Thursday, December 31, 2009



The Way To Peace! XXVII

No One said that The Way To Peace would be Easy, but, The Images of The Innocent who have Died along The Way are Ablaze in my mind, and, can not be Denied! And, Their Lives must Not Be in Vain!

No One said that there would not be, yet, Another Warmonger whose intention is to Assassinate, yet, another Child of Peace! But, Peace must Prevail in The End! Why? Because, "We" can not afford to be Intimidated by, or, Threatened by Brutes, and, Beasts of War!
The Images of Too many Innocent Children who have Lost their Lives due to, yet, another Escalation of Violence on Earth are an Offense to both my Heart and Soul, and, The Poet, and, Peacemaker Who Lie within me!

It makes me wonder, if, I can Feel this Rage, and, Rising Storm, against those who would try to Destroy any Attempt to Achieving Peace on Earth, what must The Silent Majority be Feeling, and, Thinking! And, what Chance does this Sacred Earth, of ours have, of Living in A Peaceful Millennium, without there Being A Global Peace Consensus amongst The Citizens of This World!
No One said It would be Easy, but, It should be Obvious to any Intelligent, and, Consciously Aware Individual. that Peace must Come!

And, Its Time that "We" Clearly Understand that "We" must Demand it, and, Declare it, to be Our Wish, and, our Goal!
Sing it out Loud, and, Clear, that "We" Desire with All Our Hearts, and, Souls that "We" want to Live in Peace!

Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers Do Not Remain Silent!
There must be an End, to This Senseless Killing, and, Its Time for New Peacemakers to Stand up, and, Lead The Way!
And, Voices of Reason, must Continue to Reason with those who Believe that through Violence "They" can Achieve their Goals!
World Leaders must step forward and Declare A Global Truce, and, Enter into A Peace Dialogue with Warring Factions, Whomever, and Wherever "They"May be!
"They"must be Convinced that Violence, Chaos, and, Destruction, can only Lead to More Violence, Chaos, and, Destruction! And, that, there can not be any Real Winner, or, Satisfaction gained by this Course of Action!

If "We" are Truly to Build A Peace Millennium "We" need to find New Solutions to The Problems that Face The Myriad Different Cultures of This Earth!
However, This Global Peace Initiative must be Founded in Finding Solutions that Embrace the Ideas and Principles that "We" are All Citizens of This Earth!
And that, each, and, everyone of us, should, therefore, be Treated Equally, and, In Equanimity with One Another!

Its Time for A New Peace Movement to Challenge The Low, and, The Mighty who try to Oppress us! And, "We" must Engage Ourselves, One and All, in A New Peace Initiative, before The Leaders of The World Nations decide, for us, that Another UN-Declared War is needed to Solve our problems! Which would be a Catastrophe, and, Demoralizing to A World that is already Too Depressed by The Injustices that only War can bring upon us!

No One said that it would be Easy! We've all seen The Images on TV, and, in Magazines, of The Casualties of War, and, Violent Aggression!
How many more of These Images must "We" Endure, Caused by False Illusions, Veiled Perspectives, Deception, and, Misconceptions!
How many More, must "We" Bear! There is, already, an Endless Valley of The Dead, Surrounded by A Mountain Chain of Heroes, and, Heroines who've Given their Lives in One War after Another!
Shall "We" End up Being a Fallen Millennium, Remembered, only, by The Lack of Determination, and, Commitment to Live in Peace!
Are "We" to be Remembered as A Fallen Millennium who Gave up, and, Lost Hope in Ourselves!

Non-Violent Dissent, and, Activism is what is Needed if "We" are to Succeed!
"We" have to Express our Deep Concerns about A Soft Economy that has No Backbone to it! That is being Guided by A Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs to have No Hearts, and, Souls when it comes to the Travails of "We The People!"
These individuals, and, Corporations, care not about Our Health care, World Poverty, Sanitation Issues, Climate Warming, The Ozone Layer, The Global Ecology, The Education of Our Children, and, The Growing Population of The Homeless!
And, "We" can not Remain Silent to The Political Rhetoric, and, Lies that have Infected our Lives!

No One is saying that The Way To Peace will be an Easy Path to Take, but, The Result is Worth The Dedication, and, Sacrifice! Which should be to Live in Peace!

Yes, The Enemies of Peace Wear many Disguises, but, The World Nations of This Sacred Planet, have More than Enough Resources, and, Armed Forces to Enforce, Protect, Defend, and, Preserve The Peace!
And, if these Leaders Lack in the Motivation needed to Move Forward a Peoples Peace Agenda, then, Its Time for a Non-Violent Earthrise Demonstration to Encourage them, All In The Name of Peace!

No One said that it would be Easy, but, How many more Images can "We The People," Citizens of This Earth Bear to see of The Innocent lying in, yet, Another Pool of Blood!
If "We" are to Rise Above the Violence, and, Sadness, Caused by War, and, Conflict, "We"must do it In The Name of Peace!

If there ever was a Moment in Time to Call upon The Leaders of The United Nations to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue between all Warring Factions, on this Earth, The Time is Now! Its Time "They" Gave Peace, and, Prosperity for One and All, an Opportunity to Thrive!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, The Time for Non-Violent Action is Now!
Lets Give Peace a Chance! And, Remember, always, that "We" are a Soul Force of The Way To Peace, and, A UN-Breakable Nexus of The Peace Millennium!