Friday, December 11, 2009



The Way To Peace! XXII

The Way To Peace should not Lead us to War!
Can You imagine Mahatma Gandhi Making such an Untrue Statement!
Can you imagine Martin Luther King, who learned from Mahatma's Inspirational Non-Violent Movement, and, Led his own Successful Non-Violent Movement, ever Making such a Statement!

The Way To Peace will Not be an Easy Path To Take, but, It can Not be Attained through War and Violence!
Diplomacy, Yes! Preventative Measures, Yes!
Because, of course, The Citizens of The World Must be Protected from Harms Way!
But, This is where The Leaders of The United Nations Must March in Step with Each Other!
Clearly understanding that their Job is to Protect and Preserve The Peace!
And, that, Their Responsibility is, also, to Protect and Preserve The Rights, and, Freedom of The Citizens of The World from Attacks by Dictators, Warlords, Illegal Corporate Takeovers, Organize Crime Syndicates, and, Corrupt Financial and Banking Systems!

And, Our Global Religious and Spiritual Leaders are supposed to Provide us with Spiritual, Moral, and Ethical Teachings that will Help us to Transcend The Negative Energies and Forces of Evil who would Manipulate us for their own benefit!

When I recently heard the Statement that The Way To Peace lies through War, it shocked me! Its definitely time that Our Leaders adhere to a New Perspective, and, A New Visionary approach to Guide us To Peace! Because, The Way To Peace is Not through War, and, Conflict!

Its Time that Our World Leaders of Finance, Religion, and Politics, Remember All The Women and Men who've already Given Their Lives to Preserve The Peace!
Too Many Wars have been Fought!
Too Many Lives have been Lost!
And,Too Many Mothers and Fathers, Brothers and Sisters have Shed Too Many Tears in Vain!
So, Don't tell me That The Way To Peace is Through War!

We've done that! We've been there! We don't need to Return to The Horrors of War, to Achieve Peace!

We have Massive Defense, and, State Departments, with Limitless Resources at their beckon call!
The Western Industrialized Nations, NATO, The U.N., and, Peace Loving Countries from All Over The World have a Combined Armed Forces more than sufficient, to Maintain The Peace!
And, Its Time that "We called upon this Great Force of Nations to Act on Our Behalf! For, This is a Righteous Course to Take! This is A Noble Stand To Make! This is The Way To Celebrate The Peace, and Share it with The Earth!

And, There is No Reason Not to Feed and Care for the Poor, and, Less Fortunate!

There is No Political Gain Not To Pass Laws that are Fair and Just for One and All, No Matter what Race, Creed, or, Nationality you may be!

There is No Reason Not to Provide Housing for each and every Citizen of The Earth, No Matter what the Cost may be!

There is No Reason Why any Parent, or, Child Should be without Proper Health Care, Education, Insurance, or, Nourishment Beneficial to their Personal Growth and Livelihood!
This is The Way To Peace! This is The Way To A New Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Whomever, and, Wherever You May be, Beware of Sophists! Beware of The Rhetoric of Capitalistic Oligarchs!
"We" Must continue to be a Great Soul Force to Effect a Long Lasting Peace!
"We" Must continue to be A Great Force of Nature to Sow The Seeds of Peace!
And then, Together We" can Reap and Share A Great Harvest of Peace Eternal with One Another, and, Give Hope to All who have Lost their Way, and, Belief in The Leaders that "We" have Voted for, and, Placed Our Faith in!
And, Let us Call upon these same Men and Women in whom "We" have Voted to Represent us, to Declare a Time of Peace!
A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Begin Immediately! Before the Years End!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance! And, Its Time for A New Peace Millennium!
Is that Too Much to Ask for?