a True Change to be,There must, always, be A Peace Perspective, in Mind!
And, A Peace Consciousness that Transcends All The Isms, and, Ocracies!
Which is why, A New Peace Initiative/Movement is needed! One that calls upon All The Leaders of The World Nations to Declare A Global Truce amongst All Warring Factions of this Earth, and, begin A Peace Dialogue!
A Peace Dialogue that is Directed Towards Changing Negative Attitudes, Negative Perspectives, and, Negative Assumptions into Positive Ones!
This is The Way To Peace! And, to Living in A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers though You May Feel as if The Weight of The World on Your shoulders, Continue to Be Steadfast, Committed, Resolute, and, Dedicated To Peace, Equanimity, Equality, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

And, Let us Continue to Sow Seeds of Peace in The Non-Violent Tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, and, Martin Luther King!
And, Let us Continue to Be Engaged, and, Committed, to an Earthrise Movement!

This is not The Time to Remain Silent, and, Stand by Quietly on The Sidelines!
This is The Time to Speak Out, Reach Out, and, Continue to Build a Peace Nexus, that Empowers Each, and, Everyone of us!
And, May this Peace Nexus be as A Bridge to The Hearts, and Souls, of A Great Soul Force of A New Peace Millennium Evolution!
Yes, Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!